[Sun] 03 June 2012

How we died
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[Sun] 03 June 2012

Post by fer »

  • Arrival
  • Black Folk Down
  • Proposition
  • Finale
With a playercount north of 40 (peak of 44), and a session length just shy of 4 hours, tonight was epic. Thank you to everyone who came along, because it's only through your participation that we have the option of playing such large-scale coops. Thank you in particular to comrades Null and Black Mamba for providing new mission content for us all to enjoy, and to all the comrades who stepped up and took leadership roles (whether at CO or element level). Lots that I want to write about, but also very keen to read your AARs / see images and videos.


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Re: [Sun] 03 June 2012

Post by Mike [MDS] »

I was having serious issues today - some bug was preventing me from typing in Chat. Sorry if I replied to all your Chat messages with " S S S P M"

My question of the day is "Can I download the Folk missions to tinker with / play solo?"


Fun at first but sat around for ages at the end with nothing to do but take part in an RPG-shooting competition with the other guys :|


I was ecstatic to learn that we were playing an airborne insertion mission and that I got to fly a helicopter :D

I took Blackhawk 1, set us down safely, and shortly afterwards looked out the door facing AWAY from the enemy compound to see someone looking in. I was still trying to identify him when I died. I guess he shot me in the face.

So sad :( I should have taken up LZ security instead of sitting in my seat like a moron.


I was on Charlie team. Early in the mission our FTL died but Nim took over.

It sounded like a lot of the fighting happened in front, but the locals kept me busy defending our sides.

After cowering in the Mosque, one of the guys took out a tank, so I asked for (and got) permission to rush outside the walls to rescue Mort.

Halfway through the recovery I looked up at this guy who was standing there staring at me. No name... and that's not a US uniform... oh shit.

Maybe he held his fire because he was a good person and wouldn't shoot someone who was defenceless and saving his comrade's life... anyway I didn't take the risk and I shot him :)

So I rescued Mort, and felt very heroic :) Then I looted a comrade's body for mags and felt less heroic!

Thanks Nim, for being a good FTL. That was perhaps my favourite mission so far.


My team (Charlie team reunited, with Nim and Mort) hid behind rocks in the stream because it was the only cover near our waypoint :) I died pretty quickly >_<

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Re: [Sun] 03 June 2012

Post by x25killa »

Before I start the report, I have to say sorting out the CC on teamspeak (with Draakon's help. Thanks!) and getting STHud working on ARMA 2:OA made a shit ton of difference and increased the enjoyment. Would recommend it.


Echo Fire Team Leader - We have to defend the airfield with all our might. Echo and Foxtrot were shooting the enemies in the east. So far, so good... then a t-55 tank popped up. Ordered my AT unit to fire and the tank got hit. Better yet, the tank can be hijacked and driven!

After ordering the engineers to our location to fix the tank (cheers guys!), I ordered my men to command it. Then we moved east shooting enemies, clearing the villages, joint up with Foxtrot, clearing even more villages. t-55 can only have 3 men, foxtrot offer me a space on the humvee, drove around taking commands and clearing villages. Overall, it was rather enjoyable and my men were top notch!

Black Folk Down

Engineer Leader - What can I say, this mission was one hell of a clusterfuck. :psypop: It was fun being the engineers since our task was to fix up any helicopters (or enemy vehicles) that were broken (and somehow providing first aid to fallen men). thirdjke was my comrade and we drove around fixing helicopters, what could be more better? I got one request for this mission: Ambulance. Very fun mission despite it being chaotic at the time.


Echo Fire Team Leader - We all formed up on the road as the commander says. Split up into different sides, we took DC's side. Our task was to shoot down enemies on the hills. Simple enough.

I ordered my men hopping rocks to rocks, there was a small friendly fire incident from another group but I did shout down the CC "WE ARE FRIENDLIES NEAR ROCK, HOLD FUCKING FIRE". That somehow worked and they stopped firing.

We proceeded to move around carefully, hopping between rocks, shooting enemies. Got into position, waited for the other side to enter the mosque. Then proceeded ourselves. Managed to grab myself a golden gun, proceeded to the roof of the mosque with 5 enemies hidden. I managed to kill them all with the gun, but not quick enough as my comrade Black Mamba was down.

I was thinking the roof of the mosque would be a great idea for my AT unit thirdjke to fire his rocket, but with so many trees blocking the view of the tanks, I've decided to get down on the ground floor and... meet the tank face to face behind another scarred and broken tank.

AT fired his rocket. It connected... but the tank was alive. I chucked the grenade and hit my comrade. Sorry about that. Heard the DC fire everything at the tank, tank blew up. Ordered the medic to come down and heal us.

I was shocked. I thought for a moment that my golden gun shot the tank and blew it up. Turns out it was a friendly KORD that did the trick. Then I took a bullet in the skull, dead. Unaco did his treatment to the comrade and then proceeded to take the golden gun and using it to shoot upon enemies. VERY long mission but enjoyable with the right commander.


Delta Fire Team Leader - DEATH SQUAD. All we had to do was cross the river and wait until we spot the tank. AT unit fired his RPG with only 2 rockets and missed both. I decided to charge, got shot and said "This was a bad idea." I then died. Still brutal as ever.

Overall, another great session was had, improved by the fact my communication skills was lot more better and I was very effective as a leader!

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Re: [Sun] 03 June 2012

Post by fer »

Part 1 (of 2, possibly 3):


DC: Fer
|- Medic: Unaco

From the moment we began we were under fire, mostly heavy calibre stuff streaming across the valley from the north and pinging the sides of the C-130s. Hurrah! I knew all that stuff about EasyJet landing at faraway / inconvenient airports was an exaggeration!


As per my orders from comrade commander Tigershark, I immediately took the nearest HMMWV SOV and drove it up to a position between the hangars. C/D/HMG joined me, and I took command of this ad-hoc squad.

To begin with, our focus was on targets to our north - both near and far. Charlie was stacked up on some huts and concrete perimeter walls, focusing primarily on the north. HMG had set up against the hangar wall and was sending its own heavy calibre rounds back across the valley, engaging the same distant targets as Charlie. Delta, meanwhile, was concentrating more on the west and south/west.

Over time, Delta moved further westward, taking up positions near some open-sided structures and engaging targets that had spilled onto the runway's western tip (or threatened to, streaming down the hillside to our south-west). HMG joined Delta, and to compensate for the loss of north-bound fire I asked Charlie to man the AGL on the HMMWV. Soon, the reassuring noise of the vehicle's main weapon was sending little packets of (exploding) joy towards enemy troops to our north. And it was all per the ROE because it was open terrain.

Gradually, our focus shifted counter-clockwise. Delta/HMG began to run dry on targets south-west, but Charlie was engaging enemy foot-mobiles that had almost penetrated the airstrip fences to the north-west. For an awful moment it seemed as if we had lost a man in Charlie, but then one of his team-mates managed to get to him, and combined with comrade medic Unaco to save his life. When Charlie was good to go again, they ran (and rolled) westward down the airstrip wall to a watch-tower where Delta and HMG had re-position moments before.

Our ad hoc squad now faced the challenge of clearing the village immediately west of the airstrip, but as we were about to set off comrade medic Unaco spotted fresh contacts to our south at the foot of the hill. It didn't take us long to deal with them, but it served as a fresh reminder of why neglecting your six can be costly.

Leaving HMG to cover the south-west and west (effectively the end of the airstrip and hillside), C/D set off to clear the village. Charlie's gun truck was to provide overwatch, whilst its dismounts cleared the compounds on our (south) side of the road. Delta would begin on the eastern-edge of the village, and sweep the compounds on the northern side of the road. Overall, C/D would be moving counter-clockwise, methodically sweeping the village until reaching its southern edge.

In practice, it wasn't completely smooth-sailing, but both fireteams did well to adapt their parts of the plan. Charlie had to shift its gun-truck to get better visibility, and Delta had to deal with unexpected contacts from the north (again, spotted by the eagle-eyed comrade medic Unaco). Though some bandage work was required for a member of Charlie, C/D cleared the village without loss (HMG maintaining its watch to the south-west throughout).

Just before we cleared the village, a SAM had streaked up from Sultansafe (to our north-west), and we had watched in horror as comrade Ansob's Apache slowly - but not slowly enough - spiralled to the ground and exploded just west of our objective.


No really. We did watch in horror.


There was another player in that bird!


Anyway, it was by the light of Ansob's burning carcass the still-burning Apache that C/D/HMG reformed at the southern edge of the village and began to move off towards its next objective: the chemical plant south, down the road. For this I asked Delta and HMG to mount the ridge running north/south towards the target area, whilst Charlie and its gun truck bounded between compounds that lay in the same direction.

As I was on the ridge with Delta/HMG, I noticed a patrol out in the distance to our north-west, in the vicinity of Sultansafe. Recalling HMG, I had them engage (and mostly destroy) this enemy element, before returning to Charlie and Delta. Meanwhile, I was informed by command that our map-click mortar was about to arrange for 'a terrible chemical accident' to occur at the plant.

Charlie dealt with a technical at the junction near the chemical plant, and with its original gun-truck and Delta in over-watch, moved in to confirm the compound was clear. As we were converting Charlie into a cavalry unit (adding the liberated enemy technical) and Delta salvaged a DShKM, the mission was called as a success.

Excellent job, everyone, and expecially to comrade commander Tigershark.


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Re: [Sun] 03 June 2012

Post by Nim »


Delta 4 AT. JimTheDog was my FTL. We were taking fire the second we hit the dirt. We made our way to the hangers, engaging a number of enemy contacts at range. I hadn't fired a shot yet. Delta was set up with the HMG squad covering one approach to the airfield, when we began receiving reports of danger close contacts inside the airfield wall. The HMG open up, and I peaked around the corner of the wall I was using as cover; contact, close, 20 meters maybe, I put three rounds into him. After a while our CO had us move up and clear a couple hamlets. The Apache went down a couple hundred meters from us; we saw the rocket fire but never determined the point of origin. The mission ended with Delta overwatching an industrial compound while Charlie cleared it.

Black Folk Down

Bravo 3. JimTheDog was our CO. What a mess. We had birds going down left and right. Bravo was barely on the ground with it got lit up by a specialist jeep at close range.


Charlie 2. My FTL died in the first five minutes, so I took over. My squad did a fantastic job despite my best efforts to get us all murdered. The mosque was a complete mess, enemy armor everywhere. Eventually we managed to deal with the armor and move south towards HVT 3. Alpha was down to one man so attached him to Charlie. DC took over at some point, and reorganized the surviving fireteams. Somehow I ended up in charge of Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie. Might have passed it on to Bravo but for all I knew their FTL was just as inexperienced as I was so just did my best. This was only my second time leading a FT, so I hope I did okay. I was flipping CC on and off throughout the mission, so I might have missed an message or two from our CO.


Mike was my FTL. We set up behind some rocks in a riverbed, but we were quickly overrun by enemy armor.


Had a great time guys. Kinda wish we could have gotten an adv. in, but there's always tactical tuesday I suppose.


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Re: [Sun] 03 June 2012

Post by ConcreteOtter »

Second Folk session played, first AAR.


I was the LMG for x25Killa's Echo squad. Got a few kills while tactically being covered (aka hiding) by a building on the eastern side of the airfield. Great communication between the members of our squad. Lordhughes (i think) was awesome and gave me extra mags when needed. Missed the T-55 being killed but was lucky enough after our engies got it running again (although they did nothing to alter the char-broiled paint job) to play gunner with Capernations (i think) driving. Got a few MG kills but I really wanted to level something with the HE rounds. Spent most of the rest of the mission being chauffeured by Cap mostly to already emptied villages on our T-55 Freedom Tour 2012.

Black Folk Down

I don't wish to remember the events of this mission for fear of flashbacks of dying before I could exit our bird and then after watching sufficient causalities seeing the bird take off and staring at my bullet-ridden and crushed corpse below it.


Got to be the LMG for Dogface's Bravo squad. Things were going smoothly until....A Group of Wild Bushes Shooting 7.62 Rounds Appeared! After our encounter with those bushes Bravo was just Phalanx and myself. I received a battlefield promotion by default of being able to access the command channel. I tried to act like I knew what I was doing and hoped my American false bravado served me well. Phalanx and I became a quasi scout team bounding from rock to rock and mud hut to mud hut. We had the honor of being the first squad into the mosque and also the honor of failing to properly clear the mosque, sorry people who died on the walls. Phalanx and I parked ourselves on the western entrance and hid from the angry angry T-somethings blasting our Dome of the Rock from the east. After the tank anger subsided the remaining half squads reformed like Voltron into a super Alpha squad thankfully not led by me and we finished off the remaining objectives. Easily my favorite mission of the bunch.


Can't remember my squad or FTL, my memories are limited to faint odor of olives as I lay dying in an orchard as a flock of angry T-somethings rumble past my body towards bigger and better things.

Again thanks to all for involved in setting up and running these bad boys, Playing organized multiplayer ARMA has been one of the better gaming experiences I had in a long time. Can't wait for next Sunday.

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Re: [Sun] 03 June 2012

Post by head »

Black Folk Down
Fox Team Leader
We lobbed over to our fine designated point and as i looked around the corner i saw a shitload of enemies on the hill to the east so ordered the oh so obliged comrade icerasier to shower them with his LMG while i sneakily snuck around the back and commandeered the MTR teams Humvee and proceeded to put death on everything with the grenade launcher then we mostly just crusied around and killed some last defenders in sultansafe before ending the mission

Blackfolk Down

Erm, i was AH-2 i flew around killed some taki M2 jeep that got too close. then did a epic attack run in the end before we called it.


I was MTR-2 sat around on road for the first 10 minutes or so while the inf pushed forward then i went on Fox(?) right flank and killed a bunch of enemy flankers then rejoined for the main attack and our gunner nicely took care of the most defenders on the walls, then we ran out of ammo and went back to get a new humvee

Black Mamba
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Re: [Sun] 03 June 2012

Post by Black Mamba »

This was machinegun day for me. And it suite me well: i died on every mission but the last one, when everybody else died.


Alpha AR: This was the first mission, we probably would have needed a bit of warm up. I immediately sensed some kind of lack of communication and cohesiveness in our fireteam. We did run to our position at the main entrance of base, though, as the first and last order i received from my teamleader (Headspace?) was: Run!

We got there and it quickly became messy. I took position behind the cover of the wall, on the left side of the entrance. Then i watched the rest of my team take position outside the wall, on the right side, to cover the same right side. So i was left with the left side to cover. Our leader ended up wounded right in the middle of the entrance. As second in command i was about to shout something, so we could deal with this properly, but i couldn't but notice that someone was already giving him first aid right there,without any sort of cover. Now i had around 180 degrees of sectors to scan, and to suppress. But this went rather well as my teamleader was raised up and got back in charge, as was my other comrade that got shot. I went back to covering the left side, only to take fire from my right. i noticed one guy standing 100m in front of me, cut him in half, and then saw the 5 other guys totally on my right. I couldn't take any shot because of my fireteam crouching in front of me, took two bullets and died. Never made it out of base.
This totally missed some leading, and nobody called any contacts. I should've probably said something right then, but as a good grunt i just shut up.

Black Folk Down

I was really surprised to see this mission out there so soon. Thanks a lot, Fer!

Alpha AR (again): we flew to the Villa, our MH6 pilot decided to go high and slow over the objective, somebody got shot down, we crash-landed in the middle of the yard, in a populated enemy area. I managed to cut 3 guys to pieces when landing, then got shot and wounded. After that i crawled all over the place to clear my position and waited for ages to get medical attention, which happened while most of our remaining forces we're already in Zargabad. My alpha team was already annihilated. Thanks a lot to the pilot who took upon him to get out of his chopper, fix me up and drop me in the new AO. There i linked with some disbanded units and pretty soon everybody was dead around me. As a tactical retreat was called to regroup and reasses the situation, some pilot (i'd say head) decided to launch 14 FFARS over my position. I ended up wounded again, and got finished by a lone sniper while crawling back to command.

So a few things about this mission:

Fer, when you tweaked this, i guess you added quite a lot af ground troops, which is good. I believe those you added are TK army though, so they get FN FALs and night vision goggles. I was careful when selecting the enemies not to give them NVGs, as it definitely gives them a big advantage in CQB. I was also careful to only have non-uniforms insurgents, as it looks better immersion-wise, imao.
As for the communications, it seems to me this went totally upside-down tits. None of the choppers got there at the same time, i was requesting first aid and saw at least three fireteams pass right by my bloody body without even noticing, the attack on the second objective started when the first one wasn't even clear, and we still had wounded troops all over the place... There might have been some lack of concentration during this mission.
We definitely need good pilots on this one too, as it requires to be able to plan a route, fly nap-of-the-earth and fast, and perform tight insertions/extractions. I knew this was gonna be an issue when creating the mission though, as i said to fer, i guess when you decide to add so much choppers in the mix, it kinda comes with the territory.
I don't know if it has been said that we have a rearming and repair point at the base for the choppers, too.

I'm waiting for any kind on feedback on this, as i have a few plans to try and enhance the gameplay on this one.


Echo AR: I really enjoyed this one. Good commanding overall, and good leading from x25killa in our team. As we were only three in our fireteam, with no AAR, i quickly ran out of ammo while clearing the north side of the road, but my FTL found me a nice RPK, and a scavenged a backpack full of ammo. This went rather well, until somebody from delta, i think, opened fire on me. I made the mistake of quickly returning inaccurate fire for a second before realizing those were comrades, but everybody shouting Friendly Fire all over the comms seems to halve solved the problem before anybody died (well, at least, nobody died in my team, i hope it was the same on the other side).
After that we took position over the Mosque, and sprayed everything around it from the North-east.
We then got authorized to get in there and as soon we arrived, somebody got shot in the courtyard. I asked my teamleader permission to clear the rooftop, as some guys might have been hidden behind the big dome and survived the intense fire laid down on the first part of the assault. I quicly cleared the first floor, then comrade killa went up on the roof, "If i get shot don't come up here".
I saw him shooting two guys from the ladderwell, heard him shooting a third one while climbing anyway (what a fool), my head popped out the ladderwell, my head popped. End of the mission for me.


Delta MG: Well, while everybody started to shoot towards the south, we ran to our position. We were three only, again. Our FTL, x25killa, got killed while attempting an heroic charge after our two rockets decided to go hunting rabbits. I then took command, tried a flanking maneuver and managed to kill quite a few ennemies. Then the mission ended. I SURVIVED!

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Re: [Sun] 03 June 2012

Post by fer »

ConcreteOtter wrote:After the tank anger subsided the remaining half squads reformed like Voltron--
This term needs to pass into common usage for the end phase of our missions. So, in future, when the CO calls a 'Voltron', everyone is clear that we are pausing to reform/refactor the platoon. Thank you, comrade ConcreteOttter.
Nim wrote:Somehow I ended up in charge of Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie. Might have passed it on to Bravo but for all I knew their FTL was just as inexperienced as I was so just did my best. This was only my second time leading a FT, so I hope I did okay.
Nim, you were leading NEW Alpha at the end of the mission, when I'd re-organised the survivors after comrade deputy commander Tigershark had been killed. And you did great.
Black Mamba wrote:Fer, when you tweaked this, i guess you added quite a lot af ground troops, which is good.
I didn't add any enemies at all. The only tweaks I made were:
  • Adding markers for all the new Littebirds
  • Making 'night' the default mission time
  • Adding NVGs to all slots
  • Removing the extraction Chinook (its trigger appeared bugged and we could call the ending manually)
  • Editing down your briefing
Much more to add about this mission, but I'll do that in part 2 of my AAR. If I haven't already said it, thank you for stepping up and contributing mission content so quickly. It is greatly appreciated by all hosts!

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