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Re: [Tue] 14th May 2013 (Return of the Wash!)

Posted: Wed May 15, 2013 8:00 pm
by Pr3sario
JustSteven wrote:Dancemoox, I was recording on the Ride of Valkyries mission, you might be able to find out what killed us. Please excuse the bad quality and my shocking ability to spot people running in a desert :lol:
Thanks for this Steven! It was definitely a grenade! It was a pleasure saving your life only to call the wrong direction later! :clint:

Re: [Tue] 14th May 2013 (Return of the Wash!)

Posted: Wed May 15, 2013 9:54 pm
by Rosswand
Indy Alpha 2 AR - This mission started well, with plenty time for Kefirz to enquire about the qualities of my wand as we headed into the circle. We eventually spotted the enemy escaping with the data and sent bullets their way. More bullets came back though, with one taking out FTL dancemoox and causing an unexpected field promotion for me. I panicked between Kefirz (who was back where dancemoox was killed) and IceRaiser (who was in a field towards the data) and all 3 of us eventually got picked off.

Warlords Inc
Opfor Delta AAR - I was stationed in a building looking south and saw very little action. I came out briefly to try and help Warlord Kefirz? escape after he crashed his SUV into the wall I was hiding behind, but I ended up taking a bullet instead (meatshields are important too!). I got patched back up but never saw anything after that.

Charlie Medic - I got moved to medic during the planning from Charlie 1 AAR due to our medic having to leave. From the planning screen it looked like I was going to be very busy with Charlie marching down death valley, but it wasn't to be (largely due to Bravo jumping ahead of us). I spent most of the mission following a short distance between the two fire teams, with Nothun managing his FT's carefully. My tourniquet finger must have been itching as I decided to injure myself in a wall and, after being helped by someone else, applied healing to myself, the only person I healed all mission. The only other interesting thing I had to do was climb up the hill to revive MMG, but they were both dead when I got there.

Ride of Valkyries
Echo FTL - (with TiredHippo, NuttyTecc, Warner) Stepped up to FTL again, and was initially paired with Delta to move into the town. I'm not sure how good my comms were, but my FT were following me and doing what was required so I was happy with them. Not a lot went on in our part of the town. A couple of us took some bullets but nobody died, and we all made it into the chopper (twice) and flew home.

Re: [Tue] 14th May 2013 (Return of the Wash!)

Posted: Wed May 15, 2013 10:38 pm
by Mojo
Pr3sario wrote:
JustSteven wrote:Dancemoox, I was recording on the Ride of Valkyries mission, you might be able to find out what killed us. Please excuse the bad quality and my shocking ability to spot people running in a desert :lol:
Thanks for this Steven! It was definitely a grenade! It was a pleasure saving your life only to call the wrong direction later! :clint:
Must have been a friendly or one of the most precise long range GL shots I have ever seen :psyduck:
There where no BLUFOR on or near the hilltop we where on so it came as quite a suprise that charlie decided to go FUBAR :lol:

Re: [Tue] 14th May 2013 (Return of the Wash!)

Posted: Wed May 15, 2013 10:56 pm
by pvtbones
Since Chrome decided to crash in the midst of writing my AAR here's the cliff note edition

Ride of the Valkyries
Bravo FTL
Chuckles, Nimrod, and Nothun

After some small confusion about which helo to get in. I successfully got into the chopper (YAY!) On the way to our LZ the helo started taking fire, our sniper/CAS Liaison was killed and we were forced to land short of our LZ marker. Our CO marked a meet up point but I wasn't able to see it (and neither was Charlie so it seemed) so I went slightly off direction and bravo and charlie lagged behind.

once we got to the hill things started going south, we started taking fire from the north (although I didn't know it at the time), charlie got wiped out, Nimrod and Nothun bought it, the only enemy I could see was a humvee hiding behind a building which I tried to GL in vain. Then I got hit and went down but not out and Chuckles was right on the ball calling the medic to patch me up. sometime during that the CO ordered Alpha to go wide and try and flank around and then got shot not long after.

That left me as the highest ranking officer on the alpha/bravo/charlie flank (ohgodohgodohgod) My first action was to get into contact with alpha and find out their status and location. They were still on route to the marker our late CO gave them. Deciding that either squad was unlikely to accomplish much on their own and not know anything about the other teams I told alpha to sit tight at the marker. I rolled Mojo into bravo and started moving towards Alpha to link up with them.

Actually I was heading north of Alpha's position and right past a live enemy MG nest which curiously didn't pay any attention to us as we ran by until I discovered my map reading ineptitude and started heading south which it shot Chuckles wound him. after Mojo killed the guy at the mg nest and patched up chuckles, he was promptly shot by enemies from the where we had come from. We took cover behind the MG nest and I tried to find where they were firing at us from but couldn't see them (I think chuckles got some but I'm not certain). the fire seemed to have lulled so I threw a smoke between us and them and told chuckles we were hauling ass to alpha.

we finally made it to alphas position and Delta & co. took Anur, which prompted quite some confusion on our (my?) end if the mission was complete and finished or not. it took a little bit to got it all worked out and during that I ordered Alpha to fall back to a small town south of us in the valley while we covered them since I figured it was a more defensible position while we waited and figured out our ex filtration. turns out thats where the helo was going to pick us up anyways (yay!)

OK so not so much a cliff notes as I originally intended but I think there was a couple things I did right and wrong
what I did right(I think):
- immediately get the status and position of alpha and co-ordinate with them.
- fall back to a defensive position while working out extraction.

what I did wrong:
- did not realize how difficult it was for me to navigate desert terrain sooner and delegate that to someone else who was better able.
- did not attempt to get in contact with the DC (did not have CC set up since it was my first FTL)
- did not verify the status of that mg nest.

I would definately like some feedback and advice on command positions. one thing I noticed was the majority of the time my compass was unreadable due to ingame glare which may have contributed to my issues linking up with alpha.

Re: [Tue] 14th May 2013 (Return of the Wash!)

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 2:25 pm
by Pr3sario
Mojo wrote:Must have been a friendly or one of the most precise long range GL shots I have ever seen :psyduck:
There where no BLUFOR on or near the hilltop we where on so it came as quite a suprise that charlie decided to go FUBAR :lol:
OK - who fired the grenade by accident? :argh: :D

Re: [Tue] 14th May 2013 (Return of the Wash!)

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 9:16 pm
by Aqarius
Missed the first two missions, sadly.

Rebound - A1 AR
During briefing, our Lord Commander FTL expressed that in case of any driving, he would be, as he put it, "not it". The sentiment was shared by the rest of the fireteam. Naturally, fate had no other choice than to put us in charge of the only vehicle in the entire squad, if not the entire platoon. Penney mounted the M2, with Greyeric as the driver. Nimrod and me were the escort on foot. The mission was a relatively uneventful bounding advance/turkeyshoot towards the first town. Soon after, the opposition mustered for a counterattack. Nimrod and I were ordered to grab an enemy Kord, and head towards SL. We set the gun up close to comrade SL and I opened up on the enemy.
This was a mistake.
As the counterattack hit, the lot of us were mowed down, Nimrod was dead, the command element was gone, and comrade FTL, assuming command of alpha, left the rest of A1(=Greyeric) under my supervision. My AR being lost to the Kord, and the FAL that replaced it out of ammo, I scored a FN SCAR and a grand total of 23+17+5+1(!?)=46 rounds. This, however, turned out to be a blessing in disguise, as the laser attachment proved far more useful than my saturnism-induced tremors would allow me to be. After depleting what ammo we had left, and scrounging some more, we assumed overwatch as Bravo and Charlie mopped up.

Ride of Valkyries - Delta RAT
The force was split into two squads, and we descended to the towns unopposed. Pulled back from investigating the obviously bolt-action fire from the obviously enemy sniper that was obviously close, but nowhere to be seen, our Lord Commander FTL had us fortify some houses on the outskirts. The minute we entered them, the enemy made his move. As I walked out on the balcony, I spotted and engaged an enemy less than 50m away. I went prone, only to find that I have, in fact fallen through the goddamn floor, and was lying in agony on the cold, cold ground below it. I reported what I could, and was unceremoniously shot dead. Still, it proved more mercy than what the gods of Arma had in store for comrade Greyeric. Standing next to me, he dropped on the ground floor stairway, unable to move. The first aid command glitched out, and the rest of the FT was forced to helplessly watch as he bled out. War is hell :mrgreen:

Re: [Tue] 14th May 2013 (Return of the Wash!)

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 1:49 pm
by Issus
Crocuta wrote:This is the session in which I did not die.
Me neither! That's never happened before. It gave the entire session a pervasive air of unreality (possibly helped by the 90 minutes of sleep I'd had the previous night).


OPFOR Alpha 2 AAR (FTL: Crocuta)

For an evening of remaining alive, this didn't get off to a promising start. The CO decided that speed was key, so we were to all load into the RPG magnetchopper and fly around the AO until the crash site was located, at which point we would land and grab the intel before cheesing it. The gamble paid off as we were well on the way toward landing before distant enemies were sighted. Honourable Pilot Comrade Strang, deciding that getting us on the ground was the most important thing, managed to embed the Mi-8 several inches into the muddy field, ensuring that we would be walking for the rest of the encounter.

Alpha 2 was charged with securing the east of the crash/landing site while Bravo went in for the data. Crocuta, in a masterstroke of tactical judgement moved us north, away from the open field we had been assigned to secure to a wooded copse on the top of a shallow hill. It was an absolutely perfect spot, offering us cover and a commanding firing position from the east to south-west while forcing any assaulting EI to cross open fields.

It was from here that we started to blunt INDFOR's advance. Not sure if the game message warning that the data had been retrieved spurred them on, but their reckless bravery in charging forward on foot and pickup was a sight to behold. At least until we shot them in the face.

We lost Chuckles at some point but managed to bag at least a brace of the bounders each (I say, wot?). Even when we were told to disengage it was all done very professionally with the minimum of fuss and danger. And then it was "Welcome to Running Simulator 2013" as we pegged it back north as fast as we could. As previously mentioned, Mamba's running commentary on how exactly he was getting killed by our pursuers made it more interesting than it would have been otherwise, but we made it to the town in good time and the mission was called.

Hats off to Crocuta and the rest of Alpha 2. In what was to become a running theme of the evening, there was a delightful mix of teamwork and banter.

Warlords Inc
OPFOR Charlie AAR (FTL: Dabbo)
While Kefirz and Wires were having a nice cup of tea and a natter in the mosque, Charlie was assigned to hold the crossroads in the centre of town. We each jumped into different buildings and watched the horizon as BLUFOR started popping up at every point on the compass. I actually impressed myself by predicting at least two of the spots where an infidel would eventually poke his head out from behind, but to be fair they seemed less interested in hiding and more in being a conspicuous blocking force for an attack at never really reached us.

Action!FTL Dabbo decided to go on a one-man ninja mission to take out the northernmost HMMWV and left us in town, not before imparting tender words of advice along the lines of "enjoy yourself, have fun and I believe in you". Our parting cries of "Best FTL Ever!" still ringing in his ears, he headed off into the mountains and into legend.

(Seriously though, Dabbo was a bit critical of his performance but I think he did rather well. From the other AARs it seems like he unsettled BLUFOR to the point where they were not only totally distracted, but actually started killing each other in the resulting confusion. And he left us pretty well organised to make the enemy pay dearly should they ever try and take the town, so I consider it a success. In a hours-long coop mission, maybe not the best move, but this was an adversarial that was about to all go to hell so I think it was a valid choice - maybe take some AT with you next time though? :v: )

Anyway, some long range gunnery (or booby-trapped scone) did in glorious Warlord No1 before they'd made it past opening pleasantries, so No2 went on a highly amusing adventure. After numerous events including the heroic sacrifice of comrades Zergra and Strang, and a spot of vehicular larceny, Kefirz managed to drive to the safe haven in a purloined UAV terminal humvee thingy.

Charlie 2 AR (FTL: Tink; AT: wash!)
Welp. It was bad enough that Charlie was pretty understrength already, and had to swap out the Charlie 1 AAR for a medic after the original incumbent DC'd, so of course command would have us marching directly down the middle of the valley towards entrenched enemy positions. Thankfully, Charlie managed to shake off the stigma of "Charlie Squad! Special Squad!" and showed a lot of great teamwork. Nothun, perhaps betraying some wishful thinking by constantly referring to us as "Charlie 3", organised an uncomplicated and effective sequence of fireteam bounding as we covered and cleared the first town (helped by Bravo's gung-ho charge down from the hillsides). Tink, giving a quiet masterclass in unruffled FTL-man-ship, kept the SL up to date on the situation as we bounded along, offering alternatives when the cover ahead wasn't all that we'd hoped for.

Once the town was cleared, we set up on the upper levels in the second building back from the western edge of town and met the counter-attack with all the bullets we had. My M249 was soon dry and I got permission to scavenge around for an enemy weapon. Not finding an RPK, I asked if a PKM was overkill and got the gratifying reply "Fuck, no".

I've never tried out the toy slots in mission before so this was my first time with a weapon like this, and once I got into the habit of ranging the effects were astonishing. Lucky too, as we'd heard that Alpha taken losses at this point, so the (intact) Charlie 1 and the battered remains of Bravo would be leading the assault. We were sent into the northern hills to prove intel and then set up fire support, which we did to terrifying effect. It was a unique feeling to be this deadly over the long distances you get in Takistan, and thanks to the superb spotting skills and marksmanship of both Tink and Wash we racked up a good number of kills between us, helping both Charlie 1 and 2 to emerge from the mission unscathed! Huzzah!

I know the latter part of the mission probably wasn't all that entertaining to those in Spectate Mode, but I have to say this was the most fun I've had in ARMA for a long time, especially thanks to Tink and Wash who kept the laughs up as we cleared the length of the valley, constantly baffled as to why we weren't dead yet :clint:

Ride of Valkyries
DC Medic (DC: Draakon)
After all the death of the previous mission, I thought it would be best to try and restore the karmic balance a bit. When we saw slawterer's death on chat we feared the worst, but Delta & Co's assault down the eastern road was a remarkably quiet affair in contrast to the AlphaBravoCharlie adventure on the other side of the valley. There was a sniper firing somewhere to the north, but that was all we heard until we took up residence on the outskirts of town.

Suddenly we had enemies close and we started to take casualties. I ran across to fix up some dudes in Echo, before hearing reports that Fer had once again forgotten how to use his legs. Grabbing the emergency copy of "My First Book of Perambulation", I charged across the open ground to Fox's position and proceeded to give a hurried lesson about how important it was to put one leg in front of the other. Sadly, not every injury was as easy to fix - greyeric had suffered some kind of horrific transporter accident that had caused him to meld with the stairs. Despite Lord Penney's desperate pleas, I could do nothing to save him, leaving us to flail around uselessly as he slowly bled out.

Suitably traumatised, I began drinking to try to forget and in doing so somehow managed to miss us actually completing the objective. All I remember is Fox fireteam assuming the role of the renegade cop who breaks the rules but gets things done:

SuperU: This is Fox, we're going to assault that HMMWV over there. It looked at us funny.
Draakon: Goddamit Fox! You stay at your post!

Draakon: Fireteams, move to the RV markers
SuperU: Copy that, Fox has already entered the centre of town and has set up a frozen yoghurt franchise
Draakon: Goddamit Fox!

SuperU: Fox is going to move up to that wall and...
Draakon: THAT'S IT! Fox, you're finished! Hand in your badge and your gun, you're off the case.
SuperU: but ... but the wall is just there, 10 metres in front us?
Draakon: I don't care :commissar:

We then flew up in the chopper, and then flew down in the chopper. We were then told to get out and wait for the survivors of Alpha, but I used the opportunity to get the front seat and exclusive access to the hip flask hidden in the pilot's glove compartment. All this remaining alive had clearly given me PTSD, and if M*A*S*H had taught me anything it was that the only way to combat it is to drink heavily. Great session though!

Re: [Tue] 14th May 2013 (Return of the Wash!)

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 3:05 pm
by SuperU
Issus wrote:
Crocuta wrote:This is the session in which I did not die.
Suitably traumatised, I began drinking to try to forget and in doing so somehow managed to miss us actually completing the objective. All I remember is Fox fireteam assuming the role of the renegade cop who breaks the rules but gets things done:

SuperU: This is Fox, we're going to assault that HMMWV over there. It looked at us funny.
Draakon: Goddamit Fox! You stay at your post!

Draakon: Fireteams, move to the RV markers
SuperU: Copy that, Fox has already entered the centre of town and has set up a frozen yoghurt franchise
Draakon: Goddamit Fox!

SuperU: Fox is going to move up to that wall and...
Draakon: THAT'S IT! Fox, you're finished! Hand in your badge and your gun, you're off the case.
SuperU: but ... but the wall is just there, 10 metres in front us?
Draakon: I don't care :commissar:

We then flew up in the chopper, and then flew down in the chopper. We were then told to get out and wait for the survivors of Alpha, but I used the opportunity to get the front seat and exclusive access to the hip flask hidden in the pilot's glove compartment. All this remaining alive had clearly given me PTSD, and if M*A*S*H had taught me anything it was that the only way to combat it is to drink heavily. Great session though!
Fox's insubordination was just in all those cases! We were a two man fireteam, Fer was the good cop and I was the bad cop!