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[Tue] 15 Oct 2013 (Bobcat does it best)

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 10:30 pm
by dancemoox
Thanks to the 26 comrades that turned out for this October day.
  • A2 Missions
  • Utes Clearance
  • Compound It

    A3 Missions
  • Breaking Sisa
  • Thin Red Line
  • Hillside View
  • Convoy
Please post your thoughts feelings, video and pictures as well as any feedback below, if you want to provide Tigershark with more intimate photos I'm sure he'd be happy to accept them..

Re: [Tue] 15 Oct 2013 (Bobcat does it best)

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 11:34 pm
by Black Mamba
Set up a thread to gather feedback on the medical system that was tested for the first time tonight. This way. Please provide any feedback you can think of!

Re: [Tue] 15 Oct 2013 (Bobcat does it best)

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 12:05 am
by Zerith
Hillside View

Managed to live until almost the very end in this one. Had some close calls along the way. (Might still be processing.)

(Might still be processing.)


This was very entertaining. The bobcat is too strong! Video below.

Re: [Tue] 15 Oct 2013 (Bobcat does it best)

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 5:39 am
by Satire
Utes Clearance A2 FTL

A fun start, Alpha took care of the first two Caches without much difficulty beyond a few injuries from random Arma-ing, but lost our Squad lead somewhere along the way. After we reinserted there may have been a friendly fire incident from A1 which may have caused us to get sent on a deadlier approach to support Bravo. Which involved very little cover and many DshkM's. It was a cracking shot by all accounts though. Our acting leader took a bullet and it was down to me to bring the survivors back to the LZ for extract.

Compound It OPFOR A1 AAR

A1's job was to hold the Cache and ambush Blufor as they advanced. After mortar and IED took out the advance fireteam we did just that and I claimed at least 3 kills going sneaky-beaky from building to building shooting people in the back. I uh, may also have shot our medic, but it's ok since we called it 5 seconds later.

Breaking Sisa INDFOR A2 FTL

I put my team around the objective and let them pick some good spots to hunker down in. After reports of the enemy trying to flank down the road I went to investigate, killing one but getting a stray bullet in the back for my trouble. But my team soldiered on and did a great job of killing anyone who approached, netting us the victory.

Thin Red Line BLUFOR A3(?) AAR

I derped and stayed in the Limbo all the way through planning so had no idea what was going on. When we spawned in I noticed the interaction menu had a 'knock out' feature and we spent a few minutes chasing each other round. By the time we caught up with the main force we sort of blundered into an ambush. Yeah...

Hillside View A3 FTL

In hindsight, being designated the trailing element was probably a good thing since we had a tendency to stop and loot hats from dead FIA men. Which nearly got us killed on several occasions. By the time we got to the top of the hill it did get half the team killed. The survivors stole a technical, tied to push forwards and got shot up. I died after trying to run to a second vehicle to steal.

Convoy Truck Driver

Not much to add, I think I was the first to die and left shortly after. I'd love to see this in action with a full size group.

Re: [Tue] 15 Oct 2013 (Bobcat does it best)

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 9:12 am
by Tigershark
Hi gents,

As CO of the first mission I thought I might share some feedback and observations on the first mission. Naturally I would welcome similar feedback on my performance as CO if you have constructive comments to make. I think I could have done better comms last night for example. I was a little naggy with Penney. Sorry Penney.

Pilots...Guus and awaitz. You both did OUTSTANDING jobs piloting those birds landing and picking up in difficult terrain and sometime under fire. Well done!

I was also impressed with the kind of "combined ops" awareness SL's had. Penney at one stage identified a nasty AAA on the runway and after a first failed attempt by awaitz to get at the pick up LZ, Bravo engaged, disabled it and awaitz could land safely for pick up. It was beautiful.

I would also say that the loading and disembarking of troops from helos was EXCELLENT. People made perimeters...there were guns pointed 360 around the helo. It was a thing of beauty to watch. Then when helos lifted off people moved quickly to their waypoints. Very well done.

Here is where I think we can do better though.

SLs and Fire and Movement
I've seen it happen a lot. Firefights mean people getting bogged down and everyone simply lines up behind cover and fires back waiting for the enemy to blindly advance until they are killed. This may be a cautious approach but it has 2 inherent problems:
  1. You, as static targets, are easier to hit .
  2. It slows down the assault and unnecessarily compromises and plans the CO might have in place.
As CO, your plan needs to adjust to changing situations but everyone being bogged down in a fire fight with no action taken to effectively deal with it shouldn't be one of them.

SL's have fireteams in order to have tactical flexibility in addition to greater firepower. Move your FTs around the board. I reminded Lord Penney of this once in the mission and it was great to see that he got the message quickly and began doing it himself (although I wished Bravo could have moved a little quicker than they did). InverseLaw also took the cue and began doing this with Alpha as well. Having one on overwatch as the other FT advanced.

Penney used an FT effectively to outflank some attackers and we should a lot more of this. Here's the thing SL's. FTs are rarely going to move unless you order them to do so. So if you are a current or budding SL this is what a recommend you begin practicing and drilling into yourself to be a better leader and more effective squad.
  1. Determine from which direction the incoming fire is originating.
  2. Have the entire squad return contact (or the FTs that are exposed to the fire and are able to return fire.
  3. After returning fire think about how you can pull 1 or several FTs off the firing line to begin maneuvering around the enemy.
Trigger Happy Troops
Last night there were several instances of people firing at EI when they probably shouldn't have. Anything more than 200m does not constitute and immediate threat unless they are firing on you. Often attack plans rely on an element of surprise. Particularly when 2 squads are attacking the same target. Your troops should not be engaging anyone past 200m without express permission or if they are being fired on lest they give away the element of surprise.
So here is my advice for this situ:
  1. Determine of enemy is less than 200m.
  2. If yes, are they active? Then consider taking out threat and let CO know.
  3. If no, get an FT to put eyes on them but do not engage until SL says so.
It is important to remember the objective is what wins the game, not your kills on the debrief screen. It was frustrating last night to have our element of surprise taken away from engagements that I considered too far to be effective.

Keep Comms to Minimum
Think about what the CO needs to know. I get the feeling people share a lot more than is really needed. Does having a single person dropped in a FT really effect the success of the plan? Does the CO need to know that there is light contact in Alpha that has been dealt with? How is that information furthering the attack on the objective. It's in the past and no threat now. Unless specifically asked there isn't a need for it.

Just think for a little bit what the CO needs to know. He is relying on SLs to show initiative and decision making in the process of meeting an objective. Information relayed to the CO should consist of success, failure (with a why) and real obstacles that are preventing progress to the obj. I'm not sure that casualty reports are useful either unless the CO specifically asks for them.

Just ask yourself...what can a CO do with the information Bravo2 is down to 2 men. So....that can't make the objective? You are not effective as a squad? You need support? How is that information useful? See my point?

Enough Already
On the whole the mission was a lot of fun and the plan went reasonably well. I got a bit sloppy in the end sending Alpha across open terrain happens. I will try and learn from it.

Great games last night guys. Thanks!

Re: [Tue] 15 Oct 2013 (Bobcat does it best)

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 12:06 pm
by Kefirz
Looks like FA got a new batch of aspiring war reporters, huzzah! Now I'm just waiting for the 2013 review video :laugh:
Zerith, that convoy video was really good, props to you :D it looked fun and it also showed that IFV's are by no means OP, sure they have thermals, but if the ground pounders won't clear mine threats, then all you can hope for is a quick death. It also gives you a nice combined arms approach, which is always cool.

Re: [Tue] 15 Oct 2013 (Bobcat does it best)

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 12:28 pm
by wolfenswan
How did people perceive the AI accuracy in Hillside View this time?

Re: [Tue] 15 Oct 2013 (Bobcat does it best)

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 6:14 pm
by audiox
Thanks to Tiger for the writeup. We really should have a place to store as informative replies as that.

Re: [Tue] 15 Oct 2013 (Bobcat does it best)

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 1:50 am
by dancemoox
A few screen shots from my side of things

CO Tigershark doing his CO Tigershark thing

I call this one 'Extraction on Sunbeam'

Fear the mortar for it is deadly!