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[Sun] 10 November 2013 (Die hard and melt the server)

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 11:29 pm
by SuperU
Today we saw 36 comrades in arms appear to give their lives for the cause!
  • Whereabouts
  • Farm raid
  • Proposition
  • Burn
  • Builders Dispute

  • Capital Punishment
  • Exothermic Reaction
We kicked off with Kales whereabouts which promptly melted the server to Fer's disgust (not sure what happened Kale but you may need to spend some time troubleshooting the mission)

Quickly we loaded up Wolfenswans brilliant farm raid which saw Danny lead a WWI style charge that saw many dead however few made it through to heavily damage the enemy team, alas they still won.

Proposition saw the platoon feed the meat grinder with moderate success, I was lagging out so missed most of this mission.

We then moved over to A3 and started with a run of burn, lead by IceRaiser we inserted without issue (Although some small problems with getting out of the helo abit too early) as we finished assaulting the compound the server decided to melt again. We declared a victory and moved on!

We finished the night with builders dispute which saw two works unions fight it out naked in a construction site. Nuff said ;)

Thanks again for coming please share you stories, videos photos and feedback below! If you have a video you want to put on our main channel let me know and I will sort that out!

Re: [Sun] 10 November 2013 (Die hard and melt the server)

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 2:35 am
by Mamuto
I'm meeeeltinggg, I'mmmm mmmmeltinggg - Server 2013

Farm raid
Defending CO
I counted to 15 and no one had still slotted as defending CO, so I stepped up. Plan was quite simple, A1 watch north, A3 watch south, A2 lie in reserve for dat grope you from behind action. Too bad the enemies decided to attack from the east and A2 quickly found themselves at the vanguard. I told em to pull back but Lazer thought better of it and decided to ambush the advancing force. Meanwhile, I had A3 move up to the eastern part of the farm and A1 went on a wide flank to the north.

Well, A2 got murderized, A1 under Ebass made a super successful flank, and A3 held the fort down in the middle. I figured a few enemies would approach from the south so I tried to out flank the flank and ended up getting shot. I spent the rest of the match crawling around and bled out shortly before help could get to me. Meanwhile, IceRaiser attempted to storm the barn where the remainder of A3 and AMedic were making a last stand. Was quite hilarious to watch both teams occupy the barn at one point, on either side, without knowing the others were there. Defense finally wised up and took out the attackers. Good fun!

Proposition and Burn
Sat these two out

Builders Dispute
Stratis Builders Union President
I decided to square off against SuperU-led forces with a force of my own. So we took off our pants and got to it. We were first to the construction site, A1 went on a wide flank while A2 and A3 set up defensive positions. At least I think that's what happened because the next 5 minutes were a complete flustercuck of IFF and shooting wildly into pantsless silhouettes moving around the building. I got Fluffeh and then IceRaiser moved up the stairs and we exchanged bullets to the head and fell into an eternal deadly embrace. Great last stand by StratisFOR, and hopefully next time we can afford some pants. and maybe flashlights.

After Party
Capital Punishment
CO Medic
With 19 comrades still good to go, we played Capital Punishment, a new co-op by yours truly. I was CO Medic but I died very early on when I tried to heal SuperU and glitched through a wall and got shot. I then proceeded to cackle like a madman as the rest of the squad died brutally before even reaching the first objective. I didn't quite realize how difficult I made this mission. Most excellent :laugh: Also, mad props to Ice and moonmoon for charging directly into the military base in that Ifrit. Super cinematic and a pleasure to watch!

Exothermic Reaction
Just a handful of us left, and I died super early on. After a 800m run. Satire, please, add vehicles.

Great fun, see you guys next Sunday!

Re: [Sun] 10 November 2013 (Die hard and melt the server)

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 3:00 am
by Alex
Whereabouts: No Comment.

Farm raid: Sat on a hill, peering into the fog before being killed by the attacking force.

Proposition: Advanced with Willem(FTL), Gunrun(AR) and Alex(AT) as the AAR for Bravo 2. We engaged our share of targets and I quickly ran our of assault rifle ammunition. after several engagements. I picked up a FAL and continued to dispense lead until Gunrun went down leaving me to pick up his weapon, which I did gladly. We soon picked up an addon from a decimated squad. I quickly burned trough the remaining machine gun ammo thanks to the plentiful nature of the enemy. I left for a moment to find a new weapon and returned to find only Willem standing. I was wounded merely a few meters from the bunker he was hiding in. While assisting me, he was wounded as well and we bled into the sand until a trooper that I never identified came to our aid. He was killed when our position was assaulted. The last pair of survivors, we stood up and charged down the hill to our deaths. (video inbound)

Burn: Got out of the helicopter and moved on the radar facility. My legs must have cramped up because I couldn't outrun the bullets aimed for me.

Builders Dispute: The only member to take the time to dress for the negotiations, I was placed into a fireteam of my own. I ran around some before being shot and killed.
Capital Punishment: brutal does not describe this mission. the entire team was nearly wiped out before completing even the first objective.

Exothermic Reaction: A walk in the park. I sat on a roof and by the time the shooting started, it was over.

Re: [Sun] 10 November 2013 (Die hard and melt the server)

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 9:47 am
by Fluffeh
Not my most productive set of missions, but a fun one nonetheless.

Whereabouts: N/A

Farm Raid
- Hawks Alpha 3 Rifleman
As the South-Eastern watch, things were fairly quiet as the attacking force rolled around to the west side of the compound. We moved over to reinforce said western front, exchanging fire with the fog. In the process, Zitron dropped from a burst to the chest, and Warner was wounded. As I went to drag him off the line and into the barn, I caught a round with the back of my helmet from an someone who had snuck up onto a rooftop. 'Twas not in vain, however, as it was to be Warner that felled the might IceRaiser and won the match. Teamwork!

Proposition - Charlie 1 AT
Mission started out normally enough, firing on distant enemies and advancing through the rocks and hills. Charlie 1 seemed to be the lucky fireteam of the two, taking little fire and mostly providing enemy callouts or providing supporting fire. Eventually, I took a single round to the leg, but the contact was quickly neutralized, and my teammates provided first aid to stop the bleeding until a medic could come and fix me up. Unfortunately, somewhere along the way, orders were mixed up, and Danny promptly performed a field amputation, leaving me unable to stand. Even better, the operation was apparently performed without anesthesia, leaving me in the wounded crawl for the remainder of the mission. After a grueling kilometer-long crawl on my hands and knees, I arrived to find everyone else dead, and unable to terminate my own tortured existence on my own.

Burn - Bravo 1 AAR
Things... happened.

I regret nothing.

Builders Dispute - Team Altis Builders
Uniforms are nothing but a construct of the man so, in our rebellion, most of us decided to simply forgo the majority of our clothes. In retrospect, this may have been a mistake, as I promptly found out that bullet wounds are not covered by the company healthcare plan when not "officially representing the company."

Capital Punishment - Absent

Exothermic Reaction
- INDfor Medic
After wondering a little too loudly where the enemy were, they decided to inform me through a burst of machine gun fire. I survived, grabbing a neat little video and the smell of scorched hair as a result:

Perhaps my karma from earlier was equalizing, as I ultimately survived, despite SuperU's best attempts to FF Satire and I with his grenade launcher.

Re: [Sun] 10 November 2013 (Die hard and melt the server)

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 10:24 am
by Satire
Farm raid - Indfor Alpha 3 FTL

Pretty simple mission, A3 spent most of it on the wrong side of the farm before finally finding the enemy on the south east side about ten meters away from us when Von gave them away. I lost half my team but the collective survivors managed to finish off what was left of the attackers.

Proposition - Charlie 2 AR

Ah, more meat for the grinder. Charlie had a quiet start but after we took some really close contact C2's FTL and AT man went down leaving me in charge. After mowing through about 3 squads we made our move over this hills where I lost the last remaining sqaud member, making me a one man fireteam. But, I still had my AR and whilst playing rearguard got to shoot up an other 2 squads. A final glory charge took the remains of Charlie to the mosque in the centre of town where I met my end on the roof, the enemy having to use a zu-23 truck to end my 26 kill rampage.

Burn - Tango Tango Bravo 1 AT Rifleman

Um, there may have been sillyness. Not much else happened for me, we tangoed the sneaky route through the forest and I got killed horribly by desync at the radar base.

Builders Dispute - Altis Alpha 2 Builder

Well, somehow this didn't quite go as intended...

Thanks to Bohemia being nice and crazy, custom uniform assignment doesn't work as intended. And of course, I didn't know this so I didn't think it necessary add tags to mitigate this. Well, apart from the IFF issues it was a fun cluster-fuck, I got 4 people, none of whom were friendly!

Improvements will be conducted, including glow-sticks, lighting and clothes of some description!

Capital Punishment - Alpha 2 AT Rifleman

Not much to say, I got killed in the first set of buildings that had enemy in them. This should be a fun one with good numbers though.

Exothermic Reaction - Indfor A1 AAR

Tasked with looking out for the enemy, it's a little less exciting when you know where they'll come from. The enemy fireteam was spotted an shot up from far away and I took care of the two that snook up on us from the side. Mamuto, I will add some sort of transport for the next version, either vehicles or maybe group teleport to keep things interesting.

Re: [Sun] 10 November 2013 (Die hard and melt the server)

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 6:24 pm
by Crocuta
Whereabouts: After the V+ session we said "Needs more enemies, Kale!"

Farm raid: Opfor A3 FTL. A confusing, purple, foggy mush of me going in first, getting shot, and somehow surviving until the end.

Proposition: A2 FTL. This was easily the best mission of the night. Alethron, my hawk-eyed AR, spotted everything and eventually expended all of his ammunition. Alpha was slowly whittled away until it was only me, crawling around wounded just outside of town.

Tigershark, is there anything I can do to be a better FTL? You asked me to be more communicative, and I know I'm not one of the most verbal people.

Burn: A2 FTL. Both times we have played this and the rubber-band lag begins as we enter the compound. Luckily I died just before that. A2 were to move along the Western road, and as we crested we had an unlikely piece of defilade to work with. Moving a few steps forward, there's a fireteam crossing right in front of us ~30 metres ahead. I call for everyone to open fire but they're silent. I call again while throwing a frag, still no response. Weirdly, there were already 2 people down in A2 but I didn't hear the shots. I died moments later from an undetermined direction.

Builder's Dispute: Blufor A2. This should have been the after-party. We were flanked and I got a couple by the fence, however most of my time was spent admiring the lighting.

Capital Punishment: A3 AR. Since A3 was at the rear until the end I didn't see anything or even fire a shot. Damn those technicals. :laugh: I thought there was only one, and assumed that it was an MRAP.

Re: [Sun] 10 November 2013 (Die hard and melt the server)

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 2:14 am
by Alex

Uncut for the most part except where I accidentally hit the Fraps key again. quite long, may make annotations to skip to the interesting bits. not sure what caused the pillerboxing, it's not there on the youtube page.

Re: [Sun] 10 November 2013 (Die hard and melt the server)

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 12:47 pm
by Tigershark
Tigershark, is there anything I can do to be a better FTL? You asked me to be more communicative, and I know I'm not one of the most verbal people.
Hey Croc,
On the whole you did a pretty good job. You took initiative when needed and did a good job positioning your troops appropriately. My only observations are:
- Communicate more. Mainly just on when you reach a point and are waiting for further orders.
- When you call out contacts please also give number of contacts and distance as well a bearing. Without all these pieces of info it tough to make a command decision.
- Pay attention to the other FT. It is easy to forget that you are part of a fighting unit when you are taking care of your guys. A couple of times you probably bounded a little far ahead of your Alpha colleagues...but this is also my job as SL to keep you inline so this is just a minor gripe.

But like I said...on the whole very solid performance!

Re: [Sun] 10 November 2013 (Die hard and melt the server)

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 5:47 pm
by Crocuta
Hey, thanks. Mental notes made. I've been calling out contacts immediately rather than counting them and getting the range, etc, first.

Re: [Sun] 10 November 2013 (Die hard and melt the server)

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 2:05 am
by Medic Eugene Roe
In Burn, we has some heavy tangoing as Tango Team 1 and 2 (Fine, Bravo 1 and 2, with squad leader Tango Actual though!) inserted (I didn't see much interaction with Alpha, presumably they were partying by shooting each other with the AAF somewhere in Kavala) behind Air Station Mike 26, led by Tango Actual: audiox. Everything went smoothly until shortly after first contact. We saw some enemies, asked if we could fire, command said if they see us, so we shot them. Then there were more dudes to the North guard tower, so we shot them too. Then there was a fireteam slightly to the right in front of us, so we waited a second... and we (spoilers) shot them. Soon we ran into a fireteam who was sneaking up behind us, except jogging in a zig-zag pattern yelling with accents. We didn't shoot them very well. As a matter of fact, they did a job on us. I may have got 2 of them, after spending my sweet time cowering behind a rock in fear of being shot, peaking in and out. After maybe a minute or two, my entire fireteam died, so I had to get to Gaius's team, as apparently squad lead may or may not have quietly died.

Then the server had a nervous breakdown and flicked us around Mike 26, so we ended it and went for cookies and other party-associated things.

In Builders' Dispute, we ran around half naked shooting each other with the newly issued 4-Fives to eliminate competition. In the (quote unnamed comrade) undisputed dark, this may have been a bad idea, as we were mostly only able to see each other by our own muzzle flashes. I found myself illuminated by muzzle flash followed by a quick death as bullets were shot into me. Eventually, it came to everyone getting on the rooftop of the site and making up, until a series of betrayals (mostly due to people figuring out who was on what team or trying to) lead to everyone dying.

I didn't do so well in Capital Punishment. First we loaded into a truck, and started getting shot, so we got out near a ruin or some odd building and took up positions. We held until a technical came and got shot by our lovely armed Ifrit with some infantry help, so I popped my head up again after taking shots at it, and died. My story of Arma 3 that night ended there.