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[Sun] 27 November 2011 (with CiA)

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 10:25 pm
by fer
  • Cratesistance
  • Huzzah
  • Internecine
Comrades, and CiA comrades, that was epic. Around 40 players came along to fight for a socialist agrarian utopia / shoot each other in the face, and I'd say we did wonderfully on both counts. Full AAR post to follow in the next few days, but for now I just want to thank everyone who came along tonight, and to express my wish that CiA will join us again sometime soon.

Hasta la victoria siempre, comrades! :hist101:

Re: [Sun] 27 November 2011 (with CiA)

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 9:26 am
by Bodge
Delta FTL

We were tasked with defending cache A alongside Draakon's FT. The jog was a long one and by the time we got there we were already being engaged, there was a bit of FF and I shot a man before being taken down promptly. The End.

I decided to command from the commander's seat in Warrior 1 so that I could get first hand intel on enemy positions quickly. Alpha were to be sent up on the ridge to provide an overwatch with the main infantry supporting the IFVs as they slowly pushed south. With three squads in the main line and two in reserve with the heavy AT teams, my hope was to have a flexible formation to respond to threats on either flank. The SF team were given their simple instructions and left to it.

We formed up and started calling out targets, HAT teams removed tank threats from range and the IFVs cleared Alpha's ridge to the West to allow their advance. Several static HMGs were taken out by the warrior gunners and we started to move forwards slowly. Contacts to the East were obscured by a slight rise in terrain so Fox fireteam moved to the higher ground in the East to gain visual. The infantry under Fer's instruction proceeded to move forwards at a slow pace until we had eliminated all the heavy threats. The time came to make a push over open ground to the first compound wall , The IFVs moved forwards to provide cover as the infantry got in position and started to move forward. Fox moved down to regroup with the main force, while Alpha continured along the high ground to the West after dealing with an infantry presence on the hill.

Then things started to get more interesting, Delta became engaged from the East so IFV1 moved to cover while IFV2 stuck with the main infantry. Not long afterwards there was a shout and IFV2 was down with no survivors, our first losses. Fer directed the clearing of the compounds to our south while I secured our Eastern flank with two fireteams an our Warrior. The clearance went smoothly with only a couple getting wounded and all elements moved to form up to attack south to the target area, with Alpha rejoining us from the hill. IFV1 pushed south to hold the road just before the crest and Delta moved to secure the compound on the East side of the road. Suddenly IFV1 took an AT hit disabling it and wounding all inside, Delta moved to provide covering fire while we were hauled from the wreck and attended to. Our southern flank was secured by the Fer-led force and the FTs on the East soon eliminated the enemy infantry that had disabled the IFV. With all compounds North of the target area secured, we moved to prepare for a final assault. The enemy didn't like that idea so attacked with a sizable force from the North-East, we broke off our engagement of the enemy infantry and moved to reform all fireteams into one assault line. Squads arriving from the East covered each others movement and in doing so eliminated the attackers from the NE.

All that was left was a sweep from East to West to clear the target area, Fox became engaged from the South and that was all the enemy could muster to throw at our victorious forces. GJ to the SF that took care of the enemy MBT force.

Opfor Charlie Lead
I was to drive around the village and provide a distraction, I did so before charging into a compound wall, pinning an member of INDFOR to it, mortally wounding myself. Much kudos to Mike and the rest of my squad for being a bit of a ninja and turning it round for an OPFOR victory.

Thanks to all CiA guys for a great session, also thanks to all in Huzzah for a great performance. Particularly for maintaining discipline, which is doubly important with so many teams. We had ABCDEF, IFV1, IFV2, DC, CO, HAT1, HAT2 and SF but all moved smoothly, Ta to Fer for taking control of the southern infantry. It was a lot of fun to command.

Re: [Sun] 27 November 2011 (with CiA)

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 1:53 pm
by fer

With nearly 20 comrades at his disposal, comrade Unaco split the platoon into two forces. My fireteam, Charlie, would be accompanied by Delta and the second medic, Variable; together, we would hit a cache to our north, and I had command of this second detachment.

We moved in bounds, one fireteam covering the other as we crossed open fields, darting from hedgerows to treelines. Soon the cache was within sight, on the other side of a hillside field. We opened up on the AI defenders: the firefight was short, explosions from GP-25 rounds blooming inside their little encampment. From higher up the hill to the west, we watched Delta cross the field and destroy the cache. Moments later, we joined Delta, and exchanged fire with 1-2 figures off to our north-east. Over TeamSpeak, it seemed as if CO/Alpha/Bravo were having a tougher time and I was grateful for our comparatively easy run so far.

Now comrade Unaco ordered us to push eastward, which meant moving down the slope. I sent Delta ahead, with orders to stay in the line of trees and low walls. Almost immediately they came under punishing fire. At least two men had been caught out in the open, and I watched them take multiple (fatal) hits not too far from me. Instinctively, I ordered everyone back - back to the top of the hill, where there was a road. Delta was done for, but all of Charlie (plus medic Variable) made it to the elevated position. Going prone and spreading out, we crawled forward to fire back down the hill. The enemy was running up towards us, no doubt convinced we were still fleeing; we cut them all down.

Afterwards, we rejoined CO/Alpha/Bravo, forming part of a line that assaulted northwards, down a wooded hillside to a third cache. It was brutal stuff in the trees, though our numbers allowed us to envelope the objective with flanking fireteams on both sides. I was 10m from the crates when I ran out of ammo for my AK, but Bravo and Alpha had cleared the site enough for me to run in and plant satchel charges. At that moment we were bounced by the enemy from our rear, so I put the charges on a 30-second timer, grabbed a Makarov and went charging back the way I'd come ...



If walking across open fields in the first mission was nerve-wracking, Huzzah placed our BAF platoon at one end of a gigantic expanse of nothingness. Beyond it, we knew there were T-55s, each of which was more than capable of mowing down our infantry if we walked across the sand. They would make even quicker work of us, had we placed ourselves into convenient Land Rover-shaped packages.

So the opening phase of the battle was all about the IFVs and HAT teams. Spread out across the valley floor, with small flank elements high on either ridgeline, we watched red tracers zip into the hazy distance as the Warriors engaged far targets, and Javelins arc into the sky and away towards some hapless armour. Slowly, our own armour rolled forward and we jogged along, eventually coming to rest at a line of rocks and shrubs. This was to be our jumping off point - the start of a sprint.

When our CO, comrade Bodge, was happy that the tank battle was won (mostly), we set off. Running at full tilt, most of the infantry was under my command now, headed for the nearest set of compounds. Delta would hold the left, Bravo the right, whilst Charlie and Echo cleared the structures themselves. At least that was the plan. Then IVF2 exploded.

There was nothing we could do for the crew, but Bravo was out in the open and headed for the wrong compound. We called them in and soon found ourselves moving and fighting our way south through the compounds and gas station area. Off to our left, the CO in IFV1 was getting drawn into firefights; Delta and Charlie fireteams were getting bounced between both sides of the road, their FTLs dealing commendably well with a distinct lack of clarity over who was giving them orders (apologies - it could have been much clearer that they were attached to Bodge/IFV1, not my area). Still, within 5-10 minutes we had fought our way to the southern edges of the compounds west of the road, and in the process cleared the enemy off the high gound at the main objective.

As we re-formed our line in those compounds, comrade Bodge elected to secure the village/junction to our south-east before we assaulted the main objective. With support from Delta, IFV1 edged forward down the road and took a direct hit. We feared the worst, but comrade Bodge was soon on Teamspeak, calmy informing us that he needed a hand getting out of his vehicle. Which was, y'know, on fire.

The CO and his crew were pulled out, and now almost the entire platoon wheeled left, bearing down on the village from the north-west and straddling the road. It seemed to take a while to secure this area, during which I was up on the eastern-most hill of the objective area, concerned that we might be hit from the west at any moment and exhorting Fox and Bravo fireteams to screen us. But no attack materialised, and gradually it became clear that the rest of the platoon was winning to our east, so with Bravo in tow I inched westward on the ridgeline. Out in the distance, near the far end of the objective area, I saw a Land Rover. And some of our men. Under fire. It was one of our HAT teams.


Fox and Bravo came up, exploding an enemy command BMP-2 in the process. Then the whole platoon was back with us, sweeping through and onwards to the western end of the objective area. Though some enemies remained in the environs, we had succeeded in taking our objective for the loss of two IVFs and a handful of men. Very well done indeed, comrades, and in particular to comrade Bodge for being a brillant CO (and commanding the largest ever platoon in a Folk session).

BTW, what became of our special forces team? :jihad:


My fireteam, Charlie, had the north side of the village to guard, though I was on a rooftop with good views west. Our fearless CO spent much of the first 5 minutes tearing around the place, firing into the sky. Fireteam members would call out to me: "Is that one of ours, out in the field, shooting like a crazy man?" and I'd reply "Hold fire, it's the CO". In a mission where everything is purple, normal becomes a relative term.

And so we waited. Eventually a truck came in from the north-east, swinging around the north of the village and disappearing from my view out to the east. I think someone shot the driver, because I have a feeling that later on our CO continued his crazy antics from behind its wheel. We knew it for a distraction, and soon we spotted enemies far out to the west.

AK fire at range is pretty inconclusive stuff, which as the mission designer is exactly as I had hoped for. That said, AK fire at range in volume is good at making one hug the dirt (or the rooftop)! After a few minutes of this I was getting concerned about ammunition and effectiveness, and CO/Alpha was getting hit from the north-west. I took Charlie out of the northern end of the village and struck west, hoping to flank whatever force was attacking Alpha.

We found the enemy, but they were at least 100m out. I shot 2-3 myself, and we appeared to be stopping their advance, but we were taking hits ourselves. Pretty soon only one of our number was still healthy - the rest of us crawling backwards to a compound, bleeding. CO/Alpha seemed to have been overrun, and over TeamSpeak it seemed clear that Bravo/Delta were also engaged on the far side of the village. We had to patch ourselves up.

When we had recovered, I wanted to re-try the flanking move, but the enemy had infiltrated the village and opened up on us from buildings to our south. We rotated and scattered, moving southwards as best we could. I soon found myself on my earlier rooftop, exchanging fire with someone two compounds to my south. I gave him bullets, he gave me grenades. It wasn't a great swap: though one of my colleagues patched me a second time, another grenade left me bleeding and unable to defend myself when I heard the footsteps of an unseen executioner mounting the stairs.


Re: [Sun] 27 November 2011 (with CiA)

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 3:57 pm
by harakka
I am not a man of words, so a video of Cratesistance (which was super awesome with almost 40 people!) will have to suffice. Includes my own audible ramblings too this time.

Re: [Sun] 27 November 2011 (with CiA)

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 8:30 pm
by Joseph-Sulphur
Cratesistance (expanded version)
Independent CO

My force consisted of four fireteams and two medics. I split them up evenly and sent them to caches which I believed would allow them to cover the approaches to any other cache location, thus forcing BLUFOR to engage. And boy did we engage. The southern force, consisting of Draakon and Bodge's fireteams, was spotted at the worst possible time by BLUFOR. Harakka's video shows them clearly silhouetted against the white fog. Drakkon was cut down instantly, followed by Bodge and both fireteams. I cowered behind a wall and was eventually shot by a fireteam flanking to the west.

Tigershark's fireteam put up a good fight with some excellent fire and movement, wiping out one BLUFOR fireteam. They were soon overwhelmed, however, and from then on in it was a foregone conclusion as Unaco cautiously moved his forces towards the final cache.

Alpha AT Rifleman

We were tasked with shadowing the main advance along the western ridgeline and providing reconnaissance for the main force. As we were getting organised I stole as many NLAWs as I could from other elements' Land Rovers, but it turned out that these were not required in the end. We motored up the hill, and dismounted, proceeding on foot to avoid any missile-related incidents. Unaco was being very cautious and we proceeded slowly along the ridgeline, to the extent that the main force (which we were supposed to be scouting for) got way ahead of us.

Xenu spotted a couple of Takistani helmets poking above a ridgeline, and we spent the next 10 minutes staring at them while Unaco got his knickers in a twist about how best to assault them. I assured him that it was mostly likely a patrol of 4 men, but he insisted that the small cleft in the hillside could be hiding an entire regiment of angry Takistanis. Eventually we headshotted the two men we could see, and Unaco heroically charged forward, lobbing grenades and shouting incomprehensible Scottish war cries. After using up his grenades he circled around the cleft in the hill, trying to get a shot. I joined him, and Xenu circled up on the opposite side. We slotted the two remaining Takistanis with ease, and then proceeded up the hill.

We took out a few hostiles hiding behind a bunker, and then advanced to the end of the ridgeline. We had a very nice view of the assault unfolding, and eventually rejoined the main element. We were put under Fer's command, and took cover with Echo squad. Bodge's warrior brewed up, and the infantry began a general advance towards the southern set of buildings. At this point Unaco was tragically killed, and I assumed control. We engaged some hostiles to out south, and then moved out of the town and covered the rest of the infantry's withdrawal. We then formed a line and checked the enemy defensive position for stragglers, eneding the mission.

Bravo FTL

Fer loaded this one up with the intention of having a 'quick last mission', but he didn't account for the tactical buffoonery which our commander, Stoops, had in mind. We piled into some trucks and took a circuitous route around Shahbaz, dismounting to the north-west and moving closer under the cover of the wadi. My squad moved forward, concealed by bushes, and engaged an enemy fireteam using the ruins as cover.

We wounded a few, but it became clear that the enemy had the upper hand, as it seemed like most of their force was arrayed against us. We wounded a few enemies, but all we really managed to do was provide an excellent distraction for Variable's squad to infiltrate the village from the opposite direction.

After I died it was a real treat spectating Hund, mike and zwobot methodically wiping out the numerically superior enemy, through a combination of pinpoint grenades, excellent tactics and communication and a healthy dose of luck. The best part was seeing the General Secretary, who had personally killed three of my men, executed at point blank range.

Great games all! I eagerly await the next joint-joint session.

Re: [Sun] 27 November 2011 (with CiA)

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 9:12 pm
by Kelron
Charlie rifleman

Sulphur's plan had Charlie team on a ridgeline guarding cache C. I think it would've been a great position had the enemy ever advanced that way. Our FTL, head, decided to get eyes on the enemy while we waiting in the treeline, which apparently involved running around in a field until they shot him. The rest of Charlie then came under fire from unseen enemies while I cowered manfully behind the ridge. My courage and cool thinking under fire allowed me to revive the rest of my team (although one was now an AI), and we proceeded to run around in circles with no idea what was going on because the rest of our team were dead. I realised too late the enemy was likely heading to cache B and sprinted through the forest while the AI guards apparently put up fierce resistance (if there were any players left alive defending it, they never spoke up). I arrived just in time to put a few rounds towards the backs of an enemy squad before being killed and watching the cache blow up.

Fox rifleman

I enjoyed seeing this played with almost full slots. Bodge and Fer did a great job coordinating everything. The initial advance was slow as the IFVs and HAT teams dealt with long range targets, but we went for a short jog up a hill and back before joining the glorious infantry charge across wide open ground and the following assault on the compounds. Bravo and Fox routed an enemy squad from a distant hillside (it's much easier to hit targets at range when they're all lying in a big pile, like some kind of military orgy). We then moved up to cover the southern flank while other fire teams rescued the IFV crew and engaged the enemy moving in from the NE. Little resistance was met beyond the ridge, although we did destroy a BMP while in the process of saving x25killa's overeager HAT team.

Alpha (or maybe Bravo) rifleman/distraction driver

Stoops' plan called for volunteers to drive our vehicles in circles in an attempt to confound the hated inhabitants of the village. I was one of those brave souls. I strayed a little closer to the enemy than intended, and met with a squad who must have been sent out to watch for an attack from the north. My first warning was a muzzle flash from a bush, and a man lying on the ground ahead of me who managed to roll to one side and narrowly avoid being run over. I'm afraid I did little to alert my comrades, as I was shot while trying to escape from the ambush. Nevertheless it was a fun mission to spectate, as Bodge pinned an enemy to the wall and the enemy commander stole my truck in order to run over egg, the lone member of our distraction "squad" attacking from the opposite direction. This was followed with some intense fighting as our forces closed in on the village, and finished with our few survivors heroically eradicating the vermin hiding in buildings.

Re: [Sun] 27 November 2011 (with CiA)

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 6:54 am
by Variable
That was an epic mission... Thanks to everybody on Folk and ARPS for bringing the best out of Arma 2.