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[Sun] 13 Jan 2013 (Slippery Holy Rabbits)

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 11:19 pm
by Ferrard Carson
  • Running Rabbit
  • Holy Stones
  • Slippery Eel
  • Slippery Eel Electric Boogaloo!
  • Chernolo (afterparty)
  • Chernolo (afterparty afterparty)
  • 2 Days to Retirement Berezino (afterparty cubed)
A very naughty thank you to all SIXTY-NINE of you fine dudes who showed up for today's session! We love you all very much! Let us show our love for you in song! Or in awkward footsie under the table while everyone else looks on, completely horrified!

After a strange slideshow fever-dream involving infinitely multiplying briefcases and endless waves of angry Takistanis, we (successfully) escorted a tank down a hard-fought Takistani valley. Kitted out with full regalia, Rabbit was delivered to Garmsar, complete with singed bow on top, us having suffered a mere pittance of casualties in return (including one via Waffle-crash!). Holy Stones saw confused slaughtering of dudes who look like us as a nighttime melee erupted around Bakarru Market between the Jets and the Sharks Aziz and Azoz boys, with Aziz reigning victorious in death! Two runs of Slippery Eel saw many, many war-crimes, but an ultimately victorious BluFor - only victorious because ArmA doesn't simulate the media frenzy that comes with the words "Civilian Massacre!" Finally, we partied ourselves out in a nameless Chernarussian factory as we Cholo'd ourselves to a drugged euphoric state and dreamed of attacking a bunch of gangers as cops...

Hope you enjoyed the session everyone, and please, post your own impressions!

Here's a nice little highlights reel from Running Rabbit!

:clint: ~ Ferrard

Re: [Sun] 13 Jan 2013 (Slippery Holy Rabbits)

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 11:49 pm
by DarkTatka
Running Rabbit Charlie 2 FTL under Fer as SL
Methodical, surgical wipeout of the enemy. I haven't lost a man, fired about 10bullets, and overall the losses were laughable. We never came under any enemy fire, and basically my squad acted as observers for long distance deathmachines of our IFVs and HMG. Where is the "we all die" spirit I so much love?

But truth be told, I think the mission went substandardly because of Fer's excellent handling of Charlie and command and control in general. Hearing the littlebird purr with JSRS was nice. I just felt there wasn't anything for me to do except saying "Charlie 2, move out" and Charlie 2 to Charlie Leader, repeat please".

Slippery Eel Blueforce CO
Plan was simple. We have M2's and they don't. We have long range weaponry (and they don't).

Sorry for taking so long coming up with the plan. I myself was not very sure if it will work, but in the end ferrard (i think) helped me by saying that it was my plan and my responsibility - so I manned up and said that that was it. It was my second time as a CO but as I promised, my CO career was quick, efficient and mostly short.

I had 3 squads from alpha and one heliborne squad from bravo. I had alpha SL set up roadblocks in the west part of Zargabad. I chose such roads that they can be quickly accessed and should not be easily flanked, hopefully stopping any vehicle traffic in the city. The roadblocks were supposed to have long, clear lines of fire, overlooking all access to the mosque. Bravo was blocking out the villa escape route and I had chopper on standby. I myself was stationed in a nice house in north Zargabad, overlooking it all with my powerful gestapo binoculars ...

It all went splendidly. Chopper unloaded Bravo and was spotting nicely, Alpha was blocking ... until someone noticed the guy with binoculars on the edge of the town and shot me. In about minute after that, Azim visited mosque and tried driving away from it. And got shot to pieces. So we won, and I wonder if I had anything to do with it at all.

At least thats what I imagined happened :)

Re: [Sun] 13 Jan 2013 (Slippery Holy Rabbits)

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 12:10 am
by fer
Absolutely superb to see so many (69!) brave comrades this evening, and especially good to see new faces. Please post your AARs - we're always glad to hear from everyone, so please share your thoughts, feedback, screenshots and video here (PM any of the hosts for details of FA YouTube channel, and don't forget the a new video ident by comrade YouTube Hero SuperU). Or even just post and tell us how you found out about FA - our comrades in the propaganda department will be very interested to know.

More to post myself, but for now:

Slippery Eel

B1 FTL - Bad Bob
|- AR: Fer
|- AAR: Telephasic
|- RAT: Universal

After realising that comrade Bad Bob had offered me FTL during slotting because he couldn't talk on TS, I, er, took B1 FTL. By that point we were already loaded up in comrade Macaco's LB and flying towards the North-East of Zargabad, where we would set up a position that blocked off the road to the villa. That was the theory, anyway. Splitting my fireteam into two elements, I sent comrades Telephasic and Univeral to occupy a north/west-facing building, whilst Bad Bob and I took took to the roof of another and looked south/east. Soon after setting up, Macaco put his LB down near our position and asked for help applying ointment. Bad Bob went down to the street to help him. Then Telephasic and Universal started taking rounds from the north, and then they were dead, and then the guys in the street were dead, and then I was still prone on the rooftop like an idiot, and then I was shot to death. I sucked.


Slippery Eel Electric Boogaloo!

ASL: Lord Penney
|- M: Fer

This time I reached Zargabad in a HMMWV, as Alpha sped towards a series of junctions in the northern outskirts of the city and attempted to dominate a series of roads running north-south. I had bailed out of the vehicle prematurely, but as I ran to get back in comrade Lord Penny called out contacts immediately ahead and his vehicle began taking rounds from an enemy less than 50 yards away. I saw the enemy for a split-second, but my shots arrived as he pulled back behind the corner of a building. We waited for a few more minutes, but eventually we cleared that building ourselves, and finding it empty returned to a position behind the bulk of Alpha. There we learned a valuable lesson in the necessity of all-round security in this kind of mission. At least one of the enemy fighters managed to get in behind us and murderise both Lord Penny and myself (and blow up a truck). I would tip my hat to you, AK-wielding ninja(s). If I wasn't a corpse.


Re: [Sun] 13 Jan 2013 (Slippery Holy Rabbits)

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 1:10 am
by Bodge
Running Rabbit
Delta AT - We were tasked as a recon force and were dropped by LB on to the hills above the target. Dogface relayed target positions and we hopped around the ridges, I popped a couple of guys from 500m with the m14 for good measure. It was nice having a different kinda role on the battlefield hope we can get more of this.

Holy Stones
As Alpha lead we approached the AO after some last minute plan alterations. Two of my FTs were to sweep through the target area with alpha 1 sweeping West then North to catch any flanking forces. Unfortunately A2 went too far, too fast. A1 hit heavy enemy contact without A2 being in any shape to respond and A3 were late to the party and got a bit separated. The only support A1 got was me, but i was too little too late. Thankfully A3 was now in the fight and Ebass survived long enough to keep the opposition busy while they were engaged by other forces. I looped back round to assist but Bravo and A3 ended it. This mission would have gone a lot smoother if it were not for the confusion at the beginning the vagueness of the plan and lack of communication coupled with some iffy fireteam movement meant that Alpha never really got running until it was too late.

Slippery Eel
As Opfor lead I stationed a couple of FTs as forward observers and two in reserve. This went to shit immediately when the hummvees just rolled right through without and word from the fireteams that they had entered the city, I then got cut down in rapid fashion by an M2 i didn't even think should be there.

Slippery Eel Electric Boogaloo!
This went better, as leader of the personal guard we headed towards Zarg mosque and sounds of heavy fire. We got to the mosque perimeter and engaged targets, and i went to bring a car up. I arrived near the mosque wall and was lit up immediately by a hummer. One of my FT members started first aiding me but eventually i bled out. This mission really needs some balancing work.

Chernolo (afterparty)
Charlie Cop
I guarded the East entrance, taking down one before moving back and basically performing a fighting retreat up the stairwell. I took 4/5 guys down before succumbing to turning towards a railing too quickly and wounding my self. I crawled back to friendlies but the first aid system wasn't functioning so i turned back and took down another in my wounded state before his mate took me down.

Chernolo (afterparty afterparty)
I charged into the building with my makarov high, up the stairs before getting wounded by a nade and slowly bleeding out due to a lack of functioning first aid.

Some nice action there a few things bothered me.

1. There was a lot of chattering when Carson was trying to sort stuff out. It makes hosting hard and playing missions quickly, harder. Please have some consideration particularly when numbers are high

2. There was a lot of people who decided to interject during slotting and mission planning. If you let the host deal with stuff it avoids confusion, if you are not a SL, DC, or attachment/element lead don't bother asking the CO questions regarding the mission plan, you can ask your SL or leader after channels have been sorted.

3. Plans don't have to be long complicated or genius but they should be made to give people direction and purpose.

This isn't just me being moany and grumpy these things help us to have fun, particularly with many people.

Re: [Sun] 13 Jan 2013 (Slippery Holy Rabbits)

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 3:17 am
by Skabooga
Running Rabbit - Bravo 3 FTL, with Labbes, Aquarius, and Mort

Even though it went smoother than usual, I really had a good time with this mission. Under good direction from squad leader Draakon, the three fireteams in Bravo bounded down the road south, always in support of each other. A good alternation of bounding ahead to cover, and providing suppressing fire for those bounding ahead of us.

Highlight of the mission was our fireteam flanking out to the side of a compound from which contacts were pinning down Bravo 1, coming in from behind, and sneakily clearing the compound. Second best highlight was watching Wafflynumber in the helicopter fly back to us under heavy enemy fire, only to have his chopper critically damaged at the last moment and gracefully arc down across the road from us into Bravo 1. :o

Everything was going great until in the last minutes of the mission, one of the few remaining enemies RPG'ed me after taking a few shots at the tank. Still, it wouldn't be a glorious mission if I didn't die.

Holy Stones - Medic attached to Commander Aziz (Halop)

While Halop drove, I took gunner position on the machine mounted in the back, ready to gun down any and all of Azoz's idolatorous men. Just as we rolled up to the rendezvous, I was shot, sprayed 10 rounds randomly in front of me in shock, and then shot again in the head and killed. I have the distinction of being the first casualty of the match, but at least I didn't have to suffer through the psychological angst of whether it was friend or foe I was firing at.

Slippery Eel - Indie - Azim's loyal man slave (serving under Dannysayno)

Things were going pretty well. Azim and company drove up en mass and dismounted south of the mosque. As we were crossing a street, we were spotted by Blufor troops about 200 meters away, so Azim and I booked it to the mosque while the others stayed behind to block their advance. We had the meeting, and dashed out, hearing reports of our forces' deaths all across the city. I suggested we take a humble white car parked just outside, but Azim insisted we take the flashier, capitalistic black SUV, and I'm convinced this breach of morals is what lead to our untimely demise (surely it wasn't because of the ineptitude of his driver/man slave).

With nary a moment to look at the map, we drove off in the black SUV, rounded a corner, and ran right into a road block. And were promptly riddled with bullets as I attempted to execute a three-point turn.

Slippery Eel Electric Boogaloo! - Blufor - Alpha 2 AR

We took up position with our humvee on the northern end of the road which borders the mosque on the east, waiting for Azim to come to us. In the meantime, we kept trying to nonlethally shoo off any civilians who strayed to close to us. Then, a rather suspicious character ran behind a building to our east. I went to go check it out, but couldn't find anybody, and as I was turning around to leave, a man with a gun ran through the gate right in front of me, and we both shot each other at the same time. Automatic rifle beats handgun, but I was still down on the ground, so the FTL came over to heal me up.

As he reached me, shit started going down: Azim had his meeting at the mosque, OPfor stole the wheels to our humvee, leaving it immobile, and shot our gunner for good measure. I was put back on my feet, and we scrambled looking for a replacement vehicle to take us to the airstrip. Then I was shot from behind.

Chernolo (afterparty) The gang

Approached the factory from the south, moving through some of the ancillary buildings. There was a massacre of our troops at the south entrance, but we eventually forced them to retreat further inside. We made our advance inside, but I stopped just short to try and heal one of my wounded comrades. But I didn't know what the hell I was doing (or the first aid mechanic was bugged), so I was unable to get him up and shooting again. I blithely stated over direct comms, "Sorry, man, but it looks like you're on your own. I'm outta here!", at which point, I was shot in the head by cops who hadn't retreated by as much as I thought.

Chernolo (afterparty afterparty) The gang

Approached from the north, and made my way up a series of ladders to the top of the building, climbing over the bodies of my comrades who had gone ahead of me. I teamed up with Zitron at the top, as he was throwing smoke grenades into the doorway there along with another fellow. I rushed in firing wildly into the haze, but it seemed no response was forthcoming. I turned around to give the all clear, and was shot.

Re: [Sun] 13 Jan 2013 (Slippery Holy Rabbits)

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 12:18 pm
by mort
Running Rabbit

Did anyone else have a really weird start to this mission? At the spawn point I found that everyone including myself was buried up to their waists in the ground (in the spectator view as well). I have never seen that before.

Also apologies for my VON not working. I can hear you guys but for some reason you cant hear me in VON (although TS and skype work fine so it is not a mic hardware issue).

Re: [Sun] 13 Jan 2013 (Slippery Holy Rabbits)

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 12:27 pm
by StrangLove
Mort, were you running beta-patch? I had the same experience earlier on in the session, it seems to break outgoing VON altogether.

Re: [Sun] 13 Jan 2013 (Slippery Holy Rabbits)

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 12:43 pm
by daf
mort wrote:Also apologies for my VON not working. I can hear you guys but for some reason you cant hear me in VON (although TS and skype work fine so it is not a mic hardware issue).
Has happened to me as well and I've never used the beta patch, sometimes it even fixes itself mid-mission.

Re: [Sun] 13 Jan 2013 (Slippery Holy Rabbits)

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 1:01 pm
by mort
StrangLove wrote:Mort, were you running beta-patch? I had the same experience earlier on in the session, it seems to break outgoing VON altogether.
No I wasnt using a beta patch. I have tried adjusting the mic settings in the arma2 options menu but nothing seems to work :-(

Re: [Sun] 13 Jan 2013 (Slippery Holy Rabbits)

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 1:56 pm
by DarkTatka
It happened to me once when I had TS whisper and VON set up on the same key by accident.