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[Tue] 05 Feb 2013 (Instagram Instadeath)

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 9:51 pm
by StrangLove
  • Compound it
  • Convoi Polloi
  • Internecine (Zarga)
  • Cholo
  • Cow Herding
Today's session started damn well; some really nice maneuvers and hill-fights in Compound it resulted in an unexpected OpFor win. Moving on to Convoi Polloi - a total win! Sort of. Some construction works held up extra hostiles, so we'll chalk it up as a victory. Some unknown radio traffic is preventing me from reading what happened in between this mission and internecine, so I'll assume it never existed. A hot (exploding truck) start to Internecine quickly turned into a whitewash - IndFor total victory! Finally, we played a little Cholo, and then a little testing - cows love OPFOR, it turns out.

Thanks everyone for coming along, thoughts, opinions and shouting below. SHOUTING! :psyboom:

Re: [Tue] 05 Feb 2013 (Instagram Instadeath)

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 10:38 pm
by Tsumei
A small album:

First mission!
Missed it!.

Second mission: Convoi!
I was an engineer, placed down some mines and then went with Kefirz to hang out with bravo in their kumbaya circle of love and prosperity.(Ref Image 1)
Then when the enemy started attacking I died just before setting off my satchel charges. Oh bum.

Internecine, I think would be the mission of much purple, directly following a failed cinderella. In both missions interestingly trucks exploded right away after we got out of them, But in this one with Bravo I got a bit further, running north toward the enemy position and immediately being killed.

Spawned in a small town, didn't know what was going on, got in a car and was driven around the block.. We get shot at, my driver dies, I look at his corpse, I die.

Cow herding

The high point of the night if I am honest, I was with the cow herding group, Awaitz, Daf myself and a Kale with questionable motives were watching the cows dutifully. we got them over a hill and down part ways in the valley, We could even see the ammo depot which was roughly halfway to out destination at one point!
Anyway, eventually after much friendly banter between ourselves I get shot, presumably by draakon who appeared behind us. We're very confused by this, and after I get patched up I spot him behind a rock and shoot. And apparently that was the last of the enemies.
All we really did was watch some cows. :clint:

Re: [Tue] 05 Feb 2013 (Instagram Instadeath)

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 1:14 am
by Crocuta
Compound it: I think I was in OPFOR Alpha 2. We headed NW to Zavarak and set up in the buildings. Saw a chinook circle around and do a fake drop-off. Eventually we headed down the south road and cut over the hill heading east for a bit of flanky-panky, but everyone else seemed to have it all under control.

Convoi Polloi: I was in Bravo 1? We had our picture taken relaxing by some rocks. Everyone in my team died too quickly, and every time I peeked my head over I saw either tracers whizzing by my face, or someone near me getting cut down. Changing position didn’t help.

Internecine (Zarga): I was an American soldier on a roof, reporting contacts to the East just before seeing the IFV light them up. Then I woke up in a bush and realised I was actually Takistani and it had all been a dream. I was one of the few INDFOR to die when OPFOR attacked from the South.

Cholo: I think it was IceRaiser who came up behind me and unloaded a full clip into me at point blank. Still alive, I fought the wounded animation and tried to turn around. He unloaded another clip and reloaded. I’m still turning. Another clip, and I’m dead.

Cow Herding: I was tasked with looking for enemy cow herders and running them over in the technical. Either I hit a rock or someone was a really good shot. I saw the cows taking their time in spectator and called it a night.

Re: [Tue] 05 Feb 2013 (Instagram Instadeath)

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 2:10 pm
by Dogface
A lively session with about 35 folks, with a few teething problems setting up a couple of the levels, but with all the more learned for future sessions. A tired and slightly stressed Strang did admirably at controlling the mob. I know we all hugely appreciate what you (Strang) do in hosting these sessions and keeping things moving, so please understand that if we're rowdy and cheeky, it's just because we're having fun!

Compound It

BLUFOR (attacking), B1 AT. Me and Kefirz (as AR) attached to A1 as we landed South-West of the village in our chinook, piloted by Macaco, who then started circling, scouting and staging the odd fake landing. We had some nice tight tactical movement under the direction of the CO (Draakon?) up to a ridgeline to observe, then moving into some small compounds at the South of the village. We spotted and neutralised a couple of scouts, but as we started moving North to the first cache location, we came under fire from a set of rocks to the East.

Although we managed to move in and clear them out, this proved our downfall as the enemy had time to set up in some more rocks to the North, pinning us with withering fire and cutting down all who tried to escape (including me and Kefirz). Finally Macaco was called in for a daring extraction, managing to avoid crashing at the rocky and bullet-y LZ, being hit by Strang's RPGs, or leaving behind a straggler. Sadly the two escapees and plucky pilot were never to make it out, as Strang snuck up on their landing zone and blasted the inside of the chinook to smithereens, the blighter.

Convoi Polloi

COM. A straightforward but enjoyable convoy ambush mission. We moved into the village of Sakhe to intercept a Russian convoy of armour and trucks, setting up around a tight bend in the road, the intention being to split the convoy, with the armoured forward element being stopped by the MAT, SPG, mines and satchels set up along a short stretch of road at the north, supported by alpha squad, and the more vulnerable trucks being left out of sight, to be mopped up by Charlie in the south, with Bravo perched on a hill above the corner itself to cover the whole convoy.

Unfortunately things didn't quite go according to plan. Much of the convoy seems to have gotten stuck down in the south, leaving only 5-6 APCs rolling into the village. However, a couple of accidental shots from our side (always push ESC or M before you alt-tab, lads!) caused the Russkies to figure out something was up, with troops dismounting and APC gunners opening up before the mini-convoy had passed the bend.

This put a lot of pressure on Charlie and Bravo, who were heavily engaged straight away with Bravo and Alpha pouring on gunfire and RPGs. Despite a rather "exuberant" approach to aiming, the sheer volume of rockets eventually reduced most of the APCs to wreckage and slowly whittled down the troops. Charlie were eventually able to rally themselves and help Bravo take out the last few troops, with Alpha and possibly the remainder of the MAT and SPG teams filtering down from the North to provide enough firepower to take out the last remaining APC, although the Russians seem to have bolted on enough extra armour for it to survive at least 3-4 direct RPG hits.

With casualties running high, it was at this point decided to make a tactical withdrawal before the Soviets could pull themselves together to launch a counterattack, with the ambushing forces escaping through a wooded valley to the East.

Lesson of the day: even one accidental discharge at the wrong time can seriously affect the team's plans, so make sure you push ESC or M before you alt-tab, and keep that trigger-finger off your LMB!

Internecine (Zarga)

After a short but intense group hallucination in which we were viciously cut down by an APC while trying to storm one village, we awoke to find ourselves tasked with assaulting a foggier, less APC-infested one. Despite forming a mighty Tactical Blob under Kefirz's direction, sadly, we fared little better this time, with effective defensive fire making a bloody mess of all who tried to approach.


With nerves fraying, we hit the afterparty early with a bit of classic Cholo. Sadly the cops were on form today, managing to cut me down the second I peeked round a corner. Good show!

Re: [Tue] 05 Feb 2013 (Instagram Instadeath)

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 4:15 pm
by fer
Dogface wrote:A tired and slightly stressed Strang did admirably at controlling the mob. I know we all hugely appreciate what you (Strang) do in hosting these sessions and keeping things moving, so please understand that if we're rowdy and cheeky, it's just because we're having fun!
Really glad to see comrade Strang getting this kind of supportive message; organising wholesale death experiences for 30-60 comrades whilst armed with no more than a Makarov, wit and an unshakeable belief in the Party line can be a gruelling thing, even if you're Strang and therefore blessed with a smooth radio voice. There is no truth to the rumour that a secret Party research institute is trying to grow replicas of Strang's vocal chords and graft them onto those of gulag prisoners willing volunteers in an attempt to create a Super Host.


Re: [Tue] 05 Feb 2013 (Instagram Instadeath)

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 5:09 pm
by audiox
Compound It!
OpFor Alpha 2 FTL. A2 : audiox, Crocuta, Pickers, Wilbo Baggins
This was rather uneventful. Alpha 2 was tasked with guarding the North-West of our general area. A Chinook flew by, other fireteams took care of most business, and i somehow managed to get one kill. Goodness knows how.
It is harrowing to have that Chinook circling above.

Alpha2 FTL. A2 : audiox, Mattias, cloin, Skalpaddan
"And then you just teleport...." Or, in my case, do not teleport to start. Unfortunately my fireteam then had to run all the way to our designated position, pissing some people off in the process since i was a bit off on where to run. (Didn't spook the convoy though... luckily...)

This problem with the teleport-function has been a problem before. It is apparently because my scrool wheel fails to activate the team control menu. Can anybody provide me with functioning keybindings for these menus?

Other than that decent fun. Had to get to bed early, so i only played those two.