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[Sun] 05 May 2013 (Friendly Fires)

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 10:22 pm
by fer
  • CompoundIt SE (3 caches)
  • Utes Clearance (3 objectives ... later reduced to 2)
  • Moonless SE (with a Hind)
  • Cholo Episode 2 (with more explosions)
  • Valley
  • ChernOLO!
Comrades! A superb turnout with a high point of 58 brave fighters and a session that was still going strong after 4 hours! More words to follow, but please feel free to add your own below (and pictures and videos, naturally) ...

Re: [Sun] 05 May 2013 (Friendly Fires)

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 12:39 am
by Mojo
First I want to say thanks to everyone who joined the session. It was a really good experience and my very first time actually playing online and that even with so many people, I am looking forward to a lot more sessions in the future!

Anyway, to the AAR


CompoundIt SE - 1st game. Confusion, extreme unluck and rocks.
First game in FA and already I am confused. Everyone talking about bravo, alpha and FTL´s. My brain decides to restart and I await to see what will be left at the end. Lucky me, Fer decides to open the Mortar slot! I jump on the assistant gunner and leave the leading to someone who knows more or less what they are doing. Marlon (something like that, sorry :( ) becomes my gunner and the game starts with us running a bit like headless chickens between the buildings and hills. We find a quiet backyard and set it up, ready to send some rounds towards our mutual enemies, the BAF.

However, before the BAF arrives, we find another enemy has intruded our space. The HMG team is strugling with the old HMG tripod and ends up almost killing one of theyr guys. (I think they placed it ontop of eachother :lol:) Shortly after this incident, another enemy turns up. The rocks have killed a fellow insurgent! Seemed like the bikes arent that good at doing trials up cliffs afterall.

Finally. Reports of the Chinook are coming in and we get ordered to send a round into the hills surrounding our sleepy village. Soon we see ourselves shooting rounds all over the first cache and into the hills just north of our position. We get a good EOT with some well coordinated shots as the Chinooks starts to herrass our positions and especially the HMG team. Its reign of terror is cut short by the pilots death wich in turn sends it crashing into the hill about 200m from our mortar position. After the final round is shot we attempt to regroup with the commander (I think) but BAf are swarming down the hill like ants! I lay down fire while my gunner runs away and eventually runs too far away too. When i finally catch up with him I hear a huge crack near my turban and the next thing I see is a death screen. Shortly after, BAF was defeated and our precious caches where secure.

Utes Clearance - 2nd game. USB port rage

Wee, finally some COOP! I finally understood the system and joined Alpha 1 as a Rifleman. I had a experienced leader, moon as SAW gunner and what seemed to be a good pilot. The plan was good (on the map) and we procceded into the air with high hopes. However, we managed to fly for 10 seconds before the whole thing crashed into the sea and wiped out all of alpha. The pilots steering stick thingy had a loose connection.

Utes Clearance 3rd game. Alphas demise and comeback

Fer decided to give us another go (hurray). Same slots, same plan. The pilot had put extra gaffa tape on the steering and we where good to go. However, this victory was short lived as we where met with a hail of MG fire from the island. Alpha, once again, was wiped out in 10 seconds. The only survivors being me, moon and a rifleman from alpha 3. Oh god the confusion.
Already I saw people talking about alphas quick death and desperate requests for a sitrep by the few scattered survivors. I quickly dragged a corpse from a AR gunner and grabbed his SAW to lay down some fire on the airfield. Me and moon made a dash to the east and up a hill for cover to create a BOS. A russian AA gun decided otherwise and started to blast away at our position. Luckily the gunner was a bit drunk and had a tendency to miss wich gave us a chance to blow the vehicle to bits with our SAW´s and retreat into a lowing in the hill. Here we found bits and pieces of bravo who had taken a few losses trying to push up the hill.
We where ordered to join bravo and I had the luck to get into Ferrard Carsons roughnecks. With new squadmates we managed to take over 2 caches, get left behind by a chopper and find out that Dan doesnt fit into a portable toilet box.

AAR end.

I had to return to real life after this but it was a lot of fun. The layout at first was a bit confusing but it didnt take long to grasp and the prep- and briefing time was good. Internal comms where a bit lacking at Utes but that was thanks to the confusion of loosing 98% of Alpha.

Mojo out

Re: [Sun] 05 May 2013 (Friendly Fires)

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 2:18 am
by pvtbones
Defenders, Alpha 2(?) AT /AAR

tasked with watching NE my team quickly got into position and began scanning our sector. our AAR died early due to subversion capitalistic tendencies and our FTL ordered someone to grab the AAR. since no one else did I took it and set up position beside the body to make sure it did not reanimated as a capitalist zombie.

the Chinook flew by a few times and we spread out among the near by buildings. a little while later I saw people moving in the hills North to my position, after determining it was in fact not drunken hallucination. I, our FTL and SL coordinated Mortar onto their position. (discussions with the enemy later revealed it did little but scare them) and they took off eastward out of my view. after that I was pretty useless because I couldn't see where they were ( think the hill they were on blocked my view) but occasionally took fire. while looking around I fell off my building and injured myself. I managed to get to my FTL and get patched up and basically spent some more time being useless and not seeing anyone (even though there seemed to be everywhere)

our 3rd mate managed to sneak up around behind and gun down a couple Blufor before gloriously giving his life for the cause, and my FTL moving up the hill began taking fire and getting injured. I was determined to save my leader for he saved me so I threw a bad smoke and made a run for him, grabbing him and dragging him back to the cover of two buildings but alas he was already gone, curiously I took absolutely no fire during that whole event so I can only assume my daring blinded them momentarily in shock and awe.

again I looked around seeing no one for a while before I thought about grabbing my FTL's binoculars. The moment I started to lift them the match ended in victory (I presume because the Binocular were somehow magical.)

Utes Clearance 1
Bravo (CCP was FTL) Rifleman

Mission was restarted after Alpha pilot forgot his lucky socks ... or something.

Utes Clearance 2

Don't know exactly what to alpha this time time but they didn't make it to the party again. we managed to land and seemed to be taking sporadic fire infront of us as we disembarked. there was a lot of chaos going on here and the two other bravo elements moved towards the next marker while our group attempted to engage the hostiles. there was a BTR (??) and I think a MG nest along with some infantry engaging bravo from a distance and I was really wishing I had an AT launcher. our AAR got injured and I again threw a bad smoke before running over and trying to help him, which only made the incoming fire increase before I stopped and decided to drag him back a little bit and applying first aid.

moving back to engage I got killed almost instantly.

watching in spectator it seems the AAR got injured again and couldn't walk so CCP and the other squaddie carried him onward to the rest of bravo and took up the fight whenever he got put down and picked back up to move again (so props to you three guys :eng101: )

Alpha 1 AT

this mission seemed to have gone really well. the ambush went off without any causalities (I think) and we took the town in force and I even got to blow up trucks with my RPG! :D

Cholo episode 2
UN Helo Insertion team (AT)

I was one of the (un)lucky elite assault members who got into the helo fastest
it was a good plan our commander made. But unfortunately our pilot misjudged where he was landing and landed on the wrong building. I was shot dead moments before the helo made contact with said building.

JIP Helo Gunner

Guus was my pilot as we flew speedily towards the valley while passing over the valley in an attempt to strafe some of the enemy before meeting up with the ground elements. I was hit before I could even see anyone and we had to land to patch me up. taking off again we attempted to assist the ground elements again and a single MG shot took out our engine and we crashed into a beautiful fireball on the opposite side of the valley.

Re: [Sun] 05 May 2013 (Friendly Fires)

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 8:11 am
by Pr3sario
Only my second time in the server last night and I am starting to get the hang of the process now. Thanks to everyone for making newbies feel so welcome in the server.

Mission 1: Charge!! Oh whoops...
Alpha 2

So as we boarded the helis it became clear that only our Squad Leader had VON working. A quick chat about Y/N being acceptable answers and we were off. After landing we moved to some rocks a few hundred meters from the LZ. Our Squad Leader DM was Arma'd by the rocks, and was very much dead. Nitram stepped up to lead.

As we moved in over the hill to get a look at the town we came under mortar fire. Fuck. "Fall back 350 degrees" was the call. Our squad followed that order and were joined by a straggler from another squad. We must have missed a follow up order as we were separated from the rest of Alpha. As we regrouped we were ordered to move towards the town, with the rest of Alpha providing covering fire. Shit there's a lot of heavy fire coming from that compound. Nitram went down, I hit the deck. I was hit, then again. Dead. Over comms all we heard was "oh fuck we lost Alpha 2"... Yes we did - but it was fun!

Mission 2: Dead, then dead again.
Alpha 2

As part of Alpha I went down with the chopper. Then on a second attempt I was killed before we landed. :bang:

Mission 3: Finally VON Success
Alpha 2

Used the time while everyone was playing Misson 2 well and managed to get VON working and was in a squad with Dan, Nitram and Rosswand. This mission seemed to go quite well and went without a hitch. We were led well by Dan and being able to use VON made a hell of a difference in my enjoyment of the game. At one point, while clearing buildings I was Arma'd. Laughter came over the Squad Chat on TS. "Alpha 2 has had an issue with some stairs, we are gonna hold here". Nitram got me up and running again and it was smooth going until the mission was completed.

After that I called it a night. Much fun was had.

Re: [Sun] 05 May 2013 (Friendly Fires)

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 8:21 am
by Draakon
CompoundIt SE
Transport Helo 1
Pilot - SuperÜ
Crew Chief - Left gunner
Door Gunner - Tired Hippo (?)
Rear Gunner - Zerga

So what did this mission tell me about Chinooks, Miniguns and Dshkguns?
1) A full squad will take up to 14 slots in the chinook, leaving some more space.
2) Flying high speed low drag, use 2000 rpm mode on the minigun with the change to hit anything because that mode has spread, while 4000 rpm mode shoots lazors.
3) A Dshkgun can take out the engines fairly easily
4) Autorotating is hard. Especially if you happen to land on a building.

The 2 LZ our CO placed down went smooth. People got out fairly quickly and during transit followed my safety tips. Also, stay clear of rocks! Because poor DW (who was in Alpha squad) got eaten by one.

From what I saw from the air and later in the spectator view, Blufor got decimated. I really think that the slotting should be every 2 Blufor guy to 1 Opfor. And Antler killing both CO's.
So I hereby present him with the following title (as everyone said in TS3 as well):

Utes Clearance
Deputy Commander

Uh, this one was messy.

With some communication problems in the beginning and some possible buggy stuff, it took a bit of time until everyone was in the air. I don't personally know what took some people so long, and I don't want to know, but what I do know is Tiger died!

So, before even LB that I was in (with Tiger and MMG) landed at Charlies LZ, I saw lot of death messages by Alpha. I thought, "Did TH1 crash into the sea again?". Apparently, the LZ they chose was too close the airfield. Alas, even with Bravos help, there was nobody to rescue it seems. Anyway, landing at Charlies LZ before Charlie's chopper reached there, I followed Tiger to the spot Charlie was supposed to be having a distraction/kinda base of fire hill. And then came the realization from Tiger (and me as well): The objectives have changed! Although the first objective moved a bit North, the general plan seemed to stay the same. Charlie taking position due South from the cache and Bravo + whatever Alpha remained coming in from the West. However, the old Charlie LZ, directly East from that cache (and South from Strelka) on the beach had enemy contacts. Tiger, leading from the front as always ( :lol: ) died bravely nearby some trees. So I had to take command.

What followed was a semi-successful mission. Ordering Charlie to clear the beach and move East, just outskirts of a barn/some walls of Strelka on a standby position, while Bravo went further East and taking up a BOF spot to cover Charlie. It seemed Charlie was taking casualties from the town, so I ordered to get out of there and concentrate on the objective, which they took with ease since it was already abandoned/bodies were laying around. Right, Satchels in place, we went North, past Strelka (since apparently the enemy decided to go BOOF!), taking up position a bit Westish from the local light tower. Word then came in from HQ: "Take that cache and then exfill". So, we did that. Bravo providing BOF again, while Charlie moving in. And then HQ sent word again: "Exfill hot! Exfill hot!". Oookay, so I moved the exfill LZ from the light tower area directly besides the cache. During my questioning over CC, I found out that besides the TH3, TH2 was still alive as well! Good, that means both squads can exfill. TH3 landed first, took some guys aboard while TH2 exploded in the distance ( :siiigh: ). Satchels in place, TH3 decided to get out of the area, while I still believe had some room in it. The Satchels blew up a short while after that.

Moonless SE
The Crazy Charlie Squad!
Charlie 1:
FTL - Zitron
AR - Me
AAR - ???
AT - ???

They are after my NVG's! And my boots! And my other secret stuff! And my own golden Makarov even! They will not have that pleasure seeing me dead! And they didn't!

Waiting a while for the few enemy dudes to show up, we just kinda waited behind some rocks. Squad lead decided to call us Crazy, Alpha was singing camp songs and I don't even know what Bravo was doing. BBQ? Anyway, once the guys showed up, everyone unleashed at least an entirety of 1 mag. On 6-8 guys. After that, we moved with ease towards the town, following the high hills due East of the same round where the enemy got ambushed into the town. MMG had joined up with us.

Taking the town and clearing it was very easy. No casualties so far. Moving east, where there was a small ridge line, our SL and my FTL decided to go do Valhalla. Well, I took command of Charlie late in the mission, because the last objective was destroyed.

Oh, and our gunner-less Mi-24D seemed to do well as well, but they still died at the end.

Cholo Episode 2
Glorious AZIZ!

Having captured the Police HQ and finding 2 hostages, I decided we need our three new assets alive and kill the imperialist pigs that were coming to reclaim it.

I sent Bravo 1 to the North East(ish) on to the hill, taking hidey spots inside the buildings. Alpha was to go opposite of the construction site and take hidey spots there. Bravo, once in position was to wait for enemy to get close to the HQ before coming out of the hiding and starting to shoot them. Alpha was mainly waiting to ambush any potential targets by the HQ or construction site. What happened next was glorious!

During me booby trapping the Construction Site with IEDs, Bravo decided to take potshots and fire an RPG or two at the advancing UN forces, taking out an M113 and some troops. Once I was done booby trapping the place (and someone nicked my golden AK's ammo :argh: ), I retreated back to the HQ. An enemy chopper landed on top of it. Once the engines died, like a true construction demolition, the explosives went off and taking the structure, the helicopter and any men on it with it. And then I met my end. But we still won!

Re: [Sun] 05 May 2013 (Friendly Fires)

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 8:26 am
by Doofling
CompoundIt SE
Alpha 1 FTL
We hid, we fought, we died.
I had the pleasure of chatting up with an enemy; I would even go far enough to say that we formed a strong bond of friendship.
That didn't last long however, due to him dying.
It was fun while it lasted Black Mamba.

Utes Clearance 1
Alpha Squad Lead
"Hey guys, let's fly in this chopper to the LZ and... oh."

Utes Clearance 2
Alpha Squad Lead
"Hey guys, lets fly in this chopper to the LZ, land there and... oh."
I had fun witnessing the adventures of Kiril Yagudin, the brave Russian fella.

As this was an experimental session in regards to the briefing, I would wager that it would be appreciated of me as an SL to say a few words about it. (Even if my Squad was very short-lived both times we played)
As a new SL (I have SLd one time before due to higher ranking officers dying), I really liked the way it was done. Because the briefing was only given to key people I felt that I had much more freedom in carrying out my plan than I usually would.I felt much more relaxed because it meant that I had to worry less about following someones instructions to the letter, even if I myself would have done things differently with a similar result.
TL;DR: Felt more like commanding my own squad instead of relaying comms from CO to FTLs.

Charlie 2 FTL
We waited, we sang songs, we killed.
After that, walking and shooting and running.
I would have much preferred to have NVG's (Draakons looked quite nifty I must say) instead of Scopes with or without night vision capability.
Everytime after I used them, I was blind for a couple seconds.

Re: [Sun] 05 May 2013 (Friendly Fires)

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 9:04 am
by dancemoox
Second Sunday with you guys, seems I'm now known as Moon Moon for better or worse, the Moon puns during the Moonless SE briefing were a little surreal..

Moonless SE
Sniper Team Leader with Disreputable Dog

I was late to the slotting on this one and took what was left over, sniper team. Did my best to spot and mark all the nasty things I could see as well as keep HQ up to date with the convoy moving up the road. Right when the ambush happened my game decided it didn't want to run anymore so that left my spotter to take up all of the spotting duties himself. A quick restart of the game let me jump back into the action same place as I was and was asked by HQ if I could take out an AA gunner across the valley, I did my best by managing to hit the gun rather than the gunner and then my game crashed again. I was able to solve the crashing issue and fix my VON and get back in only to find my spotter had moved almost 1k away and had just gone down. I got to him to find someone from a FT walk past him without giving him any medical help. I patched him up and that was end of session. At least my VON works now!
Mojo wrote: Utes Clearance 3rd game. Alphas demise and comeback

Fer decided to give us another go (hurray). Same slots, same plan. The pilot had put extra gaffa tape on the steering and we where good to go. However, this victory was short lived as we where met with a hail of MG fire from the island. Alpha, once again, was wiped out in 10 seconds. The only survivors being me, moon and a rifleman from alpha 3. Oh god the confusion.
Already I saw people talking about alphas quick death and desperate requests for a sitrep by the few scattered survivors. I quickly dragged a corpse from a AR gunner and grabbed his SAW to lay down some fire on the airfield. Me and moon made a dash to the east and up a hill for cover to create a BOS. A russian AA gun decided otherwise and started to blast away at our position. Luckily the gunner was a bit drunk and had a tendency to miss wich gave us a chance to blow the vehicle to bits with our SAW´s and retreat into a lowing in the hill. Here we found bits and pieces of bravo who had taken a few losses trying to push up the hill.
We where ordered to join bravo and I had the luck to get into Ferrard Carsons roughnecks. With new squadmates we managed to take over 2 caches, get left behind by a chopper and find out that Dan doesnt fit into a portable toilet box.

AAR end. Mojo out
I've no idea how I survived the landing or getting out on the port side, all I can remember is firing off a good chunk of my ammo at the MG (and everything else) that'd taken out 90% of everyone in Alpha. I was struggling to hear anything over the still running heli engines but did managed to regroup with you long enough to anger the AA truck - how we weren't chewed up by that I've no idea but killing it left me with about 30 rounds for my SAW and the nearest ammo was back down at the heli of death so I had to go STANAG shopping on our less fortunate Alpha colleagues. That's when I got hit and was sure you'd gone down too. Next thing I know I'm about 100m further up the hill still with no ammo and now attached to another FT who can't hear me over VON. Things just got better from there!

Pr3sario wrote: Mission 1: Charge!! Oh whoops...
Alpha 2

So as we boarded the helis it became clear that only our Squad Leader had VON working. A quick chat about Y/N being acceptable answers and we were off. After landing we moved to some rocks a few hundred meters from the LZ. Our Squad Leader DM was Arma'd by the rocks, and was very much dead. Nitram stepped up to lead.

As we moved in over the hill to get a look at the town we came under mortar fire. Fuck. "Fall back 350 degrees" was the call. Our squad followed that order and were joined by a straggler from another squad. We must have missed a follow up order as we were separated from the rest of Alpha. As we regrouped we were ordered to move towards the town, with the rest of Alpha providing covering fire. Shit there's a lot of heavy fire coming from that compound. Nitram went down, I hit the deck. I was hit, then again. Dead. Over comms all we heard was "oh fuck we lost Alpha 2"... Yes we did - but it was fun!
Alpha 2 lived for a little longer, just. I managed to survive the dangerous Arma rocks and the mortar round landing next to me, the 350 retreat as well as the attack towards the village. The regroup then attack down the hill didn't go well, three of us ended up taking cover at a shack by the road with no good lines of sight on anything and just waited to get picked off. I managed to drag my bloodied body most of the way into the shack before the mission thankfully ended..

All in all very fun, sometimes confusing and I've come to the conclusion I'm either 33% bulletproof sometimes or just really bloody lucky..

Re: [Sun] 05 May 2013 (Friendly Fires)

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 9:12 am
by Pr3sario
dancemoox wrote:All in all very fun, sometimes confusing and I've come to the conclusion I'm either 33% bulletproof sometimes or just really bloody lucky..
Almost certainly 33% bullet proof! :argh:

Re: [Sun] 05 May 2013 (Friendly Fires)

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 9:47 am
by Cam
Alright, I'm actually going to post an AAR this time, so that you can all enjoy my sweet way with words (and my odd obsession with commas).

Utes Clearance
Alpha 3 : FTL

I'm not going to go into too much detail on this one, given that I never actually touched the ground, but long story short: we crashed the first time, re-slotted and then the majority of us got shot out of our chopper before we landed (on our second approach). 05/05, never forget.

Moonless SE
Bravo 3 : FTL (I have some sort of strange attraction towards 3's.)
StrangLove as my SL.

After enduring many awful puns in slotting/briefing, we get into the game and start moving to our set ambush point, on the eastern point of the formation, overlooking the road from the north. The basic plan was for the entire platoon to situate themselves around the road, and around the ambush point, marked with a handily placed satchel-charge.

Sometime after we set-up, and after the majority of Bravo had finished telling terrible jokes, an EI patrol began to waltz across the road (with a fair amount of style, to be fair) in direct view of our squad. We sighted them up and waited for the entire patrol to show themselves, 20 men in all. The satchel was blown and tracers began to fly at the enemy infantry, killing the entirety of their forces in around 5 seconds, accompanied by the sound of Strang belittling our accuracy.

Immediately after the attack we were ordered by our illustrious commander to begin our assault on our final objective, a town located to our north and covered with insurgents sporting some fairly dangerous accouterments. We formed up in a squad-line facing the town and began to jog down to the objective. Shortly after this, we came into our first contact, around 10+ rebels hiding in the trees we were about to run into. Thankfully, thanks to my keen brilliance and tactical knowledge, I realised that the strange people hugging trees in front of us and looking rather threatening probably weren't friendly and began to shout over the radio about contacts, no-doubt saving the entire platoon and earning myself at least 5 medals.

After this, we continued mopping up enemy forces, pressing into the town, taking a short moment to pepper an AA truck with bullets. Mission accomplished.

Then I went to go and have a lie down.

Re: [Sun] 05 May 2013 (Friendly Fires)

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 12:55 pm
by Nothun
That was awsome!

My very first "coordinated" Arma session... :twisted:

CompoundIt SE

"Ok Bravo seems like Alpha is going to use us as Cannonfodder..." some other guy in the chopper: "but we have God! with us!" Fer: "I am God, who dares to question my authority?!?"

Once we landed, my Fireteam moved towards the first house when a mortar shell landed only a few meters away from us. FTL coordinated us into a house to save us from dropping shells, when suddenly the whole house was sprayed with MG fire and FT Bravo 1 was history... :fry:

Utes Clearance 1+2

This time Bravo, we spend quite a long time sitting in the chopper on the deck of the Carrier, when our pilot said: "I don't have comms with Alpha I'll just take off now"
Server reboot due to some mechanik not installing the joystick of Alphas chopper.
Second time around we made it to the LZ, only to get hacked to pieces by an APC an MG-Nest. Oh well, Bones dead, me badly hurt. God! patches me up (thanks for that) but my legs are broken. this means that CCP (FTL) or God! where carrying me around the Battlefield and whenever they needed the firepower of my MG they put me down. I still don't know why they didn't kill me and take it... :commissar: I really appreciate that.


Would have been nice, but Arma kept crashing... I did not see any fighting!!! Only one time I got back, my FTL Dabbo shot me (in the back) by accident, trying to command the AI that had repalced one unlucky Arma crasher...(Pickers)

Cholo Ep. 2

What can I say... Door gunner on a chopper, witnessing everything and Draakon thinks it is funny to blow up the construction site... but hey, we didn't land on the correct building. It had to happen.


How many AI are in this bloody Valley?!? :psyboom:

Amazing, but thanks to an MG sniper FA gained a Victory...

I'll be back next week!

Btw. it's pronounced "No-tuun" some interresting radio chatter: "Hey you with N something... get on that ridge..."