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[Tue] 25 Jun 2013 (The massacre of mogilevka)

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 10:32 pm
by SuperU
Thanks for coming and playing, was a fun session despite a rocky start thanks for trooping on through! We had fabulous peak of 47 players today which is fantastic for a midweek session! Please leave a post below accounting your experiences!

  • Poctalon - The party has decided to remove all reports leading to this event.
  • Clergyman - Two opposing sides go head to head to find comrade wafflynumber decimating opfor with his BMP, mostly running over the helpless enemy (later to be known as "The massacre of mogilevka"). Although special note to comrade ninja badger.
  • Treehuggers - It was going so damn well it almost felt like we were doing something correct, this feeling was promptly put to rest when the T-90 blew up and killed lots of guys!
  • Cacheola - Comrade General Secretary fer led a rag tag band of inde for the heroic defence of the weapon caches, the brave if not confused and ever so slightly mad Lt Kefirz never really stood a chance once his executive Humvee was hijacked and used against his men!
  • FuelUtopia - A game of fuel between SuperÜ and waffly continued to yet again provide a victory to waffly and his northmen. (I may have got lost in the desert when I though my compas said north when it actually said south :s)

    AfterParty land
  • Dr Dr - Wilsons new three mission was given a test to surprising effect! (Opfor went a bit nuts with the RPGs and kefirz tried to run!)
  • Tankicious - A nostalgic play of this resulted in some HE related death!
  • Chernolo - The takistani-cherno cartel tried to retake their drugs... they failed
  • Cholo - The takistani drug lords launch a second assault, this time getting the drugs back when the coward cops abandoned the station!

Re: [Tue] 25 Jun 2013 (The massacre of mogilevka)

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 11:38 pm
by Mojo
Started with the infamous treehuggers for me. A lot of stories are swirling around and you could feel the large amount of people who had been killed on that road. As Charlie 1 AAR, our main job was to step on mines and not get rolled over by our T90. It all went well until our AR (CrazySKB) decided to dash off into the forest and not return. We rested at a small electric house and I went to look for him. His body was in a horrific state and I decided to bring him to our position and give him a proper burial, with salute and looting included.
We advanced just 200 meters down the road and spottet a roadblock containing MGs and mines. We advanced and took losses, FTL tryteker was the first to go down. Tigershark bravely advanced through a hail of fire and managed to take the roadblock for our cause. While he was busy being a hero, my tree decided to not stop bullets anymore and I had to join the ghosts of treehuggers. Tigershark fought bravely but the trees took revenge and he, whilst fighting bravely against loosing too much juice, also had to give up. The trees had yet again swallowed a platoonsworth of comrades.

Cacheola was another new one for me. As SGT Manlove I had to please the LT by means of footmassages and the picking of bogeys. It went quite well for a start. We moved all the way around the city and prepared to pound them quite hardly. In my coozy gunturret I provided coverfire and sniped at the shadows. A local man decided to run to some houses infront of every single HMG humwee we had on overwatch and he was met with some bullets. I am sure he shat a few bricks. Shortly after, we moved in after some of our men had angered a local IED bomb and ran over a few walls. I found a 3 man squad infront of me (Sadly friendly) and they where being shot at from a small fence. 50cal time! I fired a burst into the fence and the gunfire stopped instantly. To my worries dogface cried aaaah on the radio as the fire stopped, the squad responded by firing a 40mm GL into the area, and yet again a friendly man cried on the radio. Woopsie daisy, I think?
The mission ended in a sneaky ambush as I was looking at my rather large map. He wounded me and whilst I somehow could still shoot and turn the turret, I did not last long. Congrats for almost making me fall of my chair mr.

Thanks to the large amount of people who turned up, some new faces where amongst them too! Even put prematurely into leading positions thanks to the trees of cherno.

Mojo out.

Re: [Tue] 25 Jun 2013 (The massacre of mogilevka)

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 11:47 pm
by Nimrod

Ninja Badger's game of stealth captured for all.

Re: [Tue] 25 Jun 2013 (The massacre of mogilevka)

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 12:02 am
by tryteyker

TH1 Pilot


The above was what I shouted for a good amount of time as I aimlessly flew around the battlefield. "Battlefield", yeah. Bravo's helo went down as it tried to touch down at the very very hot LZ. The grounded team was grounded. We had super xray intelligence and saw enemy positions! But things were slow. Very slow. That's all there is to say.


Alpha 1 Assistant Automatic Rifleman (Firsttimer!)

"IFV, IFV IFV!!!!!!"

So this started out quite well. I was pretty happy to join the "no responsibility, a lot of pew pew" club (© Kefirz 2013). As the mission started we set off on our tracks with a very helpful lesson. "Do not ever drive over the Squad Leader, he'll get grumpy!", is what somebody shouted as we set off. So very true. Don't do that. I speak of personal experience. Anyhow, as we arrived at our dismount point we head over to our RV, all nice and easy. Just that A2 missed it by miles and ended up somewhere at the edge of town. So they come back, and we continue moving. At this point we also miss our designated location, and instead were hopping all over the open field which has a nice view around town. Luckily, it was foggy. So we headed back, and then almot instantly got told to move into town (over the open field that we just went over). Fine.

We arrive at a barn, all nice and tactical. Both teams set up, weapons ready. We're going to cross the corner and clear out that (relatively) big barn. Sounds like a plan. Let's go... wait.. what.. OH MY GOD IFV IFV IFV!!!. That's what I shout, immediately turning around and dashing back to A2s position. It was too late for the rest of A1 though, unfortunately. A nice HE round put into the side of the barn kills all of them instantly. I meet up with dancemoox somehow, and we move alongside the other end of the barn. As we move into the barn, I see the IFV aiming directly at me through a window. At this point I slowed down instead of speeding up, and slowly creeped through the barn. I was constantly thinking "What if that IFV saw me/us?". Being directly behind dancemoox it was a mixed feeling, because we were bunched up, both of us. But okay, let's just move towards the debris over there, alright, go.. BOOM, HE round to the face. We both died instantly. Turns out the IFV did see us.


Charlie 1 FTL

"Let's go sneak up on that bunker head on. Sounds good."

To be honest, right off the bat, this was a horrible mission to FTL in. I don't think it went well for me as I took a casualty really early on. Comms weren't exactly great in our FT throughout the mission and I died early. But from the beginning.
We pretty much set up at the RV, waiting for everybody to come along. As the mission started, we walked along the road in a line formation, engaging nothing along the way (UAZs don't count, not significant enough). So we end up at this downed UAZ and I get a quick headcount. Tiger's up, Mojo's up, but Crazy's gone. Mojo promptly went looking for him, and found him dead. Oh well, let's bury him.. whoever got that idea. But we actually did it, just for the heck of it. At an electricity station sort of thing, what a nice grave.. As we continued to push up the road, we spotted a bunker with mines. Tigershark's idea was to sneak up on it, and to be honest this was a really good idea actually. But I kinda ended up just charging it head on and, obviously, I died.


Platoon Medic

No good puns in this mission, it was total serious business all along.

So it's Fer vs Kefirz. Fer's plan was to basically let Alpha be a FT that stays back and kills stuff after it's in town. The rest of the FTs split up evenly, with me hiding somewhere "safe". I actually liked this mission as it was really tense. I started to hide out in a building very close to Charlie FT, and it was fine. I just idled there for a bit, but soon felt the need to be a bit more mobile (I was mostly looking at my map), so I pushed South (the direction of the enemy), to hide out in another building. I soon realized how dumb that was, because they were rolling into Zargabad with 3 Humvees and started to clear out buildings 1 by 1. Mine was very close to being cleared, so I rushed out of there. I'm pretty sure I took fire when I headed out, but chose to ignore it and fell back, close to Charlie's position. Again, I did not stay long - partially because of the enemy closing in, partially because of the need to be mobile. So I entered this shop. I'm sure most know this building with the big front entrance, a 2 story building, downstairs is a shop, has a roof aswell. So I hid on the first floor. This was relatively safe, but they noticed me somehow. My only exit at that point was the front door - extremely goddamn dangerous. I rested there for a bit, but soon started to take .50 cal fire and small arms fire. I started to think about how and when to get out - staying there would be suicide. Realizing my only exit was the front door, I started to set my mind around the fact I was screwed. I didn't get happier when I took rockets to my building and when it started to bust up, close to collapsing. So I took my chance, rushing the heck out of there. I took .50 cal fire when moving out, but it didn't hit me. Lucky. I moved into a building north of Fer's position. Closed both doors, camped the first floor. I kept myself updated via map and listening to comms. After some time, Fer had infantry storm his building. He died, unfortunately. But his orders not to save him were pretty clear. So I kept to my building. After some back and forth, I peeked out. I saw an AR with NV Goggles and a M249 SAW. Well, unfortunately for you, that's my favorite weapon besides the Lee Enfield. I put a magazine into him, and called it in via TS3. We had an IED in the building infront of me, and I was sure we had more contacts in there - so we blew it up. I started to move away with my newly gained M249 SAW and NVGs. Mostly heard screams over comms and had contacts here and there. Had some friendly fire accidents too due to my awesome equipment (you're all just jealous, no need to kill me for that!), but none of them lethal. One significant encounter was when I flanked BLUFOR at Bravo cache (as we called it, most northern cache). Killed 2 guys. We camped the cache and had 3-4 contacts. I didn't react quick enough as one popped out and got shot. Sniper patched me up and I went at it again (as Waffly got shot too), but promptly got shot AGAIN. And I died.

People saved this mission: 0.


Dirty cop!

"Guus, give me your Lee Enfield goddamnit!"

I started this mission with an M9 and 2 mags. I shot nobody. I went around screaming "where they at?!!!" in a really shitty accent (like always). The helicopter they had eventually landed in the middle of our fueltopia town and I think I shot the pilot, but it was actually EBass' kill. Then he got shot. I couldn't patch him up. I panicked. Our priest came and tried to fix him up. But he got shot. I ran around like always. I popped around the corner and suddenly the rear gun of the helo opens up on me. Waffly: "Oh wait, wasn't that a friendly?" Me: "Yes. ._." Waffly: "Well, consider yourself lucky it didn't hit you" Me: "Well you just shot me five times, I'm dead." Waffly: :( Me: :(

All in all a cool session. Surprised to see 45 people at peak mid-week. :>

Re: [Tue] 25 Jun 2013 (The massacre of mogilevka)

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 2:57 am
by kalelovil
Russian Engineer Team Lead

Myself and Guus comprised the engineer team, tasked by command with staying behind the tank and repairing it when needed.
The beginning was quiet as per usual, but soon enough we heard sporadic gunfire and enemy reports in front of alpha on the left flank. I placed an EI marker on the map to alert them of this.
Alpha took some casualties in the ensuing firefight, but dealt with the enemies and then patched themselves up. Meanwhile Guus and myself just hung back behind the tank, playing it safe.
The platoon slowly and cautiously advanced and the engineer team followed, moving up to a concrete building and a de-crewed enemy Dshkm UAZ. After a few minutes an enemy occupied bunker and mines were spotted by vanguard squad Charlie a few hundred meters ahead of us. Our T-90 moved up and shelled the bunker a couple of times, but took an RPG hit and had to pull back.

It was around this point that enemy resistance became stronger, and all three squads began taking significant casualties. The tank attempted to advance again, but had to quickly withdraw after taking two more hits. I quickly did some field repairs, while my assistant Guus tried to locate where amongst the thick forest cover the enemy (their AT gunners in particular) were hiding, without much success.
On the road without much cover Guus and myself became targets of small arms fire from multiple directions and from enemies we could not locate. I moved closer to our tank to put something between the enemy and myself, but things were becoming desperate. Our platoon strength was dwindling, communication was becoming difficult, and continuous enemy fire had made us rather static.

As our tank made another push it was again hit by at least one RPG, needing the skills of the engineers again. I had just begun to repair it when it unfortunately erupted into a fireball, killing its crew and those standing next to it including myself. My assistant Guus lived a bit longer, but the mission unfortunately but unsurprisingly ended in failure with the elimination of our platoon and tank.

USMC Bravo Squad Leader

Following Commander Kefirz's orders, I had my two Bravo fireteams each board an armoured HMMWV and proceed to the southern-eastern end of Zargabad.
After eliminating a couple of contacts 500 metres away from our staging point using the HMMWV machine guns, Bravo's fireteams moved methodically through the cache locations, alternating between being assault elements and providing bases of fire.
For most of the mission this went well, with us sweeping and clearing the mostly empty locations and eliminating the occasional guerilla. The lack of caches at the locations Kefirz had allocated to Bravo also meant we mostly avoided the IEDs which caused some trouble for Alpha.

Later in the mission we were given some trouble by a single guerilla on a roof behind our lines, next to a location we had already thought cleared. At the same time the first co-ordinated enemy attack, coming from the north, took a heavy toll on Bravo as well as the attacking guerillas.
I moved in on foot to link up with the remains of Bravo and ordered them to regroup as a single fireteam. We had earlier heard reports of an enemy driving around in one of our HMMWVs, a HMMWV which I spotted at this point while scouting from a rooftop. I put a few rounds through the windscreen (and as I found out later, through Egg's head) and ordered the remains of Bravo to engage the vehicle with the extreme prejudice, which they did.

Hearing nothing over command communications, I had to assume at this point that Bravo's fireteam-and-a-bit was all that remains of our Opfor platoon. I'm not sure what happened to Alpha or Command, we were operating as quite independent elements.
Not wanting the mission to drag on for too long and with our odds seeming quite grim, I told the Bravo remains to advance north to the next cache and I followed them. Not long after we ambushed an enemy or two and the mission surprisingly ended with a Blufor victory.

(This is only my second time Squad Leading in a full-scale mission, so feedback is welcome. I am aware of my microphone volume issue.)

Opfor AR

Got in the chopper, landed just outisde the desert oasis, chopper started taking enemy fire, managed to run to a building with bullets whizzing by my ears, many of my comrades weren't as lucky.
Peaked outside the building, shot an enemy dead who's head was peeking over a rooftop while prone.
Ran to another building, killed the guy on top of the stairs before he managed to see me.
Looked out the window, saw a guy in a black suit run past past a wrecked chopper (was it ours? How did it manage to end up in the center of the settlement?).
Ran outside, saw a guy healing another guy, shot them both, ran around some more building and manged to get lost, saw another guy and shot him, don't remember the rest.

Re: [Tue] 25 Jun 2013 (The massacre of mogilevka)

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 7:21 am
by Kefirz
kalelovil wrote:Opfor victory.
Easy there Sergeant, oh sorry, Private now, you surely mean BLUFOR victory :D

Anyway, no AAR from me :P but all I can say is that Cacheola worked well, teams used BOF's and they did utilize the HMMVV's quite nicely, while I was spectating towards the end of the mission, there were 5 IND vs 6 BLU left remaining, and I thought that indies might win because they needed to defend and all that jazz, but soon that number was reduced to 3 vs 6 and later when Trytaker made his last stand at the cache he didn't know that he was facing the mighty BLUFOR dudes, with their High Speed - Low Drag mentality. Tryt made a valiant defense, but was still killed eventually :hist101:

Anyway, Kale, yeah the mic sound is an everlasting issue for you :D Other than that I felt a bit frustrated that you took so long with that one guy at your back, Because then you essentially halved my clearing force and Alpha was left clearing caches by themselves, and they were quite understrength at that time, so I joined them with my M2 to give a bit of support, if needed.
So yeah, my question is.. what happened with that lone guy there? Was he shooting you from a 2nd story and running quickly on the first or smth?

Re: [Tue] 25 Jun 2013 (The massacre of mogilevka)

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 9:01 am
by Crocuta
Clergyman: Indfor Alpha 2 AT. We made it to the NE edge of town, with alpha 1 moving to the barn. Soon we could hear the IFV, and I was sat behind a fence with my RPG out waiting next to the crest. As soon as it popped up I unloaded two rounds into it, but an anonymous third hit took it down. The last two of alpha 2 tried to make it to the barn, but were cut down in the open field. I then got to watch Waffly go all Stephen King around the church.

[EDIT] Correction: Opfor BMP was GPed to finish it off.

Treehuggers: Alpha 3 AT. I'm sure of a lot of things happened, but I didn't see any of them before I was on the floor, writhing around with everyone else.

Cacheola: Blufor Alpha 1 AT. EEEEEEStrike420, If you're reading this, you need to talk to your fireteam on group chat. I realised you were talking on TS occasionally half way through the game, but didn't really know what we were doing. ClearDark and I were cruising around in the humvee, which we did quite effectively for a while. Once we made it into town we were disabled by a team flanking behind us to the South. I was injured 5 times and ended up as the last survivor of Alpha, having to crawl towards Bravo's position just before the mission was called.

Re: [Tue] 25 Jun 2013 (The massacre of mogilevka)

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 12:18 pm
by zitron
Kale from B1's perspective, you SLing was great, we were very effective as BOF and killed many. Now get your mic sorted!

Re: [Tue] 25 Jun 2013 (The massacre of mogilevka)

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 4:02 pm
by dancemoox
Poctalon - Alpha Medic

We flew around in a helicopter with tryteyker shouting about a hot LZ, we took a little bit of tracer fire in our direction. We landed and the mission ended apparently something to do with unacceptable casualties...

Clergyman - Indie Alpha Medic

Feeling robbed of my medicine last mission I slotted with Draakon in Alpha. Once in the vehicles I reminded everyone not to run over ASL as it tends to fill him with the rage of a thousand suns. A1 Wilson and A2 Zitron moved their respective fireteams with grace across open fields and wooded glades. Tagged along with A2 up to the cottage they were staging behind. We paused for a moment to pray for our Bravo comrades who were dying horribly on the assault. A2 moved position and I was tasked to move to A1 and support the advance on the village with my medicine. I caught up to A1 at the barn just when the first 100mm shell killed three of them, Draakon survived and I was able to evade it's attempts at killing for a time by running inside the barn. With A1 down to the AAR I decided to try and rescue Draakon and grab an RPG or at least do something, sadly the movement in the barn lead to a 100mm going into my brain causing massive damage and instant death. :psyboom:

Treehuggers - T90 Driver, Dannysaysnoo Commander, Ebass Gunner

Forbidden to turn out by the Danny I was left to drive slowly down the road in letterbox mode. Shocked at the number of people that would walk, wander and meander in front of the tank I was able to turn out and shouted at a few people to stay away from the tank. We moved up slowly eventually shooting a bunker and taking our first RPG hit, we backed up and Kale set about fixing us. By this point our infantry screen was being pushed back and we could see nothing. We moved forward a few yards and got hit again. Casualties were stacking up all around us, Danny jumped out to give some first aid and I jumped on the commanders station to provide some cover and some FPS tanking smoke. Once the T90 was fully crewed again we took another hit and promptly blew up taking out what can only be described as a 'shit ton' of dudes around us.

Cacheola - Bluefor Alpha 2 FTL, Greyeric AR, Nuttytech AAR, Ebass AT

I'm always sad to leave a Humvee behind, always! A1 split its forces half providing M2 fire the rest moving and clearing buildings with us. Dogface ASL tasked A2 to clear 'the large compound north of your current position', I had Grey lay down a nice bit of suppressing fire, launched a 203 at an enemy occupied building and then bounded across with Ebass moving west when fire came his way. Next to join me at the compound we were to clear was Nutty and I was about to get Grey to bound over whilst myself and Nutty provided some cover when a well placed enemy IED blew up. It decimated the wall, killed myself and Nutty and almost killed Dogface. I was able to watch from the spectator screen Ebass also get a little blown in another building up but somehow survive, this I put down to a good regiment of duck walking (some research into this defence is required).

FuelUtopia - Opfor Alpha 3, Egg FTL, Dogface and The Red Sniper.

Arma decided it hadn't screwed with me enough lately, once in and looking at a helicopter my game locked up, TS broadcasting from my end clearly wasn't working as I could hear Egg say everyone was in. Ten seconds after the helo took off I was able to put more coal in my computer box and the game shuddered back into life. I jumped on a dirt bike and chased after Super U who was driving the fuel tanker, this was a mistake as he was lost.. Deciding to charge the town I was soon under Enfield fire. I did a little evasive driving but took a bullet coming into town. Stuck bleeding like a pig on the back of a bike I threatened the enemy by tooting the horn and decided to end it all by going full speed into a marketplace cart..

Dr Dr - Opfor Testing Monkey #3

This looks like a really nice mission. I went in a building and onto the roof, waited for the enemy teams to arrive and took a few potshots at the blackhawk. I watched in awe at the RPG barrage that went into the advancing Indi forces and managed to pick off two at a range I had previously not thought possible for a Kobra AK.. Out of ammo I went to steal some more from the previous ammo truck. Returning to my shooty place I got my legs and arms and inside bits blown up by Bluefor and the worlds most angry sounding gunfire.. I died writhing in agony..

Tankicious - Opfor Dogface Moon Moon Tank

Communications inside the tank were a terrible, I couldn't understand Dogface and I don't think he could understand me. It basically boiled down to me shouting "RAMMING SPEEEEED" and Dogface shooting at things..

Chernolo - Former PCP owner and disgruntled person wishing to file a police complaint #4

I drove in, climbed the ladders to the roof and shot a policeman in the back :clint:

Cholo - Lawman #2

I set myself up on the first floor and took some pot shots as cars drove up at the rear of the building. Reloading I turned my attention to the front door and shot someone in the face with two bursts of pellets. It was glorious, one PCP freak down how many to go? Seeing nobody out the front apart from the flaming wreckage of some junkies car I turned my attention again to the rear of the building. I saw a freak out the back and fired, my pellets did nothing but bounce off the window, his silenced uzi however managed to shoot me and I went down..

Good session chaps, I'll see you all on Sunday unless the evil suffocating fog gets me! :zoidberg: