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Writing missions for Folk ARPS

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 7:53 pm
by wolfenswan
I want to make a mission for Folk ARPS where do I start?
First thing you need to do is download a build of F2 that's pre configured for Folk ARPS missions. Fortunately for you, some have already been made:
F2 CO Folk ARPS v2-7-0
Download: f2_v2-7-0_co_folk_arps.7z
Description: This is the baseline template for all Folk ARPS ArmA2: Combined Operations missions after December 2012. It includes complete Folk ARPS platoons for all major factions (OA and A2), and can be used to create coop and adversarial missions.
The latest development built of F2 can always be found on github.
Make sure to ask one of the F2 devs first if it's safe and/or recommend to use it over the stable release.

Got it. Is there a mission naming standard?
A rudimentary one. It consists of: the Folk ARPS prefix, the mission type and playercount, name and version.

How does the prefix work?
The prefix for Folk ARPS missions begins fa, after which we add co to indicate the mission requires Armed Assault 2: Combined Operations (Armed Assault 2 + Operation Arrowhead). After that we add an underscore. For example:


How do we indicate mission type and playercount?
After the underscore we add
  • co for co-operative missions
  • adv for adversarials
  • ai for AI-coops/adversarials ("pupeteers")
immediately after that we add the maximum number of players and then another underscore. For example:


What about the mission name?
Anything you like, but try to keep it short and use lowercase letters and underscores instead of spaces. After the name we add a final underscore. For example:


And the version?
Ideally, start with a lowercase v and then a whole number. For example:


I'm set. Now, can I make any type of mission?
Yes, but remember that the focus at Folk ARPS is on co-operative missions and adversarials designed to last around 30 minutes. Missions like that are most likely to be played.

Do I need to use the Folk ARPS platoon?
Please do. Don't feel you have to use all the attachments, but it really helps when we don't have to figure out a new ORBAT with each mission. Some of us are really old and frail, and we get confused easily.

What about changing the loadouts?
You can if you want, but please try to avoid scoped rifles beyond a single sniper team (with limited rounds).

Can I use units and objects from ArmA2 in my mission?
Yes. We ask that missions require only a copy of Armed Assault 2: Combined Operations.

Can I use units and objects from BAF and PMC?
Yes. You can also use these, because even players who do not own these extensions will have the lite versions included in their copies of Armed Assault 2: Combined Operations.

Can I use custom addons or ACE2 in my mission?
No, please don't. We are not running ACE2 or ACRE etc. during the session.

Can I use custom scripts?
Sure. Just please be sure to test them thoroughly and to give the original authors credit in the briefing!

Do I need to include a briefing?
Yes, please do. The standard briefing template in F2 is what we'd like you to use.

Do I need to include an end trigger?
While end triggers aren't necessary, they are welcome in missions where it might be unclear if the mission is over or not. Make sure to use the F2 Multiplayer Ending Controller to guarantee MP compatibility.

How do I put that wonderful Folk ARPS logo into the opening of my mission?
To show the FOLK ARPS logo at the beginning of a mission, start by pasting this code at the end of your mission's init.sqf file:

Code: Select all

cutRsc ["introImage", "PLAIN", 1];
Next, paste this into your mission's description.ext file, inside the block of code that begins class RscTitles {

Code: Select all

class introImage
    idd = -1;	
    movingEnable = false;
    duration = 7;
    fadein = 0;
    name = "introImage"; 
    controls[] = {"image1"};

    class image1: RscPicture
	style = 48 + 0x800;
	x = -0.15;
	y = -0.15;
	w = 0.5;
	h = 0.4;
	text = "fa.paa";
Finally, download this file and put in the root of your mission folder (where you find init.sqm and description.ext):

[The extension paa has been deactivated and can no longer be displayed.]

Is there a particular style of Folk ARPS mission?
In the traditional Folk missions, the Folk platoon was meant to represent a guerrilla or insurgent force type, operating without high tech equipment or significant combined arms support. However, in the days of Folk ARPS this has changed and many mission makers have added their own flavor to our missions, from "Soviets in Afghanistan" to "rogue UN platoon" and "USMC thrown into the meatgrinder".

Does this mean I can submit a mission where everyone has an APACHE and a M109?
While all kinds of missions are welcome, we ask that you don't focus on long-range engagements by optics-equipped infantry with plenty of tanks and attack helicopters in support. The mission should be a challenge, not a 'brown people shooting simulator'. For example, if you give the players a few IVFs (e.g. Warriors), please give the enemy some SPG-9s.

How do I get my mission onto the server?
Ping one of the hosts, we all have FTP access. Make sure that you've tested your mission thoroughly as far as you're able to.
Tip: Use the -showscripterrors launch parameter to make sure your scripts are running fine.

Can I get some help testing my mission?
Of course! Grab some fellow comrades from the Skype Chat or create an event in the forum, the server can be accessed 24/7.
To get the mission tested in one of the main sessions or into regular rotation please contact one of the hosts about 1-2 days in advance of a session.

Any final words of wisdom?
Absolutely! Here's what Housemaster had to say about mission making for Folk:
Housemaster wrote:i tried to keep it to the "we all die" standard
Sage advice that'll work just as fine for Folk ARPS!