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[Mission Feedback]faco_adv122_crash_site_vx.Chernarus

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 12:02 am
by kalelovil
This mission was tested following today's session, and the result was action-packed albeit short.
Opfor demonstrated the advantage of holding the high ground amongst Chernarussian forests and mowed down Blufor as they attempted to reach the C130.

What are peoples thoughts on it? What went well, what didn't, and are there ways in which it could be improved?

What I am considering adding for v2:
-A few AI hostile to both sides starting around the C130 to discourage either human side from landing right next to the C130.
-Some random ammo boxes in the close surrounding area, and slightly reducing the starting equipment of both sides.

Re: [Mission Feedback]faco_adv122_crash_site_vx.Chernarus

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 3:54 am
by Ferrard Carson
kalelovil wrote: -Some random ammo boxes in the close surrounding area, and slightly reducing the starting equipment of both sides.
As a general rule, avoid putting all that much gear around a place - since we're not milsim strict about stuff, we tend to get a little gear happy when presented with it, and without realizing it, we'll end up with an entire squad clustered around one ammo crate. Plus, ArmA's inventory system sucks.

~ Ferrard

Re: [Mission Feedback]faco_adv122_crash_site_vx.Chernarus

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 5:29 pm
by Kefirz
I would second the notion to put some random AI HMG's or ZU's ( imagine the horror :) )
Mainly I support it because my squad got chopped up in there, although the para jump was tacti-cool we were there last so OPF just ambushed us, so it is mainly a race not an engagement :D