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[Mission feedback and suggestions for a name] WIP.

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 3:08 pm
by Kefirz
So those that stayed after TT, played my mission. It doesn't have a name yet and I am open to suggestions.
So what are your thoughts on it? Black Mamba raised a very good point about ditching the heli. I could add like 100 Kord rounds to it for self-defence/giving it a purpose so it won't be ditched, but I think a some sort of gentleman's agreement should be in place that the heli must stay around the AO and flying. But I originally intended the heli to serve as a scout and a quick transport for a squad (who should sweep the surrounding area and kill anyone, if the sweep would result in no contacts then the heli would pick them up and wait/move to a place where a flare has been shot.

I want to know what people thought about it really and I have some questions.

What did OPFOR special team think about their truck and why there wasn't no KORD fire?
Did BLUFOR shoot any flares besides the one at the end and did you see INDFOR flares?

Re: [Mission feedback and suggestions for a name] WIP.

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 5:58 pm
by fer
Comrade Kefirz, I think this could be great fun, especially with the fading light. During the discussion after the mission ended, someone (I'm afraid I forget who) suggested that you could make the primary goal for INDFOR and BLUFOR be the successful egress from the AO once the trade had occured, rather than shooting down the OPFOR helo. Shooting down the helo could be an alternative way for INDFOR/BLUFOR to win.

Such a set-up forces the OPFOR CO to choose between withdrawing his helo and eroding his forces' abilities to locate and interdict the enemy, or keeping it in play and offering up a juicy target. You would then have a number of different outcomes (briefing.html can have up to 6):
  • OPFOR Total Victory: All INDFOR and BLUFOR dead
  • OPFOR Minor Victory: All INDFOR dead, but BLUFOR escape
  • INDFOR/BLUFOR Total Victory: All INDFOR (inc. SAM asset) and BLUFOR escape AO following trade
  • INDFOR/BLUFOR Alternative Victory: OPFOR helo is downed using the SAM asset
  • INDFOR/BLUFOR Minor Victory: All INDFOR (inc. SAM asset) escape AO following trade, but BLUFOR dead
I would also support the idea of one PK in the helo having ammunition, or both having limited ammunition.

Re: [Mission feedback and suggestions for a name] WIP.

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 10:42 pm
by Macaco
I like the idea that Bodge(? I think it was bodge) had about having a UAV that flys over the area, and that is the actual target, while the helo is just there to be transport. As we proved then though, main target or not if the helo loiters near forces it's gonna get shot down, even if my normal gun fire. Also the marker for the AO would be better as an empty circle as the crosses make it hard to read the map.

I'm also interested if anyone in blue saw our flares. I tried to shoot them out pretty far, but they said it was the sound of gunfire that attracted them.

Re: [Mission feedback and suggestions for a name] WIP.

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 1:23 pm
by Kefirz
for some reason
Macaco wrote: I'm also interested if anyone in blue saw our flares. I tried to shoot them out pretty far, but they said it was the sound of gunfire that attracted them.
For some reason I think it was foggier than it should be, but that might only be me.