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Saturday Session 06 Dec 2014

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2014 11:16 am
by audiox
Me(A10C), Tiger(A10C) and zitron(SU25) went for a ride.

For some reason i couldn't get position flash going with my lights, so i was an air hazard for the entire flight! :dance:

zitron had made a short and sweet convoy takeout mission. Both me and Tiger got to blow up a good amount of vehicles with our Mavericks, and zitron was getting his bomb on. Things were going swimmingly. (I'd even remembered to turn on countermeasures!) Having actually managed to find, lock on to, and kill targets for once i got a bit cocky, decided to switch to guns, then got promptly lit the fuck up by angry tanks.

So there went my right haudralic pressure, my left mfcd, and probably a lot of other stuff. Then i forgot to reset my sensor point of interest, so when i thought i was heading towards Kutaisi (the airbase) i definitely wasn't. Also, i was flying the plane at a 45+ degree angle to not veer left. It was entertaining, and i was really looking forward to trying to land the damaged plane, but then i decided to try correcting with rudder and promptly crashed.

Thanks to zitron for making the mission/hosting and to Tiger for getting me to tag along.

Pictures later.