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What are YOU good at in ARMA?

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 2:56 am
by m0ntag
So, we're all decent at a lot of things. But, some of us have skills in specific fields that we consider ourselves to be above the average in.
What skills in ARMA do you pride yourself on?

I consider myself to be a good medic (I know that doesn't take much but I've gotten quite good at healing lots of people in a short amount of time), a decent sniper (can hit most targets within 2 shots, 1 if I take my time), and a good pilot. I've spent hours in the editor with my gamepad practicing take offs and landings with all forms of aircraft, doing strafing runs with planes, practicing my bombing abilities, etc. to the point that I would consider myself to be the best choice in most groups to pilot something. I particularly pride myself on my helicopter flying abilities and you may hear me mention the fact that I once did a backflip in a Chinook without taking any damage and quickly moving out of the area.

One thing I wish I could improve is my AI puppet master skills. Same goes for my normal FTL leadership but I haven't gotten a whole fire team killed so I guess it's not so bad.

So, what skills in ARMA do you pride yourself on? What is a skill that you think you could learn to do better/improve in?

Re: What are YOU good at in ARMA?

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 11:34 am
by Black Mamba
I'm friggin good at dying. And getting Wilson to die before I do.

Re: What are YOU good at in ARMA?

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 12:36 pm
by Bodge
I am good at avoiding questions.

Re: What are YOU good at in ARMA?

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 1:05 pm
by wolfenswan
I can speak German and English fluently, making me a prime choice should we ever have to conduct counter-insurgency in Germany, Austria or the german-speaking areas of Switzerland.

Through years and years of hard training I can now avoid friendly fire incidents 50% of the time, all the time. Also I've spent quite some time in ArmA grinding my right arm strength stats so my grenades fly further than the other's.

Re: What are YOU good at in ARMA?

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 2:23 pm
by Kefirz
I would say that I'm very proficient with any AT weapon and under-barrel grenade launchers, also I'm not a bad machinegunner :D
Puppetmastering is also a skill I can manage with success, all those years spent in OFP campaigns have finally paid off :hist101:
I am an alright flyer I have a joystick and all that, but sometimes my game glitches out and I might kill all the squad, :siiigh: so I generally avoid doing that.

Re: What are YOU good at in ARMA?

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 3:30 pm
by head
I never teamkilled anyone with a rifle(expect when they run into my firing line when they are shooting).

I have teamkilled with everything else tho.(tanks,helis,bombs,arty,RPG's,grenades,satchles,cars,baskets)

Re: What are YOU good at in ARMA?

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 5:21 pm
by mort
Sniper (I shoot a lot in RL)
MG gunner
AFV gunner/ driver
Barrack room lawyer ;-)

Re: What are YOU good at in ARMA?

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 6:20 pm
by Wilson
I'm pretty good at letting Black Mamba get me killed - him admitting actually makes me think he does it purposely now.

As for actually playing the game, I enjoy taking AT and Medic - whether I'm good at it is another thing. Also quite enjoyed my recent step up into a FTL position although it becomes alot to think about at times so need some more practice with it - good luck guys :P

Re: What are YOU good at in ARMA?

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 6:24 pm
by Macaco
In my mind I'm good at flying, AT rockets, and grenade launchers. Not much else. Occasionally following orders, but not often.

Re: What are YOU good at in ARMA?

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 11:35 pm
by StrangLove
Drivin' trucks, picking up hot takistanis, giving Tiger 'backup'. The usual.

EDIT: Mort, play with us more!