The main goal is to creates a repository that those inclined in the ways of video editing can use freely for their Folk ARPS video needs. That means this index is for raw video that includes everything and not carefully edited pieces which are better displayed in the main FA youtube channel. Additionally as a side effect the archive also provides a nice reference to potentially remember events or see them from a different perspective when writing your AAR.
While the archive starting with my own perspective from my recording of sessions everyone is welcomes to contribute as kefirz has already done, to get your footage them added to the index all that's needed is a reply on this thread informing me of the youtube or any other video hosting site url.
As for the how, I personally tend to recording the full mission from slotting to score screen of the sessions, I've given some details on my current process bellow, for those uninitiated in video capturing that would like to contribute. Discussion on how to improve it would also be quite welcome as I'm no expert when it comes to encoding video.
Footage archive Index:
[Sun] 02 Dec 2012 (The Finale)
- Swept SE *
- Feruzablues
- Finale XL
- After party: Cholo
- UNnecessary Violence (JO edition)
- Red Snow (JO edition) & Crateresistance
- Internecene DC
- some Afterparty Cholos (what else?)
- Bonus: Pre-session
- Running Rabbit
- Holy Stones
- Slippery Eel
- Slippery Eel Electric Boogaloo!
- Chernolo (afterparty)
- Chernolo (afterparty afterparty)
- 2 Days to Retirement Berezino (afterparty cubed)
- Bonus: Pre-Session Rocketering, Save the Saviors (broken mission)
- Vanguard
- Holy Stones
- Defence In Depth
- Post-session: Tankicious
- Amphibious Attack
- Roadside
- GooseChase
- Karavan
- Two Days to Retirement Vybor (Afterparty)
- Workshop
- Bonus: Goats Courtesy of bodge
- Rolling Matro
- Cinderella, kefirz
- Broney, kefirz
- Fighting Withdrawal (testing)
- Crateresistance
- Roadside
- Rolling Bohica
- Swept SE
- Bedtime (afterparty)
- Bedtime (more afterparty)
- Workshop
- Sakheola, kefirz
- Buffet, kefirz
- Skyline
- Crash Site (testing), kefirz
- Save the Saviors (testing), kefirz
- The Colonels (testing)
- Steamrolla (testing)
- Fuel Utopia (testing)
- Save the Saviors (testing)
- i44 Taskforce Renegade
- i44 Road Ambush
- i44 Road Clearance
- i44 Jedburgh Ambush
- i44 Morris
- i44 We be Waffen AM
- i44 They Who Dare
- Internecine II
- Fighting Withdraw
- Do NOT look at the ship! NOOooo
- Rolling Matryoshka II
- Fuel Utopia (afterparty)
- Workshop
- Unable to attend so there's no raw footage afaik
- Cholo (pre-session afterparty)
- Nutcracker
- Fort EX
- Cacheola
- Finale
- Colonels
- Cholo mk 2! (afterparty)
- Holy stones
- Broneys
- Into the Sea
- No man behind
- Kefirz's- wip
- Chernolo
- Bedtime
- Clergyman
- Crash Site (limited to 30 mins)
- Vanguard SE
- Internecine DC
- Workshop
- Extra, rockets in face
- Belanus
- Two Days to retirement
- Black Folk Down
- Test! - From thin air?
- Clergymen
- Drastic Bypass
- Compound it
- Generals
- Colonels - After party Rematch!
- Poctalon
- Whitewash
- Greenola (not so much a "heavy fog" as a goddamned shamal storm!)
- Dash
- Fuel Raid
- Workshop
- blackfolk down
- arrival SE
- swept se
- turf war (test)
- Utes Assault (test)
- extra: carrier_v1, carrier_v2
- Berezinoclearance
- Goosechase
- Poctalon
- 2 Days to Retirement
- Workshop
- Holy Stones
- Treehuggers
- Cacheola
- Two Days Till Retirement (Berezino)
- Cholo
- Dire Straits v1 (Podagorsk)
- The Radio Stars v1 (Sahrani)
- Helo On Earth v6 (Sahrani)
- Kovrov Clearance v1 (Sahrani)
- HOSTages v1 (Cindercity)
- Random Engagements v1 (Podagorsk)
- Kovrov Clearance v1 (Sahrani)
- Crateresistance
- Rolling Matryoshka, Part I
- Cinderella (now with MOAR fog!)
- Roadside, Part II
- Holy Stones
- Chernolo (Afterparty!)
- Workshop
- FoxHound
- Utes Clearance
- Unreachable
- The Generals
- Karavan
- Cholo (afterparty)
- Extra Explosive range madness
- Spring Cleaning v2 (Podagorsk)
- Kovrov Clearance v2 (Podagorsk)
- Random Engagements v1 (Celle 2)
- HOSTages v1 (Cindercity)
- The Radio Stars v1 (Sahrani)
- Kovrov Clearance v2 (Podagorsk)
- Random Engagements v1 (Celle 2)
- Bend
- Roadside
- Crash site
- BlackFolkDown (limited objectives)
- Finale XL
- Cholo (afterparty)
- Workshop
- Crash Site (Celle 2)
- BlackfolkDown (Fallujah)
- Radiology (broken)
- Cratesistance(Podagorsk)
- Gold Dust (Fallujah)
- Random Engagements (United Sahrani)
- Ambush at Tobolsk (Podagorsk)
- Highway
- Crateresistance
- Shilkas of Nur (at night)
- Broney
- Guns of Nagarone (afterparty)
- Worshop
- Oily Recommended (Fallujah)
- Crash Site (Podagorsk)
- Cleanup Operation (Celle 2)
- HOSTages(Cindercity)
- CleanUpCrew(Fallujah)
- Random Engagements (Sahrani) [A stormy Makarov deathmatch]
- Slippery Eel
- Huzzah SE
- Skyline SE
- Holy Stones
- Cholo (after-party)
- Cholo (more after-party)
- Workshop
- Amphibious Attack (Podagorsk)
- Radiology (Sahrani)
- The Valley (Sahrani)
- HOSTages (Cindercity)
- Cleanup Operation(Sahrani)
- Random Engagements (Celle)
- Radio Stars (Sahrani)
- Dire Straits (Podagorsk)
- Cratesistance (Celle 2)
- BlackFolkDown (Fallujah)
- BlackFolkDown 2nd attempt (Fallujah)
- Random Engagements (Sahrani)
- Helo on Earth
- CompoundIt SE(3 caches)
- Utes Clearance (3 objectives ... later reduced to 2)
- Utes Clearance (for real this time)
- Moonless SE (with a Hind)
- Cholo Episode 2 (with more explosions)
- Valley
- ChernOLO!
- Workshop
- Oily Recommended (Fallujah)
- HOSTages (Cindercity)
- The Valley (Sahrani)
- Random Engagements (Fallujah)
- Tree Valley
- Chologorsk (Podagorsk)
- Internecine II
- GooseChase
- Finale XL
- Crash Site
- Outpost Bean
- Czech Mate
- Poctalon
- Warlords Inc
- Rebound
- Ride of Valkyries
- Cholo
- Cholo
- Gold Dust (Fallujah)
- The Radio Stars (Sahrani)
- Helo On Earth (Celle 2)
- Random Engagements (Podagorsk)
- Chologorsk (Podagorsk)
- Kovrov Clearance (Podagorsk)
- Dire Straits (part1, part2)
- Random Engagements
- Oily Recommended
- Radiology
- Ambush at Tobolsk
- Random Engagements
- Random Engagements
- Random Engagements
- Operation Northen Lights
- Fooling around on the obstacle course
- Ashore
- Rook Valley
- Defense in depth
- BlackFolkDown
- Holy Stones
- Cholo
- Cholo Remix!
- Workshop
- Bend
- Wideola
- Nutcracker
[*]Lifting the seige
- [*]Ambush at Tobolsk (Podagorsk)
[*]HOSTages (Cindercity)
[*]Helo On Earth(Podagorsk)
[*]Tree Valleys (Sahrani)
[*]Danger Zone (Podagorsk)
[*]Random Engagements (Sahrani)
[*]Radio Stars (Sahrani)
- [*]Clergymen
[*]Poctalon (Advers-- oh they're all dead)
[*]Holy Stones
[*]Lifting the Siege
- [*]Proposition
[*]Milk Run
[*]Creeping Crumpets
[*]Grozovoy pass (probably not the right spelling!
- [*]Cleanup Operation (Celle 2)
[*]Oily Recommended (Fallujah)
- [*]Belenus
[*]Holy Stones
[*]Shady Harvest
[*]The Colonels
[*]Danger Zone
- [*]Amphibious Assault
[*]Crash Site
[*]Random Engagements-S
[*]Gold Dust
[*]HOSTages (swaped)
- [*]Internecine II Obama Edition
[*]Swept SE (adversarial version)
[*]Uprising (incomplete)
- [*]Save the saviours
[*]Defence in depth
[*]Cherno Rabbit
[*]Outpost Bean
[*]Extra: Chopper shenanigans
- [*]Jolly Green (Podagorsk)
[*]Helo On Earth (Celle 2)
[*]Dire Straits (Podagorsk)
[*]Cleanup Operation (Sahrani)
[*]HOSTages (Cindercity)
[*]Chologorsk (Podagorsk)
- [*]Fulcrum
[*]Forest Gateau
[*]Beach Boys
[*]Holy Stones
[*]Cholo (after party)
- [*]Poctalon
[*]Dr Dr
- [*]Ambush at Tobolsk (Podagorsk)
[*]Sensitive Data (Podagorsk)
[*]Radio Stars (Sahrani)
[*]Jolly Green (Chernarus)
[*]Jolly Green (Podagorsk)
[*]Helo on earth
[*]Cleanup Operation (Celle 2)
[*]Chologorsk (Podagorsk)
- [*]Internecine II (Merkel Edition)
[*]A Friend in Need
[*]Shady Harvest
[*]Roadside II
[*]Fuel Utopia (pfter party)
- [*]Plug the Gap
[*]2 Days to Retirement
- [*]Oily Recommended (Fallujah)
[*]Black Folk Down (Fallujah)
[*]Tree Valleys (Sahrani)
[*]Danger Zone (Podagorsk)
[*]Helo On Earth (Podagorsk)
- [*]Inter III
[*]Vanguard SE
[*]The Generals
- [*]Rumble For Sahke
[*]Internecine Merkel
- [*]Jolly Green (Chernarus)
[*]Sensitive Data (Podagorsk)
[*]Kovrov Clearance (Podagorsk)
[*]Spring Cleaning (United Sahrani)
[*]HOSTages (Cindercity)
[*]Random Engagements (Celle 2)
[*]Random Engagements (United Sahrani)
[*]Chologorsk (Podagorsk)
- [*]Grozovy Pass
[*]Elsafi Defence / Grishinokessel
[*]CHernOLO SE
- [*]Black Ace Cycle (Chernarus)
[*]Spring Cleaning (Podagorsk)
[*]Cratesistance (Podagorsk)
[*]Unholy Castle(Podagorsk)
[*]Jolly Green (Chernarus)
[*]Lumber Mill (Chernarus)
[*]Oily Recommended (Fallujah)
- [*]Amphibious Assault
[*]Plain and Simple
[*]The Generals