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Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 10:21 am
by nitram
For those who haven't seen it, Dslyecxi has an excellent article on leadership in ARMA, essential reading for the budding SL/COs out there. In fact, I consider it essential reading for everyone.

"If there is one thing that you repeat to yourself, over and over again, while leading any group of people in a gaming environment is that they are volunteers. [...] These are people who expect you to help them have a good time, and there isn't much room for disappointment. If you consistently fail to meet the expectations of your players, they will choose a new leader or simply stop participating."

Re: Leadership

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 11:42 am
by wolfenswan
Not to forget all the resources we have in our own subforum, including a guide for SLs and one for COs ;).

Re: Leadership

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 12:55 pm
by Pr3sario
nitram wrote:These are people who expect you to help them have a good time, and there isn't much room for disappointment. If you consistently fail to meet the expectations of your players, they will choose a new leader or simply stop participating."
This is always uppermost in my mind whenever I take a leadership position. The main reason for this is I myself am someone who will choose to "stop participating" when I don't have fun.

What is "fun" for me in a Folk ARPS session? It's not killing as many people as possible, or being the FT that finally takes the objective; I class fun as seeing a good plan forming in the lobby, taking in the thoughts from the CO, then the SL's chipping in with their thoughts; the fun comes from executing the plan well and efficiently... Hell, some of my favorite missions I haven't even fired a bullet.

To me, playing in FA is about being part of something bigger; and the comms on TS is a BIG part of that. Clear communication is key. I want straight talking no bullshit up and down communications. Being able to make decisions on behalf of your FT about achieving what your SL has just asked you to do. I found the workshop on Sunday before the main session really useful as it was the first time I had actually experienced the full communication tree, and the way it "should be done". It opened my eyes to a lot micro management I have experienced in some FA sessions.

Re: Leadership

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 1:02 pm
by Pr3sario
PS - I think the most important part of any mission is the part before we even put a foot on the ground; the planning...

Re: Leadership

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 1:43 pm
by dancemoox
What follows are musings from Moon Moon

When it comes to leadership take your time, just because nobody has jumped instantly into a CO slot doesn't mean the cold silence of TS demands you jump into that volcano before you are good and damn ready!

I have lead a good score of fire teams and two squads in my time so far at FA and I shan't be jumping up the ladder to CO for quite some time (the temptation to say mooooon moooon over CC is just too high atm). I'm sure this point will be echoed by several and hopefully a host or two - the time taking not the moon mooning although Ice does have a habit of doing that too..

Oh and leadership protip: read the bloody briefing during CO planning that way you wont ask really stupid questions that drag the planning out forever and ever and ever and ever. I'm here to shoot things and get blown up by IEDs people not take part in a teleconference!

Re: Leadership

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 2:59 pm
by Ferrard Carson
Pr3sario wrote:I found the workshop on Sunday before the main session really useful as it was the first time I had actually experienced the full communication tree, and the way it "should be done". It opened my eyes to a lot micro management I have experienced in some FA sessions.
Most excellent, comrade - you'll return to your bunk to find an extra ration of potato vodka awaiting your gullet!

More seriously, I'm glad that was helpful. The practice shall continue in future workshops. Remember, only you can prevent micromanagement (by not doing it! Let yer minions make the tough choices and focus more on your level of commanding, not theirs!)

~ Ferrard