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Comrade Mine and You!

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 2:30 am
by Ferrard Carson
Now, I don't mean to alarm you, but you're in a minefield.

If everyone would gather a little closer (but not too close) then we can examine a few key characteristics of the elusive ArmA III Mine. First, I admit I've forgotten your name, is it quite alright if we call you Boris? Yes? Excellent. Thus begins our course on mine safety. Pay attention, Boris.

First, how do we see a mine? You can spot a mine in three different ways:
  • 1) You walk about two car lengths away and squint (zoom in) real hard at the mine (and faithfully notify your comrades)
    2) You hold one of these fancy mine-detectors and walk within about two car lengths of a mine (and faithfully notify your comrades)
    3) You step on a mine from zero car lengths away (and faithfully notify your comrades)
So now that you (or your deceased comrade) has spotted a mine, the second question is how do you avoid activating a mine?
  • 1) Do not step on it
    2) Do not crouch step on it
    3) Do not crawl on it*
    4) Do not drive over it
    5) Do not land on it
    6) Do not taunt it
We'll come back to the asterisk later.

Now that you've avoided activating it, how do you disarm it?
  • 1) You don't*
    2) You soil your pants*
    3) You run away like little baby*
    4) You cry yourself to sleep like little baby for rest of life*
Again with all these asterisks. What do they mean? Here's what they mean:


Engineers and Explosives Specialists have two tricks up their sleeve. Namely:
  • 1) They can crawl (but not step) indefinitely over any number of mines without activating them
    2) They can use a toolkit to deactivate any mine
And that's it. That's what makes you special.

So, to summarize:
  • Anyone can spot mines, both manually and with the mine-detector
  • Engineers and Explosives Specialists can crawl over mines without harm (from the mines)
  • Engineers and Explosives Specialists with toolkits can deactivate mines
If you are not an Engineer or Explosives Specialist and you find yourself in the midst of a minefield like Boris the Repairman here, then you best make peace with your dear and fluffy lord. Just, be careful where you kneel to pray.

:clint: ~ Ferrard