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Folk Workshops

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 12:22 pm
by Tigershark
Recently, several members of the community have expressed a desire to improve the experience of the Folk sessions. Generally these observations have been along the lines of lack of fire and manoeuvre and cohesion of the fire team.

I believe that a little training and practice in the area will not only improve the skills of all participants but will lead to a better experience all round for all who play at Folk.

Wait..what??..workshops? I thought Folk was about casual?

It still is. This workshop is for those who would like to practice battle drills. It is my strongly held belief (a belief that is based on a lot of experience with other more "formal" communities) that practicing working as a fire team not only increases your effectiveness in game, it also increases your chances of survival and adds the overall "fun" gaming experience in missions.

What makes you qualified to lead these workshops?
Nothing really. Other than a lot of experience. I am happy to pass on what I have learned for the benefit of all our members. I will mention that these techniques I pass on have been tried and tested in several communities so it is nothing new I am teaching. In fact, the benefit is not in the teaching as much as it is the continued practice.

What kind of format is the workshop?
It is worth mentioning once again that is voluntary and therefore it will be fairly relaxed. It will consist of short explanations of how FT's should move and work together and then focus mainly on "battle drills" repeated several times until a challenge is met. The reward will be knowing you know how to better function in a fire team and be more effective in game.

I have developed a special training ground to help specifically in these battle drills. If demand is there, I can expand these sessions to compound clearing, weapons delivery training and MOUT training.

When will this happen?
I was considering running these session in the hour before the Folk session on Sundays. This way you get to put what you practice into action shortly after.'ve convinced me...what next?
If you would like to participate in these please register your interest here so I can gauge numbers. Then simply turn up one hour before the Folk session on the server and I'll be there. This will only work if we get adequate numbers to fill fire team slots.

Closing Remarks
Folk (and ARPS) are still about having fun and this is not a attempt to go all milsim on our members. For those who are willing to improve their skills and learn a little more about techniques that will enhance their gameplay during our sessions, this will be for you. Basic fire team cohesion is the foundation for much of the success of a mission and if players want to increase their enjoyment a little training (or battle drill practice) can't hurt for those who can spare the time.

Looking forward to anyone who wishes to join up. It will be fun and challenging and I hope we get to put the skills to good use.

Re: Folk Workshops

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 2:25 pm
by Black Mamba
I'm in. I'll practice my subtle fireteam-leader-treacherous-murdering on You, Tiger.

Re: Folk Workshops

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 3:06 pm
by kalelovil
I am expressing my interest.

Re: Folk Workshops

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 3:42 pm
by Dannysaysnoo
Interest = Expressed.

Re: Folk Workshops

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 8:06 pm
by SuperU
expressed interest.

Re: Folk Workshops

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 10:18 pm
by Tigershark
Black Mamba wrote:I'm in. I'll practice my subtle fireteam-leader-treacherous-murdering on You, Tiger.
Excellent. I hope to utilise your skills in treacherous murdering for further training tasks....involving Fer.

Re: Folk Workshops

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 9:02 am
by Ferrard Carson
It probably goes without saying that I'm very much interested in reducing my ratio of "hilarious fail:awesomeness" as an element lead. Sign me up, see ya in the afternoon.

~ Ferrard

Re: Folk Workshops

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 9:42 am
by Issus
Exterest inpressed.

Re: Folk Workshops

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 2:55 pm
by head

Re: Folk Workshops

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 5:28 pm
by wolfenswan
The first Workshop is starting as I type this.