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Re: Xenonauts, Folk style Lets play

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 11:36 am
by Kefirz
Satire wrote:I'd say go for the Hunter, the early UFOs can be taken down reliably by the Condors for the first month or so. You also need to build a spare hangar for the interceptor to live in or get rid of a condor and it takes a while to build.

The only downside is that taking the Hunter means leaving some of us at base for the ground missions. And who'd want to do that?
If it can't take all of us then why do we need it anyway? :D

Homer, you silly boy, you can't handle me on your own.. come back once you've become a man through the hardships of combat and then we can talk.
(If you ever live that long, watch your 6.. just sayin')


Re: Xenonauts, Folk style Lets play

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 1:04 pm
by wolfenswan
Hunter's fairly resistant at the start and doesn't need to lick his wounds like the fleshy humans. Considering some of us WILL get hurt, using the Hunter and rotating through the healthy soldiers isn't a bad idea.

"Ze Hunter is a formidable product of socialist engineering. If we dezire to crush ze imperialist outer-world hunde we musst deploy every weapon at our dispozal!"

Re: Xenonauts, Folk style Lets play

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 11:58 pm
by Kefirz
Bones, stop playing DayZ and show us how we all died :D

Re: Xenonauts, Folk style Lets play

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 8:25 am
by pvtbones
(warning, picture intensive)

Trail By Fire: Part 2

September 5th 1979, 11:36 AM

"Sirs, The South African Military is reporting this have downed a UFO with ground based AA. They are requesting us to go in a clear the area."
"Prep Alpha team and send them in."

Sirens blared around the base as Alpha Team hustled across the tarmac in the dead of the night, into the waiting Chinook as it's motors spooled up.

Wasting no time, the Chinook was lifting off as the last of Alpha team sat down in the cargo bay.

"Okay gentlemen listen up!" Sgt Bones yelled over the thunder of the Chinook's might twin engines "The South Africans, managed to through sending up more flak and metal into the sky than there is air, down one UFO. Their government then got antsy about putting boots up to clear the crash site. That's why we are up at I don't know what fuckin' time it is, anyways. We're going to circle around the site until daylight, then we're going in."

"Tim' tae go fuckin' mental wi' a shotgun, ken!"Cpl Dannysaysnoo quipped in while everyone else nodded in acknowledgement and started prepping themselves for the trail by fire that awaits them

"Touchdown in 3...2...1.. Good hunting Alpha Team." the pilot said over the intercomm. The cockpit was bolted shut and reinforced with heavy duty armour. Nothing was to get in there and prevent the pilots from taking off, even the heaviest fire.

"Out we go people, there no welcoming party if the hosts don't show up!"

Everyone stormed out like a well oiled machine, either through the main cargo do or the two side doors.

Cpl Homercleese, one of the first out. was also the first too make contact. A thin pale grey humanoid, his back turned, obvious to the man sizing him up in the sights of his rifle. "Contact here, ugly little... thing" Cpl Gaius was right behind him hefting his rocket launcher onto his shoulder and taking aim, itching to pull the trigger.


Everyone else was taking cover and watching their sectors, no other targets made themselves apparent. The alien went rigid for a moment as though some invisible force grabbed his attention, then within a blink of an eye was bolting across the field towards parking lot.

"Gaius! Send him the welcome basket"

"Aye, aye ma'am"
He breathed in tracking the creature through his sights as it ran, finger moving to the trigger, squeezing, and igniting the rocket. 'Welcome to Earth' drawn in marker on the head of the rocket.

The rocket landed just short of it's target, still causing some damage but not the expected gibbing everyone was hoping for. Several other members of alpha team wasted no time filling it with lead as the creature stumbled backwards nearly falling.

Their LZ was covered by two walls. The pilot chose well, limiting where the enemies could attack from. They crept forward, Danny and Kefirz lining up on the right wall, while Giaus, Homercleese, and Satire moved in on the left wall.


Another alien leaped out from the corner directly infront of Danny. Bones and Zergra unleashed hell on the alien, Danny quickly getting over his shock blasted his shotgun into it's side sending it toppling over sideways dead. Kefirz, screaming in panic, fired a single shot into the alien copse a good 15 seconds after everyone ceased fire. (a funny quirk of the reaction fire system, you fired after it was dead, just to make sure lol)

Danny rounded the corner, crouched low with his trusty shotgun in hand. Three blue flashed tore into him from some unseen hiding spot. Cpl Dannysaysnoo was dead before he hit the ground.


Gaius moved forward along his wall, another rocket loaded and ready. Searching for the bastard who felled his comrade. HomerCleese hooked around his corner past Gaius to the closest piece of cover he could find. A small bus stop board was all that was near, better than nothing he crouched down and scanned around him before he saw movement out of the corner of his eye. A blur slinking back behind a stacked pallet of barrels.

"Kefirz! Throw a grenade over the wall!" HomerCleese Yelled, Kefirz didn't hesitate and threw a frag over the wall, improbably landing between the feet of the alien hiding behind cover.


There was nothing left but a purple smear and some ruined alien equipment. Alpha team stormed around the corner coming upon the alien craft, it looked practically undamaged. it was quieting and terrifying.


Wolfenschwan, Satire, and Gaius dashed into the trainyard sweeping through it, amazingly finding a surviving civilian that had managed to remain hidden. Zergra remained at the back providing overwatch with his sniper rifle. HomerCleese, Kefirz, and Bones stacked up against the side of the craft, a single alien was outside the craft trading fire with them and continuously falling back towards the power generator station.

Bones pushed forward around the rear of the craft while Homercleese and Kefirz went around the front in an attempt to flank him. A second alien was spotted hiding between the rows of transformers. They were in a bad position, out in the open with no cover. Kefirz acted quickly throwing a smoke grenade between them and darted backwards. Homercleese, bravely stormed forward into the cover of the smoke cloud.


Cpl Wolfenschwan had lost direct sight of the two alien contacts, knew she had to do something. Both of the aliens were hiding amongst the transformers. Firing a burst from her lmg between two rows of transformers. She was rewarded with a shrill shriek as her bullets struck true, killing it.

Kefirz and Homercleese had to get out of their current position and opted to go into the power station to again try to flank. The last alien saw them through the window and fired at them ineffectually. They pushed into the barrage returning fire from the windows forcing the alien to fall back, giving Gaius a shot, which he took blowing away some of the aliens cover but causing no harm. Zergra silenced the foe with a single precision shot, having moved forward during the chaos.

Sgt Bones, judging the size of the ship versus the number of aliens they had killed. Assumed that the ship had to be unguarded or enough that she herself could dispatch. She was wrong. Opening the door she was greeted by the face of two very surprised looking aliens. She fired a burst into the first one, killing it outright. The second returned fire, 3 shots struck Bones in the chest and torso.

Kefirz and Homercleese rushed back to the ufo as they heard Bone's screams. Kefirz got their first, moving into the entrance of the craft, 2 aliens remained inside, she had just enough time to toss a stun grenade in and dive out of way of returning fire, one shot grazing her hip. Satire let loose a volley of lmg fire, some of the shots landing dangerously close to Kefirz while others hit the alien, taking him down.

Homercleese pulled out his medkit and did his best to treat Kefirz wound, before summoning his courage and putting the last dog down.

The mission was over. The ship captured, the aliens dead. Important lessons were learned today, at a heavy cost.

The site secured, the scientist descended like vultures. nothing was left untouched or examined. All for the cause, for the greater good.



Re: Xenonauts, Folk style Lets play

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 10:15 am
by Kefirz
Yay medals and a promotion.. I like it so far :D

You see, grenades are actually useful :hist101: Great AAR, but now we need moar :D

Re: Xenonauts, Folk style Lets play

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 1:10 pm
by wolfenswan
2 dead on first mission? T'is xcom alright.

Also proves my point for using the hunter :lol:

Re: Xenonauts, Folk style Lets play

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 8:53 pm
by pvtbones
I'm not sure if I'll be to get another update in or not before I leave to visit to visit my parents for christmas (boo multiple provinces away!) and I won't have access to a gaming computer till close to new years.

Re: Xenonauts, Folk style Lets play

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2013 12:40 am
by Homercleese
Surely now Kefirz, I've done enough for that drink.

Godspeed Bones. You at least have escaped my affections.