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"Hammers and Sickles, Comrades" - Hoi 3 SU AAR [IMG heavy]

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 6:25 pm
by Draakon
Greetings, Comrades!

What is this and why were you brought here? Why, it's an Hearts of Iron 3 AAR (using a mod, called the BlackICE, which adds a lot of new flavor, events, units and more!), playing as the Soviet Union and liberating the workers of the world! Stay a while and listen, as Soviet workhorse battles the evil Germans and maybe even the Imperialist pigs across the sea.

We begin the game in 1936, using the Custom Game mode to mess around with our starting technology and units. The state of affairs in the world is the following:

For the most part, most of our forces have been assigned their posts and are eagerly waiting for some action, but it will take some time. Some pictures as seen on the local Pravda newspaper at Moscow:

As you can see, our borders are closely guarded and elite forces ready to drop in at any time should war break out. However, numbers alone won't win us the war, for we need better equipment and training for the troops in the field. Researchers of the Party are hard at work bringing new and latest tech to our soldiers!

The political cabinet has been reformed by orders of Stalin,

which also brought an plan to influence The People's Republic of China into the ranks of Communism:

But that's not at all, for the next year(s), our industry has been ordered to produce vast amounts of tanks and airplanes for the Red Army,

And finally, the KGB, an organization dealing with espionage has been also formed...or has it?

That's it for this issue of Izvestia, stay tuned for more upcoming news!

Re: "Hammers and Sickles, Comrades" - Hoi 3 SU AAR [IMG heav

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2013 9:35 am
by Draakon
Welcome Comrades to the next issue of the Izvestia, your governmental news of the glorious USSR.

First up, international news. Japan on the 13th May of 1936 decided to form the Puppet nation of Mengijang.

Kremlin for the moment have not released an official statement on the situation yet, but the STAVKA know that war is coming. Diplomatic relations with the Peoples Republic of China are still ongoing, to try and send them support.

However, it seems that the fascist leaning government of Republic of China decided that the workers of Asia must suffer.

But because the Soviet Union has send some advisers over the past years or so, the workers have united and are trying to hold their ground. Hey, they even had gained some!


On the 8th July of '36, Italy annexed the nation of Ethiopia. Apparently, they want in on the colonial business too. No worries, the workers there are already planning underground movements.


During the New Years eve, the Imperialist UK decided to directly govern over the Egypt and protect their precious Suez Canal. Fools! Already they got revolts upon them.

And now, for the critical moment of this year. On the morning of 13 July '36, the Spaniards turned on each other, thus beginning the socialist workers revolution, trying to overthrow the evil fascists!

Few days later, Kremlin decided it was time to Intervene with sending some supplies and resources to the revolutionists somewhere around August:

In return, we get to "safe keep" the gold the Spanish government had in their vaults.

Unfortunately, it seems the Facists are winning this time around. No worries, the workers of the Union shall be freed soon!

However, on the 7th October, Moscow held the first show trial, condemning the actions of those who threaten the equality of the workers.

A special branch of the NKVD has also been formed to hunt down any nationalists, fascists and other enemies of the workers who even still this day try to undo us.

And of course, special exclusivity for the readers of Pravda on the other state of affairs for our great nation.

Stay tuned for the next issue of Izvestia, Comrades.

Authors notes: Sorry for the lack of updates. Anyway, once the year rolls around about '40 or '39, I will go futher in detail of the Order of Battle, production and research and what the plans from STAVKA are for any operations and defense plans. Trying to get over the boring years of the game as quickly as possible. And dam these rebels are super annoying in the BlackICE mod.