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Re: Why Are SP AI Squad Members So Frigging Stupid?

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 10:59 pm
by Stoner
Another wonderful example. Two men on ground floor of a building. No matter I try, I cannot get them out. I point at the ground just outside the door and give the "Move There" order. They respond with "Moving 100 meters"; the distance is actually about 3 meters. They still don't move. I tried putting them in several stances and ordering the move. No go.

So, I stepped out of the door and fragged them. The penalty for disobeying an order from a Party official, i.e., me...a fair, impartial, and speedy trial, followed by immediate execution.

Re: Why Are SP AI Squad Members So Frigging Stupid?

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 2:13 am
by Crocuta
I noticed the medic AI is a bit more screwie than usual and I wondered whether it was a pathfinding issue because I sometimes need to wait for 30 seconds to a minute before he runs off ~25m to some obscure pathfinding node before coming back to me. If I'm near any terrain features I'll sometimes have to wait a while before eventually hearing "negative".

I have lowered my difficulty setting so that I can get unlimited saves, rather than have to execute teammates for insolence. :cop: One silly way of freeing them is to get a vehicle, drive it right up to where they're stuck, and then order them in when you know they can get an action. Half of my time playing the first mission of ACR was figuring out how to get my whole team out of the tower in Zub castle and then driving the passenger seat of the vehicle right up to the door.

At the very least, it would be nice if we could get some kind of debug command that checks and frees friendly AI, even if that means simply teleporting them a few metres.

Re: Why Are SP AI Squad Members So Frigging Stupid?

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 5:42 am
by Stoner
I found another work-a-round for the Medic. I haven't tried this on other stuck team mates.

In ArmA 2, I remembered I could assume the identity of a squad mate. And this works in ArmA3 as well. When the Medic refused to treat me (even when doing the "Treat Leader" function), I switched roles and became the Medic. I treated the injured leader, i.e. F1 person. Then, I became the Leader/F1 again.

This might work on other stuck members as well.

Another problem I ran into: the Medic refused to move, which is similar to the problem I described above where the squad refused to leave the building. The Medic was crouched. I ordered him to stand up. He then moved as he should.

Re: Why Are SP AI Squad Members So Frigging Stupid?

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 8:48 am
by Kefirz
The only obviously logical thing to do is scrap the medic from squads then :D
Remove the problem and you'll have no problems.
But seriously.. if you are having troubles with dying too much, send in the AI first, either by directly ordering them there, or by doing formation ''vee'', which is basically wedge, just turned around...

Re: Why Are SP AI Squad Members So Frigging Stupid?

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 1:17 pm
by Stoner
I rarely die at all. (All Glory to the Power of Aziz and the Party!!)

First, I hold the Medic back from the action; therefore, when I'm wounded and need a band aide for my boo-boo, I scramble back to him to get fixed.

Second, If I send the AI in first, they do stupid things and get killed. I'll normally go forward to scout the situation. If I have a Sniper in the squad, I'll teleport into his body, take out the bad guys at a distance, then teleport back into the leader. If the squad is big enough, I'll split them into two FTs and position them to assault from different directions. When all is set, I send both FTs after the bad guys...sorta. Ya see, if you tell your squad to attack a bad guy, they don't move. However, if you send them to a point past the bad guys, they will encounter (and hopefully) kill the enemy on the way by.

Yep, these are work-arounds due to the stupidity of the AI.

Re: Why Are SP AI Squad Members So Frigging Stupid?

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 10:48 pm
by Stoner
I'm so sick of AI stupidity in single player. Today, I had two problems that should NEVER happen:

1. I'm injured and need a medic. I stand in front of the Medic, select him, hit the 6 key, and tell him to heal the Squad Leader (me). He replies affirmatively. He never moves. I open his backpack, grab a health kit, and heal myself.

2. My squad needs to destroy an ZSU Tigris AAA. I'm standing next to the AT guy. I select him and point to ZSU and tell him to attack. He responds affirmatively. He never moves. I tell him response. In order to complete the mission, I had to kill him. Then take his AT weapon, and destroy the ZSU.

This is totally asinine!!! This crap completely destroys the single player experience. Why the f*** won't BI fix AI? BI knows there's a problem. Yet, they concentrate on new toys and pretty maps.

Re: Why Are SP AI Squad Members So Frigging Stupid?

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 2:41 am
by Medic Eugene Roe
I never encounter these. Rather, I instead find the medic run past me, rather than not move at all, only to turn around and run past me again, and turn around right in front of me and finally heal. After about 5 minutes, by which time my squad is wiped out and I'm about to die from blood loss.

I do agree they are awful stupid. The editor can be painful to use often as well, with the AI formations frustratingly rearranging themselves for no reason before moving in.

Re: Why Are SP AI Squad Members So Frigging Stupid?

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 8:56 am
by Kefirz
Medic Eugene Roe wrote: I do agree they are awful stupid. The editor can be painful to use often as well, with the AI formations frustratingly rearranging themselves for no reason before moving in.
Do you mean that when you position units in the editor, they change position when the mission starts?

There is a thing in the unit editor called as "special" or something and by default it is in "in formation", but you have to change it to "none" and they will spawn where you placed them.

Re: Why Are SP AI Squad Members So Frigging Stupid?

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 4:58 pm
by Medic Eugene Roe
Well, it generally only happens when I place vehicles in editor, regardless if I choose None, or In Formation. Gee, maybe if I set a convoy of trucks to flying it'll fix it :P