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How to Whitelist Mods

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 2:40 am
by Stoner
What is the Party procedure to whitelist mods?

Specifically, the Extended Grenade mod. This mod does not change gameplay. Rather, it make throwing a grenade more realistic. In RL, soldiers choose how hard they wish to throw a grenade depending upon the distance. As a military guy, I was not told to always throw a grenade as far as I could. Rather, we determined distance to target and adjusted for that.

I see this mod to be in the same category as StHUD. It does not "alter gameplay" any more or less. It is a client-side mod and players can either use it or not. Is this a mod that the Party just can't live with? Or, is it merely personal preference?

Re: How to Whitelist Mods

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 3:37 am
by Ferrard Carson
Regardless of where the whitelist goes in the future, that mod will not be party-sanctioned, as it does change gameplay. The ability to choose how much power to put in your grenade throw is something that is not available in vanilla A3, thus people using this client-side mod have an additional option in their toolbox that is not available to those without the mod.

The rule of thumb is: If someone joins the session without any mods whatsoever, does this mod give you a mechanical advantage over them in any combat situation? If yes, then it's not kosher.

~ Ferrard

Re: How to Whitelist Mods

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 11:28 pm
by Stoner
The ability to choose how much power to put in your grenade throw is something that is not available in vanilla A3, thus people using this client-side mod have an additional option in their toolbox that is not available to those without the mod.
This can be said for StHUD as well. During the first session that I played with FA RPS, I did not have this mod. I was at a distinct disadvantage of those who did.

Regardless, I return to my statementthat this mod makes gameplay more realistic. It does not change gameplay; specifically, it doesn't make grenade throwing auto-targeting.

Secondly, my question is: how do we get mods whitelisted? Vote of the community? Diktat from the Politburo?

Re: How to Whitelist Mods

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 2:25 am
by fer
Comrade Stoner, you mean, of course, FA. A taxi will arrive at your residence tomorrow morning and convey you to the FA Brand Guidelines Residential Training Facility, where you will receive first-rate training in the correct appellation of Party-approved entities. Failure to get in the taxi will result in your execution. Failure to pay attention in class will result in your execution. Failure to ... well, you get the idea, comrade.
Secondly, my question is: how do we get mods whitelisted? Vote of the community? Diktat from the Politburo?
Comrade Stoner, the Politburo does not issue diktats. This is counter-revolutionary propaganda designed to undermine the Party. Do you support efforts to undermine the Party? Of course not! You are a loyal Party member, and such thoughts would never enter your mind. Correct? More immediately - we're still feeling our way to an acceptable baseline of performance, and the whitelist helps minimise the variables that must be considered. Later, when we are happy that A3 supports our playercount and provides a more stable platform, we shall be in a better position to revisit or even remove the whitelist. For now, we ask for your co-operation and support.


Re: How to Whitelist Mods

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 5:35 pm
by Stoner
fer wrote:
Comrade Stoner, you mean, of course, FA. A taxi will arrive at your residence tomorrow morning and convey you to the FA Brand Guidelines Residential Training Facility, where you will receive first-rate training in the correct appellation of Party-approved entities. Failure to get in the taxi will result in your execution. Failure to pay attention in class will result in your execution. Failure to ... well, you get the idea, comrade.
Comrade, I see that you've received your training from the Cool Hand Luke School of Management Night in the Box
More immediately - we're still feeling our way to an acceptable baseline of performance, and the whitelist helps minimise the variables that must be considered. Later, when we are happy that A3 supports our playercount and provides a more stable platform, we shall be in a better position to revisit or even remove the whitelist. For now, we ask for your co-operation and support.
Thanks for explanation. Makes sense. (as does everything issued by the Party).

Concerning player counts, I read a recent RPS article that counts above 40 really slap the framerate down. That does not bode well, given that our Sunday counts are north of that. But, I have every confidence that the Party will find a solution.

Re: How to Whitelist Mods

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 11:42 pm
by harakka
The understanding is appreciated. We realize the situation is not optimal, especially compared to our extremely very well oiled A2 sessions.
Stoner wrote: Concerning player counts, I read a recent RPS article that counts above 40 really slap the framerate down. That does not bode well, given that our Sunday counts are north of that. But, I have every confidence that the Party will find a solution.
We are working toward a solution, session by session, and I'm confident we will find one, even if it may take a while. Hopefully BI is also taking note and is hard at work on it at their end.
