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Arma 3: The plan

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 12:46 pm
by wafflynumber
Whats the plan for the switch-over from Arma 2 to 3?

Re: Arma 3: The plan

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 1:09 pm
by SuperU
I think it would have to be something that is implemented soon after release, considering there will be an influx of new players on release day having a strong community base for arma 3 would be an attractive thing to a "would be" member.

Re: Arma 3: The plan

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 1:16 pm
by fer
Since we won't need to wait for mods to be converted, FA is probably in a good position to make the transition sooner rather than later. However, there are probably some pre-requisites to consider, and as a rough list these items come to mind:
  • A3 version of F2 (F3) configured for FA ORBAT etc.
  • Check, and possibly make tweaks to, FA ORBAT and comms approach (and document online!)
  • At least half a dozen missions ready (which is not a lot if 3-4 comrade mission engineers go to work)
  • A3 to be available worldwide, and on Steam
  • A3 to be non-beta
Assuming BIS goes with a public beta, the judgement call may be on the last items in this list. If the beta programme goes on for a long time, we could bring the switch forward. However, the key thing - for me - is that we have our own content (missions) when the main sessions switch over (nothing to stop us having a regular experimental session for a few weeks, to work things out).


Re: Arma 3: The plan

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 1:19 pm
by Bodge
Depends when they release the Editor too, if it is available in the beta that is great.

I was thinking that running a semi-official session for those who have it would be an idea and when the player counts are significant making it a regular and more concrete thing.

Re: Arma 3: The plan

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 1:23 pm
by fer
Bodge wrote:Depends when they release the Editor too, if it is available in the beta that is great.
Good catch - my list above makes the assumption that the editor ships with the beta; if not, we could be delayed - at least for the main sessions.

Re: Arma 3: The plan

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 3:21 pm
by Macaco
When A3 is released and the main sessions migrate over, (from my interpretation of this thread that would be on/very near release day) would it be a conversion, as in "We are now all playing ArmA3" or something like making Tac Tues or some other day into the ArmA3 day for a while. Expecting everyone will buy ArmA3 when it is released may be a bit of a stretch, especially if A3 is released full of bugs (Stability might be another thing to add to your list of considerations Fer).

Also something to consider, given that many people from the mod communities will be part of the influx of A3 players, there will likely be many people playing with us that are simply waiting for ACE/ACRE to be converted to A3, and for their community to start playing A3.

Re: Arma 3: The plan

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 5:04 pm
by fer
Macaco wrote:Expecting everyone will buy ArmA3 when it is released may be a bit of a stretch, especially if A3 is released full of bugs (Stability might be another thing to add to your list of considerations Fer).
Good points both - there might have to be a cross-over period of a few weeks, and a call made about the stability. However, I think that the beta programme should give us a good opportunity to decide if A3 is stable enough prior to the official launch.
Macaco wrote:Also something to consider, given that many people from the mod communities will be part of the influx of A3 players, there will likely be many people playing with us that are simply waiting for ACE/ACRE to be converted to A3, and for their community to start playing A3.
I like to think FA isn't (and won't be) a community that gets into the whole 'zero sum' game WRT to players. If we enjoy a temporary influx because ACE3 is delayed, we'll just have to enjoy it when it happens and be grown-ups about it when it ends. There is always going to be churn, and as a community that doesn't target the ArmA hardcore (quite deliberately), FA is probably going to see more than its fair share.

Interestingly, and this isn't my personal insight but something that came up in a conversation recently, we might not rush to the conclusion that ACE will be as immediately popular in the A3 universe as it is now. The delta between A2 and ACE is very significant - making it worth the effort of installing/updating for many players; but it'll be interesting to see if the same is true for A3. I don't know ... it'll be fun to see either way.

In the meantime, I plan to keep banging the drum of missions made for FA, by FA. Comrade Wolfenswan has been handcuffed to his desk.

Re: Arma 3: The plan

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 6:21 pm
by Kefirz
Macaco wrote: Expecting everyone will buy ArmA3 when it is released may be a bit of a stretch, especially if A3 is released full of bugs (Stability might be another thing to add to your list of considerations Fer).
I want to agree with that as I probably won't spend enormous sums of money on a game. So I might wait for a sale or smth.

Re: Arma 3: The plan

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 11:56 am
by Draakon
Considering the release of previous Bohemia titles, wouldn't it be best to wait a bit for patches and such so most annoying stuff would be ironed out.

Re: Arma 3: The plan

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 7:56 pm
by Bodge
People are going to be wanting to play A3 straight away, but as Fer mentions a call about stability is needed before any official jump to A3 is made.