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Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 10:37 pm
by Satire
As I said in the session, this is a bit of a more experimental mission so I'd like some feedback on this. Overall I think it went well, but input is always appreciated, particularly from the attacking force (I was on defence).

A few points I've been thinking about:
  • The helicopter extraction: The crash landing notwithstanding, how did people feel about the timing? I noticed contacts within 100m of the LZ, but we could have easily got the HVT out. In the ideal world, there would have been a Bravo or Charlie element slotted who would have had to load up, slowing it down by maybe 60 seconds. If it was too close, putting the pilots in a barracks and doing "Le Mans Start" could be an option.
  • Armament: The protection team are armed with carbines only, except FTL's who have GL rifles. The reinforcing FT's have Rifles, AR and Medics instead of RAT, due to airlift considerations. (9 dudes in a Orca leaves no room for medic) One initial idea was to give them SMG's to make the reinforcement more critical and give FIA an edge.
  • Alternate escape options: If the chopper goes down, I had considered adding a few randomised civilian vehicles for the team to extract in, perhaps with a few AI manning roadblocks to make it a bit risky. A more simple option would be making the pilot an engineer for field repairs. Thoughts?
  • Location: I want this along the stretch of highway between Kavala and Kore, mainly since I'm planning to link the back-story in with Thorn. That said, I did consider adding a few randomised starts to locations in the area, such as the Stadium, Power Station and other parts of highway.
As always, your response will be appreciated!

Re: fa3_a86_rapid_reaction_v4

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 10:38 am
by audiox
Hey. I didn't see this post until now, so sorry about that.

I think this mission is pretty awesome. The mix between "stand your ground" and extraction is quite nice. Also, the location for it is perfect. A narrow strip of buildings on either side of a road, with a mix between half-constructed and large compounds. Also, the hills to the south give the attackers good possibility for recon, which is needed in order to move them on target fast.

Extraction : When i co'd (29.04) i was a bit slow, so i think i could've been there a minute earlier. Its really important that the attackfor CO -knows- that he has to be speedy gonzales, so that he doesn't just sit back in the mountains and plink away. Slotting the MG's would alter this significantly, since the chopper would have to be much more careful on approach, so i don't know how that would turn out.

Armament : I really like that PMC has one group with light weapons on site, (making it much more crucial for them to play it carefully), and one group with the big toys.

Escape : Chopper repair under fire seems nice! Also, you might alter the mission so that PMCfor gets a new "escape by civilian vehicle" task if the helicopter/engineer is destroyed/killed. That way PMC can't leg it for the vehicles until their original escape option has been knocked out.

Location : As stated above, its great. The only thing that saddens me is the alluring stadium outside of the AoO.

Re: fa3_a86_rapid_reaction_v4

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 2:57 pm
by Homercleese
Mmmm, yes, I was looking at that stadium longingly yesterday.

Maybe one thing I'd say is that the chopper seems to get there very quickly. But that's just a matter of preference, or even just how it felt on the night. If the intention is to make it necessary for FIA to assault the town immediately and possibly from multiple approaches then it's bang on.

Re: fa3_a86_rapid_reaction_v4

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 10:33 pm
by Kefirz
From the PMC perspective the chopper couldn't be any slower :D

The problem is that there are only fields around the AO and it's pretty barren, so there are not many places to hide.
Also the team that rides in the chopper is pretty useless, because they only become available when the chopper lands, but by that time the HVT should already be in and flying away.

Re: fa3_a86_rapid_reaction_v4

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 11:47 am
by audiox
Kefirz wrote: Also the team that rides in the chopper is pretty useless, because they only become available when the chopper lands, but by that time the HVT should already be in and flying away.

Yeah, they are pretty useless unless the chopper is immobilized. They might have a niche if you need somebody to land elsewhere to hunt down a potential MMG team.

Just playing with ideas here :

Have extraction option 1 be the chopper. If the chopper is immobilized go to extraction option 2 which is vehicle based?
Have PMC "chopper squad" put in vehicles that are closer (ca 2 mins shorter travel time than chopper?) to the ambush site. That way they will participate in the fight before the chopper lands, and also be the ones that provide the backup escape plan.

I'd really like to see this mission played with the MMG team once, to see how that alters the PMC strategy.

Re: fa3_a86_rapid_reaction_v4

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 3:27 pm
by Satire
Have extraction option 1 be the chopper. If the chopper is immobilized go to extraction option 2 which is vehicle based?
Have PMC "chopper squad" put in vehicles that are closer (ca 2 mins shorter travel time than chopper?) to the ambush site. That way they will participate in the fight before the chopper lands, and also be the ones that provide the backup escape plan.
After two runs, a reaction team coming in by road in Hunters is my current bet for replacing the chopper teams. The idea was that they could be used to pincer the attackers so that the way in for the helicopters would be clear, but A3's tough helos (and our suicidal brave comrade pilots) make them a bit redundant.
From the PMC perspective the chopper couldn't be any slower :D
Yeah, looking back I realise that it could be a bit dull for the response teams, a road insertion might be a bit more fun, plus this provides an alternate escape route should the chopper go down.
Mmmm, yes, I was looking at that stadium longingly yesterday
Random starting locations is one of those things I should really take a look at...