Financing the revolution: 2016 Edition

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Financing the revolution: 2016 Edition

Post by Freyja »

Our good friend and overall nice-bear Bodge has abdicated the role of people-server financial conduit. Thus it is up to me to take ownership of the server, and manage the donations.

A thousand thank yous to the people who have donated so far, it is purely because of your generosity that we can continue having these bi-weekly misadventures.

The pay-pal email for the new donations account is

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Re: Financing the revolution: 2016 Edition

Post by AJAX »

So this is the new official link? Good to know.

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Re: Financing the revolution: 2016 Edition

Post by NikkoJT »

The Party has helpfully provided a new Donations Hotline, which can be found at this page. This new method does not require PayPal!
FA missions & session host. Tank appreciater.

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