[Sun] 04 Oct 2015 (Danny may not die)

How we died (in the future)
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[Sun] 04 Oct 2015 (Danny may not die)

Post by fer »

  • Generally Negotiable
  • Quds Radio Hour
  • Inter IV
  • Overrun
  • Shipping Problems (after-party)
  • Helicopters (after-party)
  • Race Thunder XL (after-party)
An excellent turnout of 46 comrades showed up tonight, including some old faces, allowing us to indulge in some large-scale missions like Quds Radio Hour. We were also really rather effective: in Generally Negotiable our platoon took minimal casualties whilst facilitating the meeting and destroying all of the enemy QRF elements. Next, in the epic Quds Radio Hour, our helibourne platoon of nearly 3 full squads (supported by 6 helos) successfully executed two assaults, with superb logistics in between. In the time-boxed adversarial, Inter IV, and after a great start, comrade Soviet's glorious assault broke down and failed, leaving victory to a final few AAF defenders. Lastly, under comrade Sparks, the platoon juuuuuuust held on for the required 30 minutes in the ever-dramatic Overrun. The Party was greatly pleased - not least because after all the work our comrade engineer mission makers put in, it's wonderful to see the after-party run to 00:00 UK. Thank you, comrades.

As ever, please post your thoughts, feedback, screenshots and video here - comrade YouTube Hero SuperU doesn't just produce our video idents, but provides leadership and guidance to propaganda artists. We also have a new YouTube channel that he manages so if you have any content you think should feature then let him know and he will sort you out, for more info check out this thread!; more guidance on video editing for Folk ARPS is provided by comrade Ferrard Carson. Posts in the AAR threads really help us (the hosts and mission makers), both with understanding how we can improve the experiences, and showing potential comrades what our sessions are like.

Finally, some recommended reading for all comrades, new and old:

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Re: [Sun] 04 Oct 2015 (Danny may not die)

Post by Boarnoah »

:o What a session that was, the number of people was pretty crazy in a good way.

Quds Radio Hour
A2 Rifleman - Soviet FTL
During the briefing I was fairly sure things were gonna go belly up as soon as we touched down, glad we didn't end up stopping cannon fire with our bodies today.
Alpha 2 took zero casualties other than an unforutante incident where Stoner fell out of the helicopter while relocating to the second objective.
Managed to find a pcml launcher with a single missle inside on our way to the helicopters for the relocation, it came in handy at the radio tower with the inbound IFVs. Nice touch that the other teams blew up the remaing ifvs at almost the same instant (did we have a MAT team to begin with? I don't recall).

The IFVs going boom.

Inter IV
Indfor A2 Fighter - Aquarius FTL
The gully we were supposed to take cover in and defend the hamlet from turned out to be even less of a gully than it looked on the texture map. In hindsight the fact it didn't show up at all in the contour map oughta have tipped us off :( . A2 ended up splitting between covering a section of the hamlet and the other 3 headed to help MMG who were taking some serious suppresive fire. As mentioned in spectator chat, opfor found the perfect angle to attack MMG house, none of us could get to a concealed position to fire at you from.

Arrows showing Opfors brave attempts to clear the compound before the 20 minute window was up. Costno and Zenzos managed to shoot each other through an open window at the end.

B2 AR - Ajax FTL
Took a bullet to the face fairly early on, no idea where it came from, got into spectator cam just in time to see the hmg vehicle blow up taking along a house with it.

IR shot of the battlefield, I guess Fer wasn't joking when he said it'll end with cowering inside a church.

I don't even question this. Where on earth did that come from. Also how is there a wreck for a transport aircraft in Salt Riders (Race Thunder XL) when there ain't any of that kind in A3.

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Re: [Sun] 04 Oct 2015 (Danny may not die)

Post by Kasmeister »

In generally negotiable i managed to show my pointing-sight-at-vehicles-skill again on the first mission, tried to take a screenshot of the explosion, this was the result :suicide:


Second mission (Quds radio hour) went almost flawlessly, but also tactical as fuck. We only lost one teammate due to him missing a step when embarking the heli.


Couldn't play anymore as it was getting late, but it was fun as always :)

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Re: [Sun] 04 Oct 2015 (Danny may not die)

Post by Reppyboyo »

Danny may not die but he will certainly team kill my ass! :argh:

Video up later with the usual highlights stuff.

Rather enjoyed Radio hour despite spending most of the mission just hovering over the ocean, it all went surprisingly well and the coordination between the choppers and FAC was near flawless.

EDIT: Here ya go, would of liked to included more of the Radio hour stuff but there is only so much hovering someone can watch.

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Re: [Sun] 04 Oct 2015 (Danny may not die)

Post by Peasant »

Generally negotiable Bravo SL with Sparks (Medic) commanding Gaius (B1 Lead), Soviet (B2 lead), MMG and Sniper

Bravo's orders: take the high ground and establish over watch. Nice and simple, well within my abilities. And then CO granted me the gift of two weapons attachments. At this point my brain began to go melty. The advance on to the high ground was confused, but I don't think we lost anyone and no one wandered off. Once we established over watch, it became clear that our side of town was fairly clear, save for a few random CSAT infiltrators who were taking potshots. The counter attack consisted of precisely two IFVs, which was convenient, because we only had two missiles in the squad. Two hits, two kills, minimal casualties (If one missile had missed, things would have gone... poorly). In fact, casualties were so low that I'm fairly sure Sparks spent more time taping up Charlie than he did taping any of us up. Well done to Gaius and Soviet for fireteam leads, and Attachments, that I don;t remember who you are is entirely my fault, not yours.

Quds Radio hour Alpha1 FTL

This mission was approximately 90% jogging, 5% waiting for helicopters and 5% actual combat. The clearing of the AAF outpost was quite confused, as alpha 1 and 2 were breaching more or less simultaneously but were using their own comms nets: we were quite lucky that no friendly fire incidents occurred. The run back to the helis was long, but safe and we were sitting around for quite along time before pickup. We did suffer a death by glitchy helicopter dismount but Tactical Sloth was reincarnated, so that was fine.Then a little comms confusion, as Charlie lead (Fer) had not realised that only half of alpha had arrived. Then more jogging and then a very quiet raid on the radio station and an even quieter defence.

Overrun FAC

I apologise to everyone in the church for the accidental ordering of an airstrike on the church which came to nothing. Turns out, the AI pilot will only drop bombs if there are enemies on the request position. But yeah, it's not easy to order in airstrikes on the sound of moving vehicles. I wish there was a way round that (maybe we could use those deployable laser designators) (or maybe bravery).

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Re: [Sun] 04 Oct 2015 (Danny may not die)

Post by Cardova »

Shipping Problems
The round in which I got stuck inside a shipping container, but still managed to win for BLUFOR by killing three enemies... all without reloading my zubr. (Which was really dumb on my part to be honest.)

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Re: [Sun] 04 Oct 2015 (Danny may not die)

Post by gqren »

Thanks for the game Sunday, was awesome! I recorded some footage (too much) on one of the missions. If anyone makes videos of any sort, feel free to use it and tamper with it as much you want! Took some tonight as well, and someone might want to play with them - please do :)


Action happens at 22 minutes and 60 minutes. Enjoy.

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Post by Sparks »

On-call sucks and delays AARs comrades. But enough of that, on to the report!

Generally Negotiable
Bravo Squad Medic

This mission saw us use all the bandaids. First off, Bravo took the hill overlooking the western half of the town, eliminating anyone silly enough to shoot back as they did so. The sniper team set up and BSL pointed out the places in the town he wanted Bravo 1 and Bravo 2 to hold, while I ran around patching up boo-boos and handing out lollipops. Then Charlie asked for help by the chapel so I ran over and used more bandaids, getting surprised by civilians running away from the town down the main road as I went. I thought a medic shouldn't be running round with a rifle out all the time, so I swiped an enemy's pistol and kept that to hand in case of sudden round-the-corner encounters. Then Bravo 1 called for a medic and I ran back down the chapel's hill and back up Bravo's hill, patched up one person, but then Bravo 1 said they had no casualties so we were a bit puzzled. I ran around the hilltop looking for someone to stick a bandaid to, but had no luck, so I legged it down the hill heading into town and closely followed by BSL. I ran out to Bravo 1's hold point but apart from Bobberro, nobody was willing to act as a CPR dummy, so I ran back to BSL, then over to Bravo 2 when someone shot at them. But they only had fatalities and they wouldn't let me try the defib on that guy, so I hung out there while they blew up an inbound truck; then someone shot BSL. So now I schlepped it back to BSL's location as B1 fell back to him; got him patched up and then checked over B1. As they were doing the old turn-and-cough routine, BSL sold me into slavery to Charlie squad, so it was off through the town for me again, and I finally caught up to Charlie just after they had blown up more incoming trucks and somehow their RAT had given himself third-degree burns, so it was out with the gauze and the mercurochrome. And then to stop any more of the screaming from that, command called the mission as a victory. So no kills, but lots of heals. We really need a better scorekeeping system for that stuff :D

Quds Radio Hour
Pilot, Goose2

I really, really, really dig this mission :D Large-ish scale helo ops, with six helos in flight and an FAC to guide them, a fireteam each, covert inserts and hot extracts, and CAS runs. Brilliant :D

Goose1 led us off, but we kindof scattered along the way so no real formation flight; but lots of formation hovering at our RV points, which is a lot more fun when you don't wuss out and autohover...
We did the sneaky-sneaky insert of our fireteams, pulled back out to loiter at our RV point, then as the assault kicked off, got called in for a CAS run on the main outpost, running from southeast to northwest, which took a little dog-leg to arrange so that we hit the outpost in succession rather than Goose1 and myself colliding mid-air or shooting each other down. But with that taken care of, our sexual CAS run proceeded over the heads of Alpha 2, dropping a thousand rounds of sweet sweet 20mm lovin' on top of the outpost. It was all I could do to not switch to rockets and completely obliterate the whole thing but the orders were for guns not rockets :(

(C'mon command, let us off the leash a bit more :D )

After we'd formed up again, and the assault ended, we all moved in to just off the beach and under 10m altitude for terrain masking and evac'd the troops in reverse order; Goose2 was the last ship out of the LZ area, and then we hooked north, past the flock hovering at the new RV point in the bay and round the northern side of the ridgeline north of the transmission center, and pinaccle'd right on the ridgeline, holding position actually resting the nose on the ground while the rest of the helo was airborne as Alpha 2 jumped out, Must have looked pretty sweet :D

After that, we rejoined the flock and bantered about for a bit while waiting on the assault; Goose 5 and 6 kicked off the assault with CAS runs and then the armour started rolling up from the south. Goose 1 and 2 got emergency CAS calls; Goose 1 was closer and got off a DAGR that killed the armour, but they got him while the missile was in flight and the autorotate didn't go well. Scratch one helo, two madrids. Nice. Goose 2 got spurious lock-ons for a while, but before any more targets popped up, the transmission was sent and the transmitter blown and that was victory. Awesome :D

Inter IV
Charlie 2 fighter

The plan was simple; surround them and charge. Terrain made it a bit awkward; and then we found they'd pushed out further than expected and six of them were off in the forest between alpha and charlie, so the plan evolved to charlie flushing and alpha shooting the retreating enemy. So most of Charlie opened up blind on the forest. A few minutes later, we took fire from the nearest house so half of us started suppressing that and moving up on it. We took the house, and I got shot for the first time by a point-blank surprise encounter. Revived, I tried legging it round the other corner of the house and suppressing the nearest building but they suppressed back and I was down again. Quizzer dragged me to safety and revived me, and then we occupied the building (hooray, being shot at again). This didn't last - our UAV spotted troops behind us so Quizzer and I were out the door and covering the back again; and this time CO shot me, but at least only wounded me and I didn't use another of Quizzer's FAKs.

By this point, things were not going well. We were down to a small number, I'd wound up being the FTL and Madrak took over as CO. We tried to pull back to the woods to our north, and I got shot again, and just after quizzer got me up, we got the glory charge order. I figured with my bullet magnet skill, I'd get three steps before dying; in fact, I managed to get all the way back to the town shooting as I went and reloading three times without so much as being shot at once, and then command called it as a loss.

Weird :D


Dum de dum, Alpha 1 FTL, all should be fine... and then CO didn't have CC so couldn't CO and we had field promotions in the slotting screen. In this mission.


Okay, so simple plan. Don't die. To facilitate this, Alpha looks after the west side, Bravo the east side, and they split fireteams to look to the northish and southish. We designate an alamo fallback in the church and stick MAT somewhere I think they'll have a view of as many roads as they can. CO, JTAC and Arty head to the alamo, and for the next few minutes, the fireteams engage incoming infantry and my job is mainly keeping track of people and watching for unwatched places and waiting for the point where we call the fallback and collapse order and get everyone into a smaller area so we can blow the living bleep out of anything outside it.

Then the first vehicles show up. Some RATs kick in, and just as I think we're cool, a HMG strider pulls up in front of the church and I get a nice view of its turret panning round to point at us. I drop to cover, tell everyone else to get down and tell Carson to arty the living crap out of the strider, which he does. Hooray, we're safe - except that we'd just lost MAT as collateral damage and I didn't know that yet. Doh.

Things proceed in this vein for a few minutes longer, with more arty going out and JTAC dropping a few bombs here and there; and then I figure it's time to collapse the front a bit and call Alpha and Bravo back into the main core of the town in the triangle of its main roads, and we get a few more arty missions and bomb runs dropped on the surrounding area.


Then the tanks show up. Carson gets told to arty it. Alpha is down to three men; I tell them to fall back to the alamo but they roll into bravo to keep fighting instead (bar Delta, ordered into the alamo to help out). Cool, that works. We get arty'd ourselves once or twice, and we're getting pressed pretty hard now. We can hear vehicles around us and the infantry can't be far behind. I'm counting the minutes and losing track, and just as I'm wondering if we can hold out here for the last few minutes and survive, JTAC pipes up and apologises for calling in a bomb run on the alamo by mistake.


So we all evacuate and take whatever cover we can. Arty and JTAC head north and get cut down by enemy fire. Myself and Delta had looped south behind a wall and we're okay, and then a grenade throw goes awry and I barely manage to get to shelter but Delta is knocked off his feet, I get him up, as enemy infantry runs past and doesn't see us. I'm now thinking we're toast and the best odds are for us to nuke everything near us, sadly including us, and give B2 the best shot at surviving we can. I ask Arty if he can do that; he can. We get surprised by an enemy and I'm down and bleeding out as is Delta, but the enemy's dead too, and that's it I figure, we're done. I tell Carson to call in the arty strike on our heads and obliterate the tank we can hear behind the wall....

...and the timer runs out right as I make the call. Victory!


Feck me :D


Shipping Problems (after-party)

Comrade, even the shipping containers are dangerous in this mission :D
(Also, don't tell the enemy where you are on the radio, it never ends well :D )

Helicopters (after-party)

You know, I've been looking for an occasion to use Ride of the Valkeryies in a video for ages and this is the first time yet that it's been appropriate? :D

Race Thunder XL (after-party)


guns.ie ● stochasticgeometry.ie ● weak.ie

Don't tell mom I'm a pilot, she thinks I play piano in a whorehouse

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Re: [Sun] 04 Oct 2015 (Danny may not die)

Post by Galactor »

Hey there, "Pheonix" here (will be going as Galactor from now on though as Phoenix was just because I forgot ARMA likes taking computer names as your name until you change it), popping into the forum to share just two pictures from last weeks fun before coming in for this weeks fun. Both are from maximum Radio, one of the beautiful gun run that went right over my head, and the other of the hovering helicopters at the end.
Hovering Choppers
Hovering Choppers
2015-10-04_00001.jpg (194.28 KiB) Viewed 10277 times
Gun Run
Gun Run
2015-10-04_00002.jpg (171.13 KiB) Viewed 10277 times

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