[Sun] 18 Sep (That didn't go as planned)

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[Sun] 18 Sep (That didn't go as planned)

Post by Pooter »

So... 34 sacrifices comrades joined us on this glorious Sunday where almost all of us didn't die instantly.

We started out in Corporate Synergy where Mabbott got ran over by NATO, his gun hit a NATO man in the head and NATO decided that they hated OneRaven for this so they removed him. We were quickly pacified afterwards.

We continued our glory in LSHD where Bravo disappeared into the Jungle, the engineer died just before repairing the IFV, then Alpha's helicopter forgot to lower its landing gear and exploded. We managed to escape with the IFV, but we left 2 squads of dead men, two helicopter wrecks, and a very alive Eqbot behind.

We drove forward into Lumberjacked where we had a rumble in the jungle (The AI search and destroy can be brutal in the jungle). Out of Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, MMG1 and MMG2, 5 of us survived. 2 were from Alpha, 2 was from Bravo, and 1 was from MMG2.

We lastly moved onto Jungle Boogie where Costno (with 5 kills) and Chozo (7 kills) stole the show in the dark forest of death.

Now, just in case you need a reminder, if you think commanding seems like fun, yet hesitate because you worry that you won't come up with a reasonable plan on such short notice, then check out our leadership programme.

Also, did you notice that some vehicles/players had way cool FA Tractors on them tonight? That's because of the power of our squad tags. Get yours whilst stocks last.
Last edited by Mabbott on Wed Sep 21, 2016 2:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Fixing the spelling of my name

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Re: [Sun] 18 September (That didn't go as planned)

Post by Costno »

Workshop VTOL nextweek is recommended. Also workshop don't press eject like Costno while flying towards AO.

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Re: [Sun] 18 September (That didn't go as planned)

Post by Boarnoah »

After our experience with flying today, ejecting might not be such a bad idea :P

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Re: [Sun] 18 September (That didn't go as planned)

Post by AJAX »

I can definitely agree there is a need for a VTOL Workshop in the very near future. But first, if we are going to have successful fire fights in the Tanoa jungle, we really need a workshop on Squad movement down jungle Trails or through thick vegetation and a meaningful understanding of squad orientation, arrangement, spacing and speed that you are moving at.

Today was clearly a day of early deaths an a refamiliarization with The Spectator camera. As always, it was still an amazingly good time to be had.

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Re: [Sun] 18 September (That didn't go as planned)

Post by Ralian »

Well, today was fun. Some would say too fun.

Corporate Synergy (B2 Demolitionist)

Started off with technical issues and wondering where my fireteam was due to lack of a GPS or STHud. All too quickly we heard what we thought was a misfire in the distance. Then another. Then nope, someone set off the trigger and we have to try and not die.

After co-occupying a house with a none-too-pleased NATO AI, I tried setting up an explosive on a section of road that I guess the IFV never came back around on, and discovered that since we don't have mine detectors we can't actually move mines once we set them up.

I tried looting some NATO riflemen in the doorway of ghost hotel and was promptly shot to oblivion.


It was reluctantly that I signed on as Alpha Squad Leader for this mission. As luck would have it, ASL in this mission carried with it a weight not to be signed on reluctantly for.

Our first fatality was departure T+30. Costno (A1 FTL) Decided he liked being on the ground a lot more than being inside the VTOL (a line of thinking that was actually pretty logically sound this mission) and flung himself out of the cargo door.

Soon enough we were on the ground thanks to the good job our pilot (Shado?) did of not turning us into a pile of warped metal and melted bodies like Bravo.

I got our fireteams eastbound, met up with the survivors, and soon learned from our remaining engineer that CO was dead and we just had to get him to the vehicle so he could use his magic black bag of tricks to get the Marshall mobile. It was going well all things considered, the teams were all heads up and we had just initiated contact with light contacts to the west. Well, things turned south pretty quick and before I knew it we were six up as a squad and our engineer was dead, sprawled out and reaching towards the IFV from all of five meters away. It would have been nice of him to scrawl out instructions on how to use his black bag in the dirt before he died, because we had to eventually use the magic of Zeus (TM) to get the vehicle somewhat repaired.

With the vehicle repaired we set off for clearer waters with all of my squad and (I think?) some of the survivors. We got all of 50 meters before the rather heavy fire we were taking from all sides re-disabled (is that a thing?) us. We got repaired again and rolled past an industrial fuckton of enemy troops as we headed past the sugar factory, since nobody decided to pack any bullets for the IFV. That's probably how it got disabled in the first place.

Eventually as I called in VT1 to pick us up on the road to the south, I learned of a team of three that needed pickup in the forest to our north. I briefly turned back (which may have been a questionable choice) because on our way back we were engaged by what was either a hellcat or vehicle mounted HMG. I veered us into the jungle to avoid fire (it steelied half of our wheelies, slowing us down even more) and quickly learned that the Marshall was not a vehicle designed to handle jungle well.

I called for VT1 to hold as long as possible while it was taking fire from a hellcat that decided to join the party as we steamed towards it at... well, steamboat speed. We finally arrived, parked our vehicle in the aerial parking garage, and lifted away to safety.

And we didn't leave Eqbot behind. No, no. His deployment to the jungle was just... extended a bit.

Lumberjacked (B1 Autorifleman)

Lumberjacked was pretty cool. After witnessing one of the NATO drivers go on a road rage straight through all of Alpha and Bravo (and get executed, no less), we were off into the jungle. We hit contact, I got downed, got about two kills, got downed again and then was killed right on the path. I got the last re-enforcement slot and was the first dead in Charlie to boot.

Just remember, if you have any complaints about my decisions in LSHD redirect them to /dev/null, because I gave you guys a good 60 seconds before I agreed to taking it. Victory above all else! :hist101:
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Re: [Sun] 18 Sep (That didn't go as planned)

Post by fer »

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Re: [Sun] 18 September (That didn't go as planned)

Post by estel »

Ralian wrote:With the vehicle repaired we set off for clearer waters with all of my squad and (I think?) some of the survivors.
From what I remember it was with none of the squad and none of the survivors? :p
we were engaged by what was either a hellcat or vehicle mounted HMG
One guy with an AR ;)

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Re: [Sun] 18 September (That didn't go as planned)

Post by Ralian »

estel wrote:From what I remember it was with none of the squad and none of the survivors? :p
People kept hopping in and out while we were stationary. I didn't see that I left anyone behind in my mirrors but all that means is that I probably left everyone behind.
estel wrote:One guy with an AR ;)
I was in the drivers seat and the bullets hitting the side of the vehicle sounded a lot more serious to me than they actually were. Also, he did take out some of our wheels.

Really, most of what I saw that mission was through the tiny square sorry excuse of a viewport that the Marshall has for the driver.

By the way, I've isolated (but not fixed) the problem that's causing annoying system freezes for me. Every so often (a couple times per mission for me yesterday!) that my SSD is under heavy load, disk requests time out and my disk usage spikes to 100%. I think I know what windows hardware level feature is causing it, but I haven't found out how to disable it. :argh:
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Re: [Sun] 18 Sep (That didn't go as planned)

Post by SuicideKing »

we really need a workshop on Squad movement down jungle Trails or through thick vegetation and a meaningful understanding of squad orientation, arrangement, spacing and speed that you are moving at
Relevant ShackTac video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_TiWQT-br0

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Re: [Sun] 18 Sep (That didn't go as planned)

Post by Ciaran »

Can we have a "moving through minefields" workshop too?

I think the first thing to note is that throwing grenades in the jungle is probably not a good idea, as we soon learned. I died shortly after heroically charging forward to revive ASL, who had decided to not-quite-as-heroically charge into a group of enemies. When I got to him he was surrounded by Syndikat corpses, with bullets flying over my head in both directions. I reinforced as C1, where we were promptly lead 'where we needed to be', which happened to be through a minefield... The first step was Mabbot nominating himself and running head first into the minefield; surprisingly he almost made it to the other side. Our first mistake was inadequate spacing, so we ended up having 2 downed men and 1 injured from the first mine. The final blow for C1, with 3 of us safely through, was when the third mine went off, leaving 4 downed men. We bled out one by one, finally being able to leave this world behind after our traumatising ordeal.

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