[Sun] 25 Sep (Just a strole in the jungle.)

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[Sun] 25 Sep (Just a strole in the jungle.)

Post by AJAX »

What a wonderful day we had with the 28 plus soldiers able to come join us in our party plans.

Main Session:

As always, comments are most welcome below. Also, if you have a nice story be sure to tell it. Videos are always much appreciated, and will be appropriated by our propaganda departement if you tell us about them.

If you think commanding seems like fun, yet hesitate because you worry that you won't come up with a reasonable plan on such short notice, then check out our leadership programme.

If you want to test out an updater/launcher for all your mod needs look no further than our Comrade head's marvellous contraption.

Did you notice that some vehicles/players had way cool FA Tractors on them tonight? That's because of the power of our squad tags. Get yours whilst stocks last.

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Re: [Sun] 25 Sep (Just a strole in the jungle.)

Post by OneRaven »

Rebel Raiders

After dropping the main assault elements, the incorrigible GeEom decided to kill the CO, to become the CO. Unfortunately, his choice of murder weapon was poor, and he fell by his own hand.

It didn't really matter, as the fireteams immediately suffered the twin misfortunes of "encountering a technical" and "becoming surrounded", at which point annihilation and Ending #6 was inevitable.


As ASL, I attempted to take the initiative and move my squad along the eastern edge of a deadly clearing, only to find an entire enemy army. A quick retreat along Bravo's previous path got us to safety. One field promotion later - courtesy of GeEom's bad luck - I lead the majority of the force in a rather sedate march to an overwatch position above the lumberyard. At this point, a couple of technicals decimated the Alpha fireteams before being dispatched, and the understrength Alpha supported Bravo's near-uncontested march into the yard with poor fire discipline by suppressing any and all shiny objects.

Technicals: FA's primary natural predator.

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Re: [Sun] 25 Sep (Just a strole in the jungle.)

Post by Freyja »

For once, we took it nice and slow on our way through Lumberjacked. That AND we managed to make at least 2 successful disengages followed by re-positioning! The results were predictably lethal.

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Re: [Sun] 25 Sep (Just a strole in the jungle.)

Post by Costno »

Quite a good session I thought.

Force Recon
Considering I made this mission this morning, I felt pretty good about it, seems pretty easy all things considered. A few changes should fix that. Also I think having AV being led by Mat Salade and also having MAT team attached to us led to some minor confusion....

We also had a chance to figure out whether the sun was in the sky or the moon. You decide.
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/ ... 5742_1.jpg

Drug Factory
Another one of mine! I think it's a nice stroll in the jungle with reasonable contacts leading to the factory. The reinforcements didn't work quite as I intended though, but we survived! Also medics didn't have medkits, who knew!

At one point GeEom extended past my Bravo team, so he set up camp and practiced his telekinesis while we caught up.
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/ ... 4556_1.jpg
Heart of Darkness
We live as we dream - alone. Also we die alone. Possibly by friendly fire. But I don't know....

Rebel Raiders
I was very pumped to play as FAC in this. It started off well!

This was the right way to play this. It felt uncharacteristically coordinated and tactical. And we got to slaughter a bunch of AI.

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Re: [Sun] 25 Sep (Just a strole in the jungle.)

Post by darkChozo »

Force Recon
I think something was broken with my game. For some reason I could see enemies 1.2km away, almost like I wasn't surrounded by jungle. It was weird.

Drug Factory
Alpha went all tactical with this one, moving through the jungle in various orientations of line and walking pace. As ordered, we set up a pretty sweet ambush for the enemy reinforcements, mines at all. And then Bravo and CO (?) ran past the ambush and engaged the enemy directly. We got one guy with a mine though!

Heart of Darkness
I was sneaky and killed four people. Still lost though.

Rebel Raiders
Somehow we managed to get caught in a perfect pincer attack by the AI. Prooobably should have suggested that we slot reinforcements. Still, the insert was pretty fun.

We somehow managed to do this with like 18 people. Bravo ended up only losing two. The power of finding a good defensive position and letting them come to us.

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Re: [Sun] 25 Sep (Just a strole in the jungle.)

Post by GeEom »

Force Recon
Slightly hectic mix of new mission planning and an early launch. Loved the vic composition of prowlers and quads, felt very desert ratty! Prowler HMGs and captured statics thinned out the broad geography of enemy infantry. Intelligent squad covering let the dashes objective to objective remain fairly lossless, despite roaming HMG elements.

Drug Factory
Yum, thematic. I've just done Narcos season two. As perhaps should have been expected of a bunch of drug enforcers, their initial defense was pathetic, and their counterattack disorganized. Perhaps we should have moved on their second encampment? Colonel GeEom Carrillo managed to survive our interpretation!

Heart of Darkness
Not that dark. Netkev's "everyone everywhere" approach was incredibly effective. My failure to predict the visibility and engagement ranges lead to a high volume of downed men without immediate assistance. Ambush buddy teams for next run methinks.

Rebel Raiders
I didn't CO this one! Huzzah variety! Some awesome flying. I love comms bravo as a helicopter start as you can fling yourself blindly down the mountain and catch full speed nigh immediately. This lead to some awesome fast low flying for the first fireteam's insertion. CO was so impressed he ordered me back to pick him up. Long story short all the infantry got shot up and it definitely wasn't exacerbated by a sudden lack of leadership.

I really enjoyed gestating a plan for this yesterday morning. New concepts on jungle movement, and some more explicit directives around old concepts, seemed to give our advance serious fangs. In the first phase our light 18 players hit ~120 EI for ~2 losses! I should have kept a tighter grip on alpha's location in the early, but this didn't ultimately harm the operation. I had also explicitly written down "I'm keen to preserve the initial chain of command. SLs play safe." Despite this I managed to bleed out, sobbing, surrounded in smoke and desperate bravo first aiders, more or less as the furthest south.

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Re: [Sun] 25 Sep (Just a strole in the jungle.)

Post by Teifiterror »

Rebel Raiders
Thor appeared to look down on me joining late and struck me down with a bolt of lightning.

Really enjoyed this, was more structured than the previous Sunday's attempt and our slow and slow approach appeared to work well. Managed to make it through the wall of technical fire. Proceeded to lay down suppressing fire but all it did was make the containers jiggle a bit more.

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Re: [Sun] 25 Sep (Just a strole in the jungle.)

Post by DirtyHarry »

After action report author: DirtyHarry
Operation: Code name "Drug factory"
Date: Sunday 25th september 1968

The mission was simple; go in, blow up the drug making equipment and fend off any counter attacks.
I had a bad feeling going into this one as the code name was perhaps poorly chosen and anyone listening in on the wire may have been able to assume what we were up to.

Insertion was swift. I don't actually recall the time between gearing up and being within mission perimeter. (Note: will get checked by party therapist asap).

Moving into the jungle my team were to take the rear left flank. AJAX took point (rather too easily. Note: book extra appointment for party therapist) and led us in a rough column formation. Using combat pace we were easily able to divide fields of observation and pass through the jungle with a speed so slow yet so smooth yet so fast.
We arrived at our mission objective. Bravo had already made light work of the factory and our job was to prevent the all too certain counter attack.
The techies began placing anti-personnel mines whilst Alpha took flanking positions to prepare ambushing the enemy.

The enemy had suspected the trap and avoided the dirt road (See earlier complaint of code name), instead choosing to come at us through the dense jungle. They were, however, a trickling stream of targets and not the impending wave I had expected to face.
We comfortably fended off the wave but we were getting reports of activity on our rear. I had already taken position in the back and sure enough, a stray dog found his way to our bof. It was close but i took him down before he could get a shot off.

Shortly after, the mission was deemed success. We ended the mission taking our vengeance, and anger, out at the clouds. Many clouds died. (note: book entire week for party therapist).
Last edited by DirtyHarry on Wed Oct 05, 2016 2:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Sun] 25 Sep (Just a strole in the jungle.)

Post by Boarnoah »

Force Recon
B1 R
Great gear loadout, woodland camo is very cool. Its a shame we didn't get to try driving through towns in unarmoured vehicles.

Drug Factory
We managed to avoid setting off our own mines. Once the shooting started we were asked to secure the rear which entailed sneaking upto and distracting netkev and Alpha multiple times ;) .

Engineering team chilling

Geom got shot twice in the open, almost as if the EI knew who was in command (I recommend a course in leading from the rear for comrade Geom).

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