First up we attacked an AAF outpost to upload a virus. Despite it taking way longer than it should have to upload, we did manage to get it uploaded and at least some people made it out before AAF bombed the hell out of their own outpost in an attempt to stop us.
Next up: Science! We tried out the new experiential respawn system while Winning The Game. Things worked...okay but a few things need fixed. But much data was collected. And as always: Engine Limitations.
After that we cleared the mafia out of a valley as the snow fell quietly around us. Was pretty peaceful, you know, except for all the shooting!
Lastly we did some good ol' compound clearing. It went very well, until the very last compound and where one guy managed to down/kill the 5 members of the team, bringing an abrupt end to the mission.
The missions we played:
- Data Raid [Altis][Co-op]
- Winning The Game [Malden][Co-op]
- Lost Sector: Corton Valley [Malden][Co-op]
- Lost Sector: La Trinite North [Malden][Co-op]
If you enjoyed tonight's session, please consider contributing to the server fund that allows FA to keep running sessions! You can send your last grubby potato using the Party's donation service (PayPal or credit/debit card options available)
You may have noticed that some people have FA flags (or other fancy designs) all over them. You may have thought "wow, what a cool guy! I want to be like them when I grow up!" Well, there's no need to grow up just yet. Instead, click on this link here and you too can have an FA flag of your own. (now with lots of extra cool designs to choose from!)
You can review the missions we played tonight to improve your combat effectiveness score, using our OCAP2 Mission Replay System. Remember, the Party is always watching! And so are your friends. From the grave. Where you put them. You monster.