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Re: [Sun] 22 Mar 2015 (I saw a rainbow)

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 12:26 am
by SuperU
Really enjoyed reading your AAR griz, great to still see you around and kicking arse :P

Re: [Sun] 22 Mar 2015 (I saw a rainbow)

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 12:27 am
by Freyja
Grizzly wrote:ZEUS, in his almightyness, got bored a bit, as he send some attack helicopters after us.

Then he send some more attack helicopters.

Then he send even more attack helicopters.
I will have you know I only ever sent one, extremely prolific, attack helicopter after you.

I may or may not have piloted it.

Re: [Sun] 22 Mar 2015 (I saw a rainbow)

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 1:18 am
by fer
Netkev wrote:I may or may not have piloted it.
The Party may or may not have sent a mysterious BLUFOR attack helo to fight back. Just sayin'. I am actually Roy Scheider.


Re: [Sun] 22 Mar 2015 (I saw a rainbow)

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 4:46 pm
by Grizzly
"What are the rules of engagement?", a comrade asked.

I must admit that my mind was recollecting a story about how the Rules of Engagement were a set of ancient tomes long since lost in Takistan, before I realized (after a full three seconds) that that question no longer was a folk injoke and that I should answer it in a serious manner. :oops:

Re: [Sun] 22 Mar 2015 (I saw a rainbow)

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 4:49 pm
by fer
Comrade Grizzly, I think it's time you wrote a post about the old days, so that younger comrades might get a sense of what it was like when our struggle for a socialist agrarian utopia was new.

Re: [Sun] 22 Mar 2015 (I saw a rainbow)

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 4:51 pm
by Sparks
Grizzly wrote:I realized (after a full three seconds) that that question no longer was a folk injoke
It's a folk injoke?
This needs to go in the new party member briefing Comrade!

Also, do we really need RoE when most of the time we're lucky to get to the AO without dying, what with Arma kicking us out of the chopper to die at the bottom of the ocean, or our keybindings grenading us, or the action menu setting a landmine at the back of the squad helicopter, or... Comrade, what is that Makarov for, and how did you get it past the Greek customs agents?



Re: [Sun] 22 Mar 2015 (I saw a rainbow)

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 5:22 pm
by Kefirz
Grizzly wrote:"What are the rules of engagement?", a comrade asked.

I must admit that my mind was recollecting a story about how the Rules of Engagement were a set of ancient tomes long since lost in Takistan, before I realized (after a full three seconds) that that question no longer was a folk injoke and that I should answer it in a serious manner. :oops:
I know, right?

A while ago I asked the same question, thinking I was witty and all that, but... the air was dead silent, no laughter, nothing.
Then the CO says, ''Try to avoid contact and call in targets.'' AND what's worst... I think he meant it.


Re: [Sun] 22 Mar 2015 (I saw a rainbow)

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 5:23 pm
by audiox
Once upon a time, when a young and naive audiox tried to cling on for his dear life during his first ever FA session, this event took place :

Also, yes, the AAR for that one is called : What are the rules of--

Re: [Sun] 22 Mar 2015 (I saw a rainbow)

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 11:05 am
by Raesor
Eagle_Eye wrote:At one stage myself and Raesor bumped into a guy in the woods, about 10 meters away, took me about 10 seconds to figure out if he was an enemy, and apparently he was thinking the same thing. I believe you can hear my profanity towards the end of Sparks' recap video.
I thought for sure that it was a friendly. I mean, he was running up to us with is gun down and then just stood there, wide-eyed like he'd just been birthed into this horrible world of gunfire and explosions, curious as to who and what was causing all this ruckus. It seemed like he was looking to us for answers, maybe he just wanted to extend the olive branch of peace. Then we shot him. A lot.

I had to duck out after some GMG fire played "abstract art painting" with my insides (shortly after rainbows were seen,) and I missed last night's session, but I had a great time with all the Folks on Sunday and I can't wait for the next session.