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Re: [Tue] 23 Jun (Raiding SuperÜ's Liquor Cabinet)

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 9:03 pm
by Ralian

Lands End: A2 Grenadier
The air in the woods west of the objective was thick with grenades, thanks to one of the BLU grenadiers and me. I think we pretty well slaughtered one of the BLU teams, then moved on to the compound where our first squad was tied up and cleared the last building, ending BLU's reign and securing the beach house for glorious leader.

Rebel Alliance Part IV: A2 FTL
A2 was under my totally competent* leadership for this one. We stuck north covering A1/3 and took less casualties initially. I think my squad also may have been haunted... we found blip dead inside a closed warehouse. Either he got his soul harvested or he was shot through the window, I think it may have been the former. We then moved south to tonic to claim the party's victory.

*so I may have misunderstood an order or two and neglected Bormanov's medical needs a few times.

Rebel Alliance Part V
The initial ambush went way better than I was expecting, but we spent way too long dicking around with the trucks to call it a well completed mission. I tried to hit the IND helichopper with my rpg, and then was shot running to catch up with everyone else by the CSAT GMG rolling in from the northwest. I should have spent less time dicking around and not gotten left behind x)

Gator Raid: A1 RPG
This was a fun one for about 5 minutes. I got hit peeking around a corner at the first bunker we hit. I also got to witness (and take part in) the grenadageddon that happened when we opened fire on the first bunker, I think one of the AI got about 8 or 9 thrown at him. xD

Fuel Charges: A2 FTL
I led A2 into what would be our new job dicking around in the barracks complex for the duration of the mission. I think we had danger close at some point, and I ran around a corner at the same time as some poor opposing schmuck. I really showed him what for. I mean, he also showed me what for, but unlike him I only nearly died. Pickers got hit, and after some not-so-brief confusion about the building/floor/room he was in, we found him dead. Surprisingly, we lasted long enough to let Schismatrix take the final shots of the mission, securing BLUFOR's glorious victory.

Rebel Alliance Part I: A2 RPG
It was fun to go back to this one. This time we performed the attack in the opposite direction, actually starting with compound one and moving to 2, 3, then 4. I can't say too much out of the ordinary happened. I got a few kills, had a near death experience when I tried to clear a building that had about three or four ai.

Tank U Comrade: BLU Tank One Gunner
Tank U was fun as usual. We tried to lay low until the helichopper spotted us while tank II pushed east. After dicking around for a few minutes trying to shoot the spotting helicopter down, we got eyes on the remaining enemy tank and our tank II in extremely close proximity to each other... this confused me a bit... After watching the footage, I understand why I did what I did next...
Firstly, Toaster (tank commander) made the minor mistake of telling me to look west when he meant east. He followed that up with saying 090, but this kept me distracted looking west for a few seconds.
By that time, the enemy tank (which he clearly called out for me was on the LEFT, and was right about) had crossed to the right. I proceeded to turn the gun around and blow up the friendly tank that was now on the left, and then fix (not really fix) my mistake and blow up the opposing tank immediately afterwards.
No worries toaster, I should have been looking east anyways, and the friendlies were dead already if anyone asks. Also, the friendly tank exploding was absolutely beautiful.

Zeus Sandbox: Spec ops member or whatever we were geared up for.
That was great! We really showed those top gear guys what for!

Re: [Tue] 23 Jun (Raiding SuperÜ's Liquor Cabinet)

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2015 10:17 am
by madrak_the_red
Eagle_Eye wrote: And then on tuesday's session, this Wilson guy shows up. And I thought Madrak maybe had changed his name in TS to be funny.
You know, I didn't, but maybe I should've. Then there could be two wilsons and you'd never know the difference

Re: [Tue] 23 Jun (Raiding SuperÜ's Liquor Cabinet)

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 10:58 am
by Wilson
Black Mamba wrote:
Wilson wrote:*being back*
So it was not just an urban legend... Now I've got an excuse to come back and get you killed a bunch of times before Tiger leaves!
It's true, I am back, Mamba. Survived a lot longer without you getting me killed too.

Eagle ... I wasn't there on Sunday no, just someone who wishes they could be a hero like me.