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Re: [Sun] 05 Jul 2015 (The ducklings have safely passed)

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 12:40 pm
by Sparks
fer wrote:TNK: "Also, I love you."
And just like that, an entire wealth of my questions about various events in Folk ARPS missions was answered in one fell swoop...
Don't make me take this out of the vodka budget.
I feel I have been woefully underinformed Comrade Fer, the Party never disclosed the availability of a vodka budget and Alpha Medic has been making do with appropriated Chanel No.5 for some time now and frankly, he and Alpha Squad Lead have been acting in a manner most unbecoming in the field as a result...
Or, at least, the Party cares about having to dry-clean the blood out of your uniform before issuing it to some kid out of officer school.
And your comrades didn't volunteer to CO for a reason, stop cheating and jumping under Madrak's IFV in order to exercise the chain of command Eagle_eye...

On a less amusing note Comrade Fer, what are the Party's directives on the use of RAT assets against identified and confirmed enemy-held structures whose location makes a frontal assault potentially expensive (Party-issued uniforms not being free); and how much flexibility is there in regard to those directives in the field?

Re: [Sun] 05 Jul 2015 (The ducklings have safely passed)

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 12:48 pm
by fer
Sparks wrote:On a less amusing note Comrade Fer, what are the Party's directives on the use of RAT assets against identified and confirmed enemy-held structures whose location makes a frontal assault potentially expensive (Party-issued uniforms not being free); and how much flexibility is there in regard to those directives in the field?
It depends on the narrative of the mission. In Citadel, for example, IFVs are forbidden from using anything more powerful than an HMG against buildings because of the desire to minimise damage to civilian property. It follows that, in that mission, infantry is discouraged - perhaps even forbidden - from firing a rocket into a building. However, the mission may have no such constraints, and room-clearance-by-rpg is just dandy. If in doubt, ask the CO and/or session host for direction.


Re: [Sun] 05 Jul 2015 (The ducklings have safely passed)

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 12:53 pm
by Peasant
Buzzards MAT2 leader ,

A word of warning- MAT is basically useless against fast moving vehicles at close range

puddle jumpers bravo vehiclecommander

Dabbo did some top grade squad leading in this mission. The new orbat as it applies to mechanized infantry really helps with cooperation

The Marid though. I do not like . The commander has esentially no visibility to the right , and the wing mirror gives another blind sport to the front left corner. the gunner has much better vis though, and it packs a punch

short straw Charlie ar 2

Ferrard Carson, you did textbook new orbat fire team leading. Also, fighting in woods is hard and confusing

Re: [Sun] 05 Jul 2015 (The ducklings have safely passed)

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 1:02 pm
by Sparks
fer wrote:However, the mission may have no such constraints, and room-clearance-by-rpg is just dandy. If in doubt, ask the CO and/or session host for direction.
Noted. It's not the first time the question has arisen in my mind, good to know it's per-mission and not a standing order.

Re: [Sun] 05 Jul 2015 (The ducklings have safely passed)

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 1:12 pm
by Eagle_Eye
Problem with using HE assets when assaulting a building though is that you might as well shoot some wet tissue paper at the building. It wont even feel an RPG shot, and with patented ARMA physics, the guys inside aren't going to feel more than a stiff breeze. To top it all off, the most important things that you often want to take out (sandbag bunkers, h bags etc) are indestructible in-engine, so good looking getting any results there.

Re: [Sun] 05 Jul 2015 (The ducklings have safely passed)

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 1:18 pm
by Tigershark
Sparks wrote:
Tigershark wrote:In my defence...what good is suppressive fire if we aint moving.
It was incoming suppressive fire :D
The idea was we'd hunker down in hard cover, let Charlie vic annihilate the idiots who were firing and letting us know where we were, *then* we'd move up and clear the buildings and loot the corpses. We had three more targets after that one and we'd just lost someone to incoming 50 cal fire while trying to get the HEMTT to a point where we could bail out with cover (instead of bailing out in an open field in a 50 cal's line of sight which seemed like a tactically unsound decision at the time). My plan was to save up most of Alpha 1 for the final glory charge at the other end of the valley after Charlie vic had exploded and all of Charlie 1 had been shredded by its shrapnel as it cooked off...
I don't even know what this means...


Re: [Sun] 05 Jul 2015 (The ducklings have safely passed)

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 1:21 pm
by Tigershark does it work?


I am feeling evil today. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Re: [Sun] 05 Jul 2015 (The ducklings have safely passed)

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 2:31 pm
by Sparks
Tigershark wrote:I don't even know what this means...
[Tigersharkese] STOP RUNNING OFF WITH MY AT ASSET! [/Tigersharkese]

/cue Sparks chasing after Tigershark across 200m of open terrain under fire, catching him, slapping him in the face with a wet mackerel (yes comrades, that is what the third pouch to the left is for storing), then dragging him back by the tube to the rocks everyone else was sheltering behind so that The Great Big Tank On The Hill could magdump 20mm rounds into the general area instead of having to hold off because someone was trying to get listed under "acceptable losses" :P

It was a very simple plan, you know.

Re: [Sun] 05 Jul 2015 (The ducklings have safely passed)

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 2:33 pm
by Sparks
Tigershark does it work?
In a very similar way to the chain of command...



Re: [Sun] 05 Jul 2015 (The ducklings have safely passed)

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 12:22 am
by Sparks
Told you it was a spectacular death Kefirz!