[Sun] 05 Jul 2015 (The ducklings have safely passed)

How we died (in the future)
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Ferrard Carson
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Re: [Sun] 05 Jul 2015 (The ducklings have safely passed)

Post by Ferrard Carson »

Buzzard (updated)
Deployed as A2 FTL

An oldie but a goodie, this mission saw a return to our tradition of long walks on a moonlit beach, trading barbs and tender backrubs as we worked up the courage to walk up to the AAF guards and admit our feelings. Alas, our love was unreciprocated, for they spat naught but hate in our direction. Well, hate and so many .50 cal rounds that half of us more resembled Swiss cheese than Swiss mountaineers by the end of the mission. I saw some 6.5mm tracers coming from behind the hanger, so naturally I dumped half a mag into the bushes to attract some attention. Strider-sempai most certainly noticed. So many .50 cal tracers flew through my head that I reached quite an illuminated state of nirvana for the briefest of milliseconds before I ran out of bits of my brain sticking to other bits of my brain.

What was really amusing was that same Strider went on to perform the most dastardly hit and run attacks, once openly taunting the weapons attachment by passing within 50 meters of them whilst the nearest MAT gunner was absorbed with watching a rabbit do rabbit-y things. By the end, some 8 or 10 people had met their messy ends at the hands of that Strider until it rammed out its front wheels and AJAX's MG convinced the crew to step out of their invulnerable coffin into a killing zone. That's right, they felt sorry for slaughtering us so thoroughly and decided to gimp themselves so we could stand a chance.

And Blip... No comment :coolbert:

Puddle Jumpers
Deployed as Alpha Vic Driver

Ah, an IFV of the amphibious variety, and one that we so rarely see. At the helm of Alpha Vic, I ushered us across the water at a glacial pace of 10kmph, resisting the urge to demonstrate just how amazing and stunning a model of fluid dynamics is used in ArmA 3...

I'll let the video speak for the rest, but suffice to say that this mission was very enjoyable as we acted in support of our crunchies.

Short Straw
Deployed as Charlie 1 FTL

Another thoroughly enjoyable mission, I played my part as iron-fisted Charlie 1 dictator, slowly marshaling a six-dude fireteam through some surprisingly tough terrain.

The mission got off to a hair-raising start where we laid down suppressive fire whilst Alpha... charged an enemy strongpoint in a HEMTT... :siiigh:

After that, though, there was an interesting interplay. The forested hillsides proved as much a challenge for our less-than-nimble tracked IFV as enemy forces, and we in Charlie 1 ended up filtering forwards slowly and cautiously, darting from tree to tree while weathering harrassing fire from a few inaccurate CSAT holdouts scattered across the opposite face of the valley. And then the IFV opened up and grenaded the ever-loving sh*t out of those dudes. Gave me a real 'MURRICAH boner, that did. Embolded, we moved forward, tripping and dealing with some close contacts on the same hillside as us, shielded from Alpha and MMG's covering position by the lip of the hill. After some hasty medic-ing to bring us back to full capacity, we snuck along the ditch beside the main road towards the last town.

"Take the church, then the town," was the order, and after determining that fire was too heavy and cover too light to press for the church, we followed CSL's lead and shifted north of the road, opening the angle and allowing Alpha to come at the town from the southeast. The two squads moved in as one, swarming over and thoroughly eradicating all signs of non-NATO life in the compound-with-delusions-of-grandeur, rained four kinds of explosives on the very last shack in the AO and were thoroughly reprimanded for gratuitous and wanton destruction of civilian property treated to the finest in victory food and victory wine and victory parades and victory-reassignments-to-Leavenworth-and-not-as-a-guard!

I have to thank my fireteam members for being pretty cool dudes. Okay, so some of you might have dragged a little more gear into the field that was strictly necessary, but your heavy panting and wheezing coughs will teach you a valuable character lesson about moderation in weight and conservation of stamina! Aside from that, forest-fighting with a 6-man FT was pleasant - Red Team could move forward with three interlocking fields of fire, Blue Team could lay down a withering barrage on anything that Red Team couldn't deal with, and all the while our knight in shining Chobham burped GMG and .50 cal belts all over the valley to protect us. Combined Arms is so damned beautiful in action from the other perspective too!

:clint: ~ Ferrard
"Take a boat in the air you don't love, she'll shake you off just as sure as the turnin' of the worlds. Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down, tells you she's hurtin' before she keels... makes her home."

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Re: [Sun] 05 Jul 2015 (The ducklings have safely passed)

Post by Sparks »

Ferrard Carson wrote:The mission got off to a hair-raising start where we laid down suppressive fire whilst Alpha... charged an enemy strongpoint in a HEMTT... :siiigh:
In Alpha's defence, orders is orders.
And in Alpha 1's defence, they weren't terribly happy about our approach at the time, but there's only so much you can do from the back of a HEMTT doing 50kph over rough terrain with no access to the cabin and no way to shoot the driver...

Also, the map said there'd be defilade at the bottom of the hill before the road, that's what we were *actually* charging. It's just that THE MAP LIES LIKE A LYING THING HAVING A LYING FIT. There wasn't enough defilade there for an Arma rabbit and any scout who'd wandered up to the lip of the hill from where we were would have seen that, in the half-second or so it takes a 50 cal round to cover the distance from the stronghold to his head. So Alpha found out on the fly and had to improvise.

But for next time, in the spirit of The Bear Went Over The Mountain, might I suggest that it would have been a more tactically flexible approach for Alpha to have routed far more to the north and to have initially taken the buildings at the Spidey senses tingling mark and used that as a base of fire in coordination with Charlie from their position so that Alpha's manoeuvre element might have had a slightly less Tigershark-style approach available to them?

Not, we hurry to state, that we are questioning orders Comrade!
"Take the church, then the town," was the order, and after determining that fire was too heavy and cover too light to press for the church
Really? Alpha took the church without losses.

Just saying... :fry:
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Re: [Sun] 05 Jul 2015 (The ducklings have safely passed)

Post by SuicideKing »

Kefirz wrote:Yeah man I watch them a lot. I don't actually.

I'm like this guy

Also, have you noticed that 90% of those action movies include cops in some way or form and 100% of the guys have mustaches.

:lol: a South Indian movie dubbed in Hindi, you really have found a gem.

Bollywood is kinda more anti-mustache though (South Indian cinema being "Tollywood", for Tamil Bollywood originally, I think). And yeah cops are required, along with lots of henchmen. Both cannon fodder for the protagonist/antagonist.

But seriously, watch Dhoom 3 if you want to see a motorcycle transform into a submersible jetski and Robot if you want to see...I'm not sure what the fuck that movie is about.

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Re: [Sun] 05 Jul 2015 (The ducklings have safely passed)

Post by Tigershark »

Sparks wrote:
But for next time, in the spirit of The Bear Went Over The Mountain, might I suggest that it would have been a more tactically flexible approach for Alpha to have routed far more to the north and to have initially taken the buildings at the Spidey senses tingling mark and used that as a base of fire in coordination with Charlie from their position so that Alpha's manoeuvre element might have had a slightly less Tigershark-style approach available to them.
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Re: [Sun] 05 Jul 2015 (The ducklings have safely passed)

Post by Kefirz »

Tiger... just stay quiet and don't sink to new lows :siiigh:
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Re: [Sun] 05 Jul 2015 (The ducklings have safely passed)

Post by Sparks »

Okay, that's downright confusing, because the Opah has been in the news a fair bit of late, what with being the first warm-blooded fish ever discovered and all...
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Re: [Sun] 05 Jul 2015 (The ducklings have safely passed)

Post by Tigershark »

Sticking feathers up your ass does not make you a chicken.

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Re: [Sun] 05 Jul 2015 (The ducklings have safely passed)

Post by Sparks »

"Booboo, are you okay?"

Awesomeness... :P
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Re: [Sun] 05 Jul 2015 (The ducklings have safely passed)

Post by madrak_the_red »

Sparks wrote: And in Alpha 1's defence, they weren't terribly happy about our approach at the time
You could say that, yes

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Re: [Sun] 05 Jul 2015 (The ducklings have safely passed)

Post by Sparks »

madrak_the_red wrote:
Sparks wrote: And in Alpha 1's defence, they weren't terribly happy about our approach at the time
You could say that, yes
The screaming was a bit of a giveaway alright. But I figured if I stopped and we all got out while the 50cal was firing, we'd be stuck with no cover for 50-100m in any direction, no fire support from Charlie, and we'd all be hiding behind a truck and trucks can explode.

So we ran.
It was a judgement call.

(I'm still sorry Major Effort :( )
guns.ie ● stochasticgeometry.ie ● weak.ie

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