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[Tue] 15 Apr (It's spawning lights!)

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 9:26 pm
by Satire
Thank you to the 30 who attended tonight's session for our romp across the Republics of Altis and Stratis.

Our playlist was:
  • Roomservice
  • Climaxing Crusader
  • Laying Plans
  • Burn
  • Church of Kerry
As always, leave your AAR's, pictures, videos and anything else you so desire here for everyone to enjoy.

Re: [Tue] 15 April (It's spawning lights!)

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 10:29 am
by Denel
I don't have the creative flair for written AARs so I'll stick to videos for now.

Laying Plans - NATO MMG

Re: [Tue] 15 April (It's spawning lights!)

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 10:48 am
by Issus
FIA Alpha 1(?) Dude - FTL: Dannysaysnoo, Tigershark & Cookie

Start of the mission -
Issus: Oh, hey, it's quite wet and mist...
KRAKOWBOWBOOM (the sound of the world ending less than one inch from my right eardrum) :shock:
Tiger: That's quite handy. It'll help us to move!
Issus: ...our bowels? *wipes self down, searches for emergency combat underwear*

Later -
Danny: Issus? Can yoKRAKOWBOWBOOM ?
Issus: Danny? Did you saKRAKOWBOWBOOMing?
Danny: Issus, why havKRAKOWBOWBOOMut here?
Issus: I can't hear a word you're saying!
*Danny sprints 100m to put his face right next to my ear*

Other than that, not much to tell. We were tasked to clear the rest of the buildings whilst the other fire teams died in the hotel. Then we rocked up, killed a few dudes, screamed regional obscenities at each other, and listened to Iceraiser murder everybody else. Victory!

Climaxing Crusader
Bravo Medic - SL: Homercleese


Tasked with helping to retake the airfield, Bravo began with some revitalising callisthenics under the watchful eye of dance instructor Homer, whilst Iceraiser demonstrated the fine art of rotating wildly on your crotch.

"I FUCKIN' LOVE MIRROOORRRRRRSSSSSSS!" - Danny, driving past in the IFV

We climbed the hill to our stepping off point, and got our first look at the initial objective: a CSAT compound on the opposing hill, controlling the valley between us. They also seemed to get a first look at us as well, with some long range HMG fire directed our way. Told to hunker down and wait for our armoured fire support, I wandered off to see how Danny was getting on. The "Little IFV That Could" was having a bit of trouble getting up the steep slope, so I walked beside it for a bit singing the encouraging words: "I think I can! I think I can!"

With this final mental push, the IFV made it to the top... and promptly exploded in a large fireball :owned:

Deprived of the fire support our assault plan hinged on, we once again charged into the valley floor between the tracers. Mercifully we found some defilade and worked our way up to the summit, and started clearing along the ridge line. Despite some hard fighting from all involved, we weren't finding progress easy, and most of Bravo were cycling between the front line and my position for heals every few minutes.

Satire's FT made a bold dash forward to a small farm compound just to the east of the CSAT position, but once inside lost the other three members of his team in a few short minutes. With only 4 others left standing in Bravo (including SL and myself), we formed a makeshift fire team and went to rescue our seemingly invincible squadmate. Fighting our way to the building, I found Satire miraculously (some would say... suspiciously?) unscathed, but the bodies of his comrades posed in gruesomely eerie positions in doorways and against walls. Not that I'm suggesting Satire is some sort of sick, conflict zone serial killer, but I think the evidence speaks for itself.

From the farm buildings, we were aiming to push onto the CSAT compound to the east, but every time we ventured outside we came under fire from various different directions. The sight of bullet impacts around us soon became ordinary, and we were spotting enemies in positions we had vacated just moments before, as we struggled to find a good position with the rolling folds of the hill.

Homer was undone by fire from behind us, and I'm not sure what happened to Mr-Link, but soon it was myself, Rook and Satire in a frenzied run back to the farm buildings where we had begun. Satire made a valiant last stand as we tried to traverse the opposite slope, but my courage failed me, and I fled down into the valley next to the airfield.

Hearing scattered reports from CO Tigershark as the remnants of Alpha assaulted the compound we couldn't reach, we fought through some light resistance on the valley floor on our way to the eastern edge of the airfield. After a suspiciously long breather, I realised Rook wasn't on TS any more and had probably disconnected. The last orders from above were to find an AT launcher and charge the airfield so I pushed in, AI Rook following behind.

And... yeah. To be fair I kind of panicked a bit, as I was fairly sure I was the only one left (so therefore had a large audience) and wasn't entirely sure where the ATC tower was. I fought my way north, intending to cut east through a compound so I could limit my exposure to whatever vehicular nasties were patrolling the runway. The AI had my back, and at one point destroyed something with his AT launcher (that probably wasn't the AAA objective), but died soon after. Under fire, I ran behind a hanger to patch up.

THEN! Voices from the beyond! Someone had dragged me into Limbo for some reason. Upon hearing a chorus of voices telling Satire to "Just call it already", I confessed that I really wasn't sure what I was doing or where I was going (despite having had Arma 3 for well over a year, I've played it remarkably little). Realising that I probably wasn't capable of a last-gasp victory, I was dumped back into squad channel and told to charge for glory. Which I, embarrassed, duly did. :oops:

Rook: I'm really impressed you managed to survive for this long. Y'know, as a medic.
Issus: I'm getting a reputation for it. My secret is extreme cowardice.

Laying Plans
Blufor Medic - SL: Audiox

Opfor essentially lost the game when they shot me in the head. Little did they know that, at the time, I was crawling to relieve Satire of our only satchel charges, thus allowing him to go do some Rambo shit without worrying about losing the precious explosives. I like to think my death inspired his suicidal charge to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.

Sadly, I had internet issues from this mission on which led to all kinds of problems in communication and positioning as (to me at least) people warped all over the place. Apologies to Audiox and anyone else affected.

Alpha 1(?) AT - FTL: Inverselaw

Upon landing we pushed up the slope to our stepping off point, only to find a HMG of some kind firing down from a hill to our south west. Kicking out west to stay in defilade from it, we crawled to the summit with danger-close minigun fire whipping over our heads. We lost one of our guys on the approach, and Inverse wanted me to crawl up and rocket the bunker once I had clear line of sight. Seeing the box shaped silhouette loom from out of the darkness, I figured it was about 100m away, I quickly popped up and fired.


Yeah, turns out the "bunker" was actually a vehicle of some kind, so was only about 20m in front of us. Luckily the only injuries were temporary blindness, and we settled down for a nice session of sniping at the enemy on the opposing hill. For some reason they were much more interested in the other Alpha FTs, so we were able to drop quite a lot of them completely unopposed. We were then told to help an assault on an outpost to the direct east. Dropping a few guys on the roof, we charged down to begin clearing but hadn't counted on a horde of green enemies pouring down the slope from the base. They were firing through the windows at us as we cleared, which meant I was thoroughly distracted when the occupant of a nearby room popped his head out and shot me down.

Pity I couldn't hang around, it would've been interested to see just how many kills Alpha 1 had in the end. Especially considering the vast numbers of green blips still streaming down the hillside when I left.

Re: [Tue] 15 April (It's spawning lights!)

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 8:32 pm
by Cookie
Issus wrote:Roomservice
FIA Alpha 1(?) Dude - FTL: Dannysaysnoo, Tigershark & Cookie
I don't think I was in your fireteam, Satire and Gaius were in my FT, can't remember who the fourth guy was. I remember this because Gaius killed both me and Satire.

Re: [Tue] 15 April (It's spawning lights!)

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 11:10 pm
by Issus
Cookie wrote:
Issus wrote:Roomservice
FIA Alpha 1(?) Dude - FTL: Dannysaysnoo, Tigershark & Cookie
I don't think I was in your fireteam, Satire and Gaius were in my FT, can't remember who the fourth guy was. I remember this because Gaius killed both me and Satire.
I think you're right - I had it confused with another mission. If anyone wants to own up to being the mystery member of Alpha 1, let me know! You saved my skin on at least two separate occasions.

Sorry to hear that Gaius shot you, but at least it was over quickly. He once spent a large portion of a mission singing at me and I've never fully recovered.

Re: [Tue] 15 April (It's spawning lights!)

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 11:37 pm
by Gaia
What might upon your first, second... third, and quite possibly fourth glance might have seemed to have been me friendly firing my own fire team due to poor visibility and panic was nothing of the sort. You see, I was firing love bullets at my fellow comrades.

Sadly, as I shot them with love, their hearts grew too big, and they died from cardiomegaly.

I swear it was not incompetence. It totally wasn't... Noooo, what are you talking about?

...Okay, I suck.


Re: [Tue] 15 April (It's spawning lights!)

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 11:44 pm
by Cookie
Gaius wrote:What might upon your first, second... third, and quite possibly fourth glance might have seemed to have been me friendly firing my own fire team due to poor visibility and panic was nothing of the sort. You see, I was firing love bullets at my fellow comrades.

Sadly, as I shot them with love, their hearts grew too big, and they died from cardiomegaly.

I swear it was not incompetence. It totally wasn't... Noooo, what are you talking about?

...Okay, I suck.

It's alright, Gaius. We all have our moments of weakness, these things happen.

Of course, not all of us score a wicked double kill on friendly forces but y'know, I'm not blaming you or anything.

Re: [Tue] 15 April (It's spawning lights!)

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 11:47 pm
by Gaia
I had misunderstood Satire when he said he was moving up the stairs. You see, I thought he was moving up to my floor, not going up to the next one. So when I saw movement on the stairs through the tiny window, I fired, thinking enemies were trying to retreat upstairs during out pinsor movement...

Re: [Tue] 15 April (It's spawning lights!)

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 6:43 am
by fideldonson
Mystery member of alpha 1 signing in. I can only say i was killed inside the hotel while in the company of Gaius... :commissar: