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[Tue] 20 Jan 2015 (The UGV in front please!)

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 8:50 pm
by audiox
Tonight 18 brave comrades got to explore the many sights of Altis.
  • Routine
  • Beachfront Property
  • Idiots
  • Roomservice

As ever, please post your thoughts, feedback, screenshots and video here - comrade YouTube Hero SuperU doesn't just produce our video idents, but provides leadership and guidance to propaganda artists. We also have a new YouTube channel that he manages so if you have any content you think should feature then let him know and he will sort you out, for more info check out this thread!; more guidance on video editing for Folk ARPS is provided by comrade Ferrard Carson. Posts in the AAR threads really help us (the hosts and mission makers), both with understanding how we can improve the experiences, and showing potential comrades what our sessions are like.

Re: [Tue] 20 Jan (The UGV in front please!)

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 10:45 am
by Thirith
After a long absence I was finally able to join a session again, at least for the first two missions.

I wasn't a big fan of Routine - in general, I'm not too keen on missions where I end up getting killed by an enemy I haven't even seen yet, but that may well be the luck of the draw, the particular approach we took and/or me not taking the necessary precautions so I won't get killed. Still, it was a good way to warm up and get reacquainted with Arma 3's quirks after three months of playing Arma 2 only.

I definitely preferred Beachfront Property; someone mentioned in a recent AAR that they like defense missions, and so do I. There's something to the pre-engagement tension, the "Wait for it...!" aspect, that I really enjoy, and the location and smallish numbers on both sides worked well together.

In any case, thanks a lot to audiox and the party for organising the session - I hope you had a great time during the second half!

Also, yesterday was the first time I played multiplayer Arma 3 on my new PC and on a faster internet connection, and those two things made a huge difference. The game feels a lot more responsive at higher framerates; on my old machine it ran reasonably well, but I always felt that there was a noticeable delay between what I wanted to do and it actually happening in the game. Hooray for faster CPUs/GPUs!

Re: [Tue] 20 Jan (The UGV in front please!)

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 7:38 pm
by audiox
Nice to have you back Thirth.

I really liked Routine. The area we had to maneuver through was very interesting, and its a nice exercise in overwatch and movement.

Beachfront Property seems to work all right, i might want to redo the defense mcguffin a bit, but we'll see. Its surprising how often attackfor wins this one though....

Idiots is Idiots. A safe sneaky play for when we want to shoot things and blow them up. Also, aren't we glad i brought along a reinforcement Bravo 1?! :cop:
Tigershark as UAV really gave us a good idea about what we were up against, so that was really cool.

Roomservice has the hotel going for it. I was conveniently healed by the enemy team, and then went on the largest killing streak in my adversarial career here at FA, so thanks to my helpful rescuer. We lost anyhow though....

On the whole i had fun, but i was bordering on the way too tired all along, so my spotting was even worse than it is regularly.

Re: [Tue] 20 Jan (The UGV in front please!)

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 7:28 am
by Thirith
audiox wrote:Beachfront Property seems to work all right, i might want to redo the defense mcguffin a bit, but we'll see. Its surprising how often attackfor wins this one though...
There are types of missions where I don't mind if I lose in the end, for instance defense missions. I'd still be likely most of the time to choose the defenders' side if they're disadvantaged. They're intense either way, and the last stand kind of situation is fun regardless of who gets the last bullet - and if you actually do win as the defender, the glory's all the greater.

Re: [Tue] 20 Jan (The UGV in front please!)

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 10:00 pm
by Reppyboyo
Captured a little footage of the games, noticed a couple of interesting glitches: