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[Tue] 21 Apr 2015 (Bushy Trees)

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 9:35 pm
by Aqarius
A full honors funeral will be held for the 22 Comrades who joined us for this Tuesdays session of milsim extravaganza (actual milsim, that is, not the fun kind)

Missions played:
After Party:

Re: [Tue] 21 Apr (Bushy Trees)

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 6:43 am
by boberro
I was only for the last main session mission, but it was still enough to learn something new. Lessons learned this time:
  • Don't take st_hud for granted. Make sure your fireteam knows where you are.
  • Keep microphone away from your mouth, when screaming at your subordinates. In case your teammates are not listening to you not because of lack of st_hud, but because they have a hunch "it'll be better to go there and snipe" while your squad needs someone to flank that enemies NOW, you need to distance yourself from microphone. Otherwise, sound will overdrive and they'll have another good excuse to ignore you.

Re: [Tue] 21 Apr (Bushy Trees)

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 11:37 am
by Tigershark
My lesson...sitting in a truck the SuperU, Ajax, Mabbot and others <insert depraved name here> provided a decidedly comedic experience.

I also learnt you can sexualise almost any object in the Arma world and make a innuendo about it.

Minion 1: "look over that geological formation!"
Minion 2: "'s rock hard."

Re: [Tue] 21 Apr (Bushy Trees)

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 11:33 pm
by madrak_the_red
I learnt that diving into a gully is more survivable than unexpected open ground in front of a HMG. I saw bravos remains after I died and it was...brutal.

Also, don't forget about minefields.

Video hopefully incoming once software starts behaving itself