[Sun] 30 Aug 2015 (Special Forces)

How we died (in the future)
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Ferrard Carson
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[Sun] 30 Aug 2015 (Special Forces)

Post by Ferrard Carson »

Missions: Afterparty: 43 plausibly deniable comrades snapped silencers to their guns and went off to prove that Special Forces has quotation marks around it in Folk ARPS!

A swarm of NATO derps washed ashore where they blundered their way to victory in Castle Crashers, the mission proclaiming that Oreokastro was cleared of all things terrifying and enemy. Except that IFV over there. And that dude back in the castle that no one killed. Moving on! We donned special hexagonal camo and took to the air for Quds Radio Hour, wherein the Quick Reaction Force certainly lived up to its name and our helicopters learned very quickly that "close" air support does not necessarily mean "sturdy" air support! Having lost three of our choppers by the end, we nonetheless uploaded our virus and NATO was none the wiser despite our massive cavalcades of fire and tracery announcement of victory and massive explosions. Having slaked none of our thirst for blood, we turned our guns on one another for one of the most brutal PvP ambushes I've ever seen from the receiving end as we fought over FIA's Appropriation, Part 2. Finally, we closed the session out with Soviet and Sparks "winning" the hopeless onslaught that is Overrun, escaping (completely unaided, we swear!) from the midst of total AAF and CSAT domination. Their escape is a thrilling tale of heroics and sneakiness and is currently undergoing rigorous vetting by Party truthiness specialists.

Afterwards, we whiled away the remainder of our time together in underwater friendly-fire contests, seeing who could single-handedly score the most own goals (including self-inflicted grenadings) through two runs of Glub Glub Glub!

Please use this thread to share your tales of woe, heroism and patriotic fervor (though The Party makes no guarantees of compensation for limbs, lives or dignity lost in the course of our glorious revolution). Stories are beautiful, stories accompanied by tasteful screenshots and video are even beautiful-er!

Beyond that, we'd like to thank everyone who stepped up to take leadership slots this session. You may think we don't notice, but your names are on The List, and we greatly appreciate your contributions! We invite you to continue your contributions at the peril of exposure to Tigershark's school for young non-comms.

Once more, thank you to all the lovely comrades who joined us this evening. Forward unto the firing squad!

:clint: ~ Ferrard
"Take a boat in the air you don't love, she'll shake you off just as sure as the turnin' of the worlds. Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down, tells you she's hurtin' before she keels... makes her home."

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Re: [Sun] 30 Aug 2015 (Special Forces)

Post by Eagle_Eye »

Straight from presses, its the newest edition of the (Party Propaganda Pamphlet) Eh... Glorious Party Gazette

**** EXTRA EXTRA ****
Capitalist Pigs Assault FRINI, Power of the Party Prevails!

Comrades, some glorious news fresh from the front lines in Frini. Late last night the dastardly capitalist pig-dogs of the AAF attempted once again to forcefully impose their disgusting elitist worldview on the glorious socialist utopia that is the party controlled northern sector of Altis. They came in waves of over 1000 soldiers each, armed with weapons built by the lowest bidder and sent to their death by the oligarchs intent on privatizing our healthcare and world class "free tractors for all" scheme.

The town was soon crawling with the louts, and many brave party militiamen gave their lives in defense of the ultimate freedom. It was in the small church in the center of town however, that the Unstoppable Iron Machine of capitalism faced its match in the Unmovable Egalitarian Wall of our glorious agrarian socialist utopia.

Surrounded by the strongest arms that the capitalists could bring to bear, our brave party comrades showed bravery the likes of which this publication has not seen in months. All efforts to capture the church were rebuffed, with not a single party member dying without first the loss of at least a battalion of enemy troops. Backed by the finest songs the party could muster, the battle raged on until only two heroes of the party remained.

Comrades Sparks and Soviet are to be officially recognized as the newest recipients of the medal for Distinguished Labour at a state meeting tomorrow, but speaking off the record in the Dacha this afternoon, a party source had this to say:
Fer wrote:They "Got Shit Done"[tm] in a way I really appreciate.
He also added that the families of all the participating party members would be receiving a fruit basket as thanks for their contribution to the ever important struggle, but that due to budgetary constraints the fruit will have to be deducted from their party approved ration pack for this month.

Make sure to stay tuned for more in the fight for justice with the Glorious Party Gazette

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Re: [Sun] 30 Aug 2015 (Special Forces)

Post by Mabbott »


My poor attempt at a poster.
Last edited by Mabbott on Mon Aug 31, 2015 12:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Full sails!" - Kefirz
"Don't engage, wait for them to pass the [*rocket launched with wooooosh sound*] bridge... [*boom - rocket hitting the tank*]" -Me, leading an ambush.
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Re: [Sun] 30 Aug 2015 (Special Forces)

Post by Ralian »

Videos uploading, soon you'll be able to see my mistakes from my perspective :)
I apparently survived less and less as the night went on, you'll see what I mean below:

Castle Crashers: A2 FTL
This was great fun. Tubby McChubbles (ASL) led Alpha, AKA best squad, to complete and total domination this game - we lost nobody (although we left a straggler in the castle.)
After taking the initial castle objective, we had fun dealing with two unmanned artillery pieces. I mean, we didn't have to, but setting charges is fun. Also, I totally didn't set up a charge to blow far sooner than I anticipated. Managing timers on two satchels is difficult.
I think there was an IFV somewhere but they must have been sympathizers, because they didn't bother alpha to my knowledge. That's what we'll go with. Good job Alpha!

Quds Radio Hour: MMG Gunner
Another gripping story of survival. The majority of this mission was spent cracking jokes with eqbot to pass the time.
I have to say, I was lucky chopper-wise that mission. I think MMG got put on a different chopper going out of Obj1 than going in, and the bird that brought us in went down going out. I was terrified when we left Obj1. We had just watched Goose 3 explode a kilometer away, and then watched Goose 1 get shot out of the sky 300 meters away, and then we had to attempt the exact same extraction. We made it out though, I got to do some long range MMGing on Obj2, then we headed down to the choppers for some nice tea while alpha finished clearing the last objective.

Eqbot (glorious attachment leader) and I watch CAS explode enemies, and then get exploded by enemies.

Appropriation, Part 2: A1 AT
Literally all of the AAF exploded. All I know is one moment we were bunched up headed up to the church (we got off to a really slow start), and the next moment we were all dead. I was taken out by the first few grenades, and then there was like an entire squad begging for a medic or just a mercy kill.

Overrun: B1 AT
All that happened for me this mission was that I got holed up in a house south of everyone else with Robin, got some kills, and then we both died at the same time presumably due to a well-placed grenade. And then the impossible happened.
Sparks and Soviet (the only survivors, but also Ferrard and a few others) holed themselves up in the church with nothing left to save them but bullets and a prayer (they were in a church after all, which is also a war crime but whatever.) They fought with great bravery and valor, against gunships, tanks (some of which were the special flipping variant), and swarms of enemy infantry. Against all odds they held out for thirty minutes, after which point there was no escape, but we'll assume the party scientists used the 30 minutes to learn to teleport and they consequently got out safely.
Sparks, Soviet, there were well over seven nominators. You will be awarded the FA Agrarian Medal of Honor. Now get back to the fields, and use your teleportation for good only.

That is all. Good night, and thanks to Ferrard for hosing a great night.
Last edited by Ralian on Mon Aug 31, 2015 5:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Sun] 30 Aug 2015 (Special Forces)

Post by DryToad »

Today was the first time I joined a Folk ARPS session -- indeed, it was my first real ARMA multiplayer experience, after playing in SP for some time.

Took part in two missions. Terrible performance, pretty good experience. I hope to play with you again soon.

Quds Radio Hour

Very nice mission, and a probable nomination for noob of the year. I was in Bravo 1. Followed with my FT until we started the attack on the enemy outpost. I managed to survive and even killed one enemy, but this was the high point for me.

I soon noticed that I had lost contact with my FT. I looked around and saw only people from Bravo 2. I hesitated for a while and started to move toward what I thought was Bravo 1 position. I think I heard someone from Bravo 2 say "chick! chick! chick!" for me, as if I was fleeing from combat. That was unfair, as I was not acting cowardly. And the proof of this is that I ran directly to an enemy armored vehicle.

If I understood the subsequent events, my FTL AJAX died trying to find whatever remained of me (I am really sorry for this :( ).

Oh, and in some moment while I was lost, I mistakenly threw a granade, which caused some consternation among out comrades.

I guess I have to improve a lot my orienteering skills...

Appropriation, Part 2

This one ended quickly, I didn't even had the time to mess anything up. We from Alpha 2 were moving in a pretty nice formation. Then somene yelled something like "contacts, very close!". Then I was injured, blinked, and was dead along with most of my FT.

The good news: I didn't waste a single bullet.

Some serious remarks

Now, seriously: I think that folk ARPS is just what I was looking for. A nice and friendly community, with people trying to play cooperatively as real teams, without having to say "yessir" to the senior members, nor being required to be on each and every session, because traing, training, training.

I know I'll need some time to get the hang of ARMA 3 multiplayer and start to really enjoy the game and stop stupid things. But I think this community can provide the kind of experiences I want from ARMA. Soon, I hope to contribute for everyone's experience, too.

I am looking forward to join another FA session soon! (I'll try to not be on a FT led by AJAX!) Thanks much, I really enjoyed the session! (And BTW, I am very open for constructive criticism and tips for improvement!)

See ya!


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Re: [Sun] 30 Aug 2015 (Special Forces)

Post by Mabbott »

Very glad you enjoyed yourself Toad. Hope to see you again on Tuesday.
"Full sails!" - Kefirz
"Don't engage, wait for them to pass the [*rocket launched with wooooosh sound*] bridge... [*boom - rocket hitting the tank*]" -Me, leading an ambush.
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Re: [Sun] 30 Aug 2015 (Special Forces)

Post by Grumpy »

Something went screwy with the healing system in Appropriation. I was one of the first to get hit, probably shot, then a grenade to the face. I went belly up then and was then instantly healed. All of my inventory was gone, but I did have my weapon with one magazine which I used to shoot SuicideKing in the face. I spent another 2 minutes running around with my screen flashing red until I finally bled out.

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Re: [Sun] 30 Aug 2015 (Special Forces)

Post by ZeCatnip »

Glad you had a good time DryToad. I'm pretty new here as well, but FolkARPS are some of the nicest lot you could wish to meet!

Now, on to the missions

Castle Crashers Bravo 1

Led by the courageous Peasant we made our way to support the assault on the castle, only the draw fire from the township. We turned and plinked away for awhile before moving forward to assault the town. All went well until I decided to try and shoot the turret of the Striker chewing up the rest of the squads. For my pride I was rewarded with some hot, hot lead to the chest. Oh well.

Quds Radio Hour Goose 4

With mirrored shades and 80's rock in our ears, Blip2 and I ascended to the skies to deliver our precious payload of cannon fod-, I mean proud party members. We dropped our troops and loitered for awhile, before coming ashore the witness the rather spectacular death of Goose 3. I really wish I had got a screenshot or some video of it, it was rather the sight to behold. We GTFO and loitered some more before picking up the remnants of Bravo. After another successful drop-off we were tasked to do a CAS. We cried huzzah, let slip the hogs of war and took the fight to the foe. We were then shot out of the sky by an IFV. Luckily, they shot out the engine so I had time to contemplate the glory of the Party before we rendezvoused with the ground.

QUESTION: Is if possible to bail out of falling chopper and survive? We had parachutes it seemed.

Appropriation Part. 2 Blufor B1

Ad-hock LMG team with Blip2 (dahling, we simply must stop meeting like this!). We had an easy time of it, as Alpha 1 seemed to be staffed entirely by clones of Rambo. By the time we made it over there the fight was pretty much over. Trucks secure, bad guys dead, cold cerveza's most likely imbibed.

Overrun Bravo 1

Ahhh, the Kobayashi Maru. Commanded by the astute Soviet we deployed to the South of the town, we made a sterling account of ourselves. Then everyone and their mothers started throwing grenades. Then someone blew up the center of town with a missile. Then we made a tactical withdrawal to less deadly footing. I was around this point I took a bullet to the head, but this did leave me in a great position to watch the glorious last stand of Soviet and Sparks.

Great game as always, I swear I'm getting a little better the more I play.

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Re: [Sun] 30 Aug 2015 (Special Forces)

Post by Costno »

Appropriation Part 2

Eagle-Eye had a perfect plan that was very simple, sadly it cost his life and the rest of blue team but we managed a very strong flanking engagement.

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Re: [Sun] 30 Aug 2015 (Special Forces)

Post by Soviet »

That was nuts.

Quds Radio Hour - B2 FTL (Great name)

Probably one of my favorite heli missions ever, the patriots of Bravo secured their initial objective with minimal fuss. Team Two was extremely tactical operator during the sweeping of the outpost, and me 'n my blue fire element were even planning to heroically storm the outpost. But when we got there Kefirz and the rest of red element that'd gone on ahead of us had already pretty much wasted everyone in the place and secured it. Leadership!

The immediate retreat from the compound that followed got a bit messy when those dirty NATO hackers came screaming down the road with their fancy tactics and armored vehicles, but after watching Goose 3 heroically feed itself to the beast my team managed to exfil without too much further fuss. Once we'd moved on to the broadcast compound thanks to some expert squad leadership from Fer* putting us in a solid position (and Alpha's support I guess) OUR FIRETEAM FINISHED A MISSION WITHOUT ANYONE DYING IS THIS REAL LIFE :dance: :dance: :dance: Though I think that IFV was possessed by a vengeful spirit since I got to watch it eat up another good 5 mil in Party air assets.

Appropriation, Part 2 - A2 FTL

I was proud to shield my beloved comrades with my screaming, exploding body when we first ran into NATO - and literally, I mean I almost ran into darkChozo physically. At least I got to scream out the contacts for my brothers in arms in case the world detonating around them wasn't a good enough clue. But hey you know what?
DryToad wrote: We from Alpha 2 were moving in a pretty nice formation.

Overrun - B1 FTL

Though I am an eminently fraggable team leader, Bravo stuck to their guns on this one. Seriously, pretty much the only thing I gave as far as instructions was "Pick one of these houses or maybe this courtyard? And then give 'em hell."

And oh gods we did, that team was dug in like ticks right at the southern edge of the town. We were at full strength right until it all went to hell, I believe we all finally begrudgingly fell back once a couple of houses had literally fallen in on us. Beating back a fighting retreat with the last of my element to the center of town, me 'n Sparks and several other desperate survivors patched each other up about ten times each until the enemy decided that was enough fun and started blasting us with grenades until we retreated inside of the church proper. Let Ferrard not be forgotten in this glorious fustercluck, because he, Sparks, and I held until about the five minutes remaining mark, each of us firing wildly out of the doors and windows, with visions of our potato farms and plain wives flashing through our heads as we BTFO every infantryman that peeked inside. After we lost Ferrard though, Sparks and I had to fall back all the way behind the altar to deliver a short sermon on the book of Revelation. Just when we heard the commanders of their AFVs begin to cackle in anticipation of war crimes to come, well...
Eagle_Eye wrote: Image
It was a hell of a run, boys. Good running some teams out there today, please throw me any FTL tips you've got, unless you'd rather wait until we're in a trench isolated enough to dispose of my body. The commissars would want it that way. :commissar:

Mabbott wrote:Image

My poor attempt at a poster.

I'm glad it was from behind so you can't see the anguished terror in my eyes

ED: Afterparty Glub Glub Glub

Grenades have a kill radius of upwards of 25m.

Last edited by Soviet on Mon Aug 31, 2015 10:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"I guess I really am Tigershark's cameraman..." -Sparks
"My flights are terrifying for my passengers and myself" -Ralian

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