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[Tue] 29 Sep 2015 (Sir Robin)

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 10:12 pm
by Aqarius
22 was the count of the brave souls who took the field tonight and held victory within it's grasp. And then fumbled, as usual.
Stories, videos, and other forms of feedback are always welcome. If you think commanding seems like fun, but get cold feet every time, don't wait for comrade commisar to volonteer you! Check out our advanced leadership programme.

If you want to test out an updater/launcher for all your mod needs look no further than our Comrade head's marvellous contraption.

Did you notice that some vehicles/players had way cool FA Tractors on them tonight? That's because of the power of our squad tags. Get yours whilst stocks last.

Re: [Tue] 29 Sep 2015 (Sir Robin)

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 10:24 pm
by Cookieh
:commissar: What i feel Aqarius will do to me after that mission with me as CO...

Re: [Tue] 29 Sep 2015 (Sir Robin)

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 5:52 am
by Kasmeister
God damn it Bravo, you had one job, which was shoot the bad guys. Not the friendlies :siiigh:

"It was weird when you rolled so i kept shooting" - after the mission finished.

Total killcount = 3 friendlies. You also took out our SL and his medic :D

Here's Bravo1 after realizing what they have done

Anyways, Idiots was a bit confusing and kind of easy, but had a small twist which cost Scott's life. HSLD(II) was great and i personally loved it, even though i had 14 FPS for the whole mission. There were a lot of unnecessary casualties, but we managed to finish the mission. It was heart breaking and intense. We had to leave a guy behind while he was bleeding out on the other side of the street because there was a lot of fire and we had to get out fast. We didn't have any first aids left anyways. They were all used on friendlies in 5 minutes after the shooting started. Finished the mission in style when i casually walked into a building and spotted an undefended cache. We blew it up and went home.

Re: [Tue] 29 Sep 2015 (Sir Robin)

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 2:56 pm
by Reppyboyo
Biggest friendly fire incident I ever witnessed in Folk, also probably the most times ive been downed in one mission.

Video to come later.

Re: [Tue] 29 Sep 2015 (Sir Robin)

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 4:27 pm
by Kasmeister
Bravo1 managed to down the whole alpha1 fireteam except for the AT assaultman (me) who got downed and then killed with a shot to the head. They also got the alpha squad leader and his medic. Fortunately the casualties were only 3 people.

At least they hit their shots well...

Re: [Tue] 29 Sep 2015 (Sir Robin)

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 5:08 pm
by Aqarius
Bravely taking to his feet, He beat a very brave retreat, Bravest of the brave, Sir Robin!

Seriously, though, I couldn't have made a better call myself at that point. We don't often see well executed disengagements in FA. Especially not of the "we all get to live" variant. As for everyone else, better luck next time :commissar:

Re: [Tue] 29 Sep 2015 (Sir Robin)

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 5:12 pm
by Grumpy
In B but it wasn't me. You know it's bad when Netkev jumps in your TS channel and starts yelling at you to stop shooting A1.

The fighting retreat in routine was damn fun!

Re: [Tue] 29 Sep 2015 (Sir Robin)

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 5:47 pm
by Kasmeister
I really hope i manage to stay for that after party stuff sometime, but the times are not really in my favour. I probably will only play on sundays, and probably only 2-3 missions, because school :|
I had to leave after the third mission unfortunately. If sessions started just like an hour earlier it'd have been perfect, but there's probably a reason it starts at the time it starts.

Re: [Tue] 29 Sep 2015 (Sir Robin)

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 5:56 pm
by Reppyboyo
Vid as mentioned:

Re: [Tue] 29 Sep 2015 (Sir Robin)

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2015 12:34 pm
by Sparks
For the first time in a long time (and mainly due to moving office and so heading home very early) I made it to a tuesday session :)

Warmup was fun. Comrades, why can't I fly like this when the game starts?

Pilot, TH1

Comrades! The first rule of HSLD club is that We Do Not Listen To Comrade Zitron!

We had a nice quiet LZ all planned out (honestly comrade commanders, the helos can get you in much closer than this...), and our approach was going well when the evil voice of temptation that is Comrade Zitron sounded in my ear, dripping like rancid honey: "why are we going so slow, can't we go faster?". Indeed Comrade, and do you think you can run at 80kph? But in a moment of insanity, I listened to him - REMEMBER THE FIRST RULE COMRADES! - and accelerated to over 100kph. This was total disaster. We blew past my planned final turn to our LZ doing 60kph. I had the helo kicked out to try to slow us using drag from out-of-trim flight, I was banked over to try to slow us more, and we were losing height because of this but there was no cover for my chalk north of the house on the north side of the road so we couldn't just pop over it and land calmly. And we almost made it comrades. We were down to 40kph when we clipped the fence, losing our sling loader. But that rolled us upright, so we stopped slowing down and so we hit the ground side on at just under 40kph and skidded through another fence, leaving my chalk alive, but the helo badly damaged.

I was unimpressed with myself at that point comrades.

I repaired TH1, took off, found I had no tail rotor, and more or less flew out of the AO while facing in many different directions. Eventually I built up enough speed to weathercock the helo into controllability, and I headed back to base, picked up a new helo and returned on-station in the AO for the pickup.

And that pickup did not go very well either really. At a critical stage, we lost CO and his replacement CO in quick succession and the communications to the troops telling them to get on the helos was absent as a result. We waved off TH2 who had landed 50m or so behind us, and he returned to the FUP in case we were surprised on the ground by a technical or something nastier, so that we would at least have something available for extracts, and then TH1 and TH3 sat on the ground for several minutes while confused comrades ran around us and to us and from us and never actually got on board. It was ... somewhat frustrating comrades, I confess. Things were said. Plans were made involving some comrades and the skids of TH1 for a somewhat... unorthodox evacuation procedure.

But in the end, the final cache was blown, everyone got on board, and we made a somewhat contested evacuation of the AO, with TH3 jinking all the way, either because they were being shot at or because Comrade Zitron's hands were... otherwise occupied. We shall never know, as the Party dashcam was unfortunately covered by a sock mid-mission.

Alpha 1 FTL with Ccrasus (AR), Reppyboyo (AR), Kasmeister (RAT), Scott (R) and Tyler Durden (R)


After an initial false start involving a fatal wardrobe malfunction, we HALO'd into the drop zone and arrived with no casualties (though we did lose the medic and the RAT from Alpha 2 to a collision). We gathered ourselves, and to the sound of someone planting a satchel charge, ran very quickly away to the top of the nearby hill to observe things. Those things shot at us, we shot back. Then more things arrived by helicopter and we spent some time shooting at those too. By then we'd spotted the first AA vehicle to the north and we went after it, but Alpha 1 was in trail covering everyone so Bravo got to destroy that objective. Then we headed south so now Alpha 1 was in the lead. After a few false starts at points F and G, we found the C&C vehicle on the ridge overlooking Chino and Kas expertly shoved high explosives up its tailpipe with an RPG. We then pressed on through the burning remnants of the AA vehicle, and mopped up its sleeping guards, before Command announced a race between Alpha 1 and Alpha 2 to the second AA vehicle, our final target. As the honour of A1 was at stake, we quickly shot A2 for laughing at A1 then beat the survivors to the AA vehicle in a foot race, tried to blow up the vehicle with grenades, then hosed down the surrounding guards while Tyler ran up through (admittedly friendly) grenade fire to plant a satchel charge and then we watched as Rome the AA vehicle burned, claiming victory for the party and bragging rights for A1 :D

Rebel Alliance 4
AR for Alpha 1 with Netkev (FTL), Reppyboyo (AR), Kesmeister (RAT), Delta (R) and Scott (R)


This should be a nice fast assault mission comrades. We should move in unison, cognisant of each other's fireteams and work in harmony to kill the enemies of the Party.

What we should NOT do is mistake a fellow fireteam for the enemy and shoot the entire fireteam and their squad lead and squad medic. I mean, the lack of return fire really should have given the game away tovarisch...


Sadly, we lost Kes to this senseless tragedy, and so had to push up on the town without him. We encountered stiff resistance from both inside and outside the town, and they were very fond of using their 40mm grenades, which made life sporting! After almost all of Alpha 1 had been knocked down again, and recovered again, I went looking for replacement FAKs, only to find that one of the enemy I was searching - while he had no FAKs at all - had a 9.3mm medium machine gun. In the party's name I liberated this, to give Comrade Netkev the first decent bit of good news we'd had so far. Alas, we only got to use it once more before the assault was completed and we were victorious :)

Alpha 1 AR with darkChozo (FTL), Grumpy (AR), Mabbot (RAT), Delta (R) and Ben (R)


Our completely routine patrol proceeded completely routinely comrade, with nothing to report up the hill, through the forest, right to the dismount point. The compound we secured was free from enemies and we could see no enemies from there. We were relaxing, pondering the possibility of an early coffee and ham sandwich, when Alpha 2 called in, babbling something about "heavy contact" and "squad wiped out" and "oh god my face arrrrggghhhh". Comrades, we have talked about this before. In a proper contact report, you give a bearing, a range, and a description in that order. "Oh god my face, the pain!", "argh why is that on the outside now?" and "mommy!" are not proper contact reports. Alpha 1 was sent to find Alpha 2 and explain how to give proper contact reports to them. Proper contact reports like "We just lost the UGV!" and "Technical, right ahead of us" for example.

Unfortunately Comrade darkChozo perished from the effort of providing this seminar, and none of Alpha 2 passed the final exam so command ordered the remnants of Alpha 1 off the hill. I found I was suddenly A1 FTL so I ordered everyone else to fall back to the house we'd just come from, the only cover in the area I knew of, while I revived Mabbot (who'd just downed one technical and then used his left kidney to confirm there was at least two of them) and we ran after our comrades. The idea was to take the house and let the enemy come out of the trees to us so we had clear shots. Unfortunately, we took the rocks and the stone walls instead, but okay. Then Command exploded rather suddenly. I never did find out why. And then we had reports of contacts to the east shooting at us from the other hilltop. Some moments of confusion followed while I revived downed teammates, tried to ascertain who was above me in the blaming order chain of command, and then realised I was now CO.

Well, poop. So there we were, with an idiot in charge and taking fire on two flanks, most of our assets gone and half our men dead or more. This is not a fantastic tactical situation comrades.


So at this point I got us in cover from one hill behind the house, then decided "sod this for a game of soldiers" and planned to run away, very fast. And we did.
We got terrain between us and the angry men with the guns behind us, then more terrain between us and most of the angry men with guns in front of us, and then we fought our way up a draw, pausing only to shoot back at the technical on the original hill and kill it because it had the range to make life too interesting for us -- and the third technical was doing just that moments later when we finally reached the top of the draw and had to hop over the ridgeline to safety, popping (and pooping) smoke as we went. We lost Mabbot in the final run, though he died as he lived, killing another technical and running away. And then we were over the ridge and sheltered in hard cover, with one AR, three rifles and some medpacks. I was pondering how to explain to the others than now we had to go assault the enemy base when command called the mission as a failure.

But comrades, it was glorious failure...



I love this mission. I hate CFIT. That is all :D