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[Sun] 20 Dec 2015 (Putting the Adversarial in Co-op)

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 12:43 am
by Sparks
Missions: 'Tis the season to get really tired of all the lights and holly and crowds while shopping and all that nonsense, so this evening 35 comrades joined us to get some relief from all that holiday cheer.

We were allegedly beginning with a nice cooperative run of Into the woods, which actually went quite well... right up until we decided that the AI was an insufficient challenge and that we'd rather kill each other. Though, to be fair, Bravo was very effective in so doing. This will be borne in mind by the disciplinary hearing before the show trial. Reeling from this, we stumbled into Food Drive, and Comrade Tubby stumbled into the CO slot. To be fair, I only pushed him back into the slot after he realised what he'd volunteered for. Unfortunately, we also stumbled into much lead, but it was gratifying to see the IFV crew obey orders to the letter at the start. It would be nice if next time BSL's orders were not "explode now" but that's fine-tuning comrades, they have the basic fundamentals down now and that's the important thing. Since we were by now used to being shot at, we thought why not roll with it, and enjoyed a run of Overrun. For a given value of "enjoyed", obviously. However, in a rather sizeable shock, we accidentally won, which is only the third time that's ever happened on that mission. Well done everyone! And to celebrate, I tried to get us all to kill each other, but the mission I chose (Lands End) either wasn't set up the way I thought it was going to be (as an attack/defend mission) or I misset the parameters like a klutz, and we had to abort as the sides were too unbalanced for a search-and-destroy adversarial. Then my backup plan failed as well, and having totally screwed the pooch at this point, I fell back to an old favorite, To Arms. As we were only 16 strong, I gave Comrade Madrak all the toys and a full fireteam, confident that that would see the enemy totally exploderised. Alas, the ninja striders attacked again and comrade Zecatnip - for the second time in a row - found himself alone on a body-strewn battlefield in a glory charge against a Mora. We zeused away the armour to give him a fighting chance, but alas the AI retaliated and 5.56'd away his fighting chance. And thus we reached the afterparty, starting with a run of Weekend Warriors led by Jacob who was sure that nobody would attack a little outpost like ours. Three seconds later I was out of PCML rockets and North Patrol was ankle-deep in brass. Alas, it did not end well, with the last of us guided through the fog by Comrade Netkev right onto the enemy fireteam at bayonet range. It's a pity Arma has no bayonets. Then we tried Comrade Ralians new mad idea of Rocket Jousting, initially blowing off some steam without any organisation, then by lining up, arming up via zeus and charging at one another like men (after a lot of beers on a friday night in Glasgow). It was pretty spectacular, so we tried it again, but in the air, with the new Jousting mode in HELICOPTERS. This led to some funny moments and much merriment, so we ran HELICOPTERS twice more. It would have been once, but I accidentally gave the gunship loadout the first time and guided AA rockets are somewhat overkill so we ran it again for the 230mm rockets. And that was that. Thanks everyone for coming and for their patience with the Lands End screwup.

As is the custom among our people, please post your thoughts, feedback, evidence of perfidy, screenshots and video here - comrade SuperU's wonderful guide to our video branding is here and Comrade Carson has some excellent tips on video editing here. As Comrade Fer put it, "Post in the AAR Comrade, because I know what house you live in...". But more importantly, AAR threads do help us figure out how good our Comrades are becoming at not dying and let us kill them all faster challange them in more well-tailored ways in future sessions.

Also, they're often quite funny.

And I'm gonna pimp the patches again folks - they don't cost much, all the money goes to running the server (Comrade Fer has managed to buy his own shovel, so we don't have to spend funds on cleanup again like we did last year), and they look like this:


And you can buy them HERE. Go on. Buy two. Make a bikini for your significant other, and then you can post it in /r/lolcats!

Finally, the Party's recommended reading list:

Re: [Sun] 20 Dec 2015 (Putting the Adversarial in Co-op)

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 1:24 am
by Ralian
I only showed up for the first two missions, but I will point out I successfully predicted a victory in overrun when it was picked out... it's called the conservation of ninjitsu, we did so horrible in the first two missions that we had to do good in that.

Into the Woods: A1 FTL
Oh, and guess what: I fuckin forgot to record sound in the first mission! It's probably for the best though.

So here's what happened (if you use the embedded player, times might be broken for you)

3:15: I'm a competent FTL, I swear!
5:45: I get healed up
9:30: Moving again; Also, I realize I made a small positioning error
20:30: After pushing up to WP New Hope, I take out a technical
22:30: We push up to secure the wreckage! Victory, right?
22:45: Bravo fucking starts to unload magazines of ammo on us, for several minutes. This confuses and scares me, and it takes me too long to realize just who's shooting at us. I knew something didn't feel right, and I kept looking right, but I didn't think such a thing could even happen.
23:35: Someone realizes just what is happening in FT chat. Simultaneously, I realize, and ASL realizes (I think.) and tries to get bravo to stop.
24:10: Bravo continues their barrage of (embarrassingly ineffective) friendly fire. You can't hear me but I tell ASL just how bad the situation is, and he re-relays this information.
25:10: I decide to push us up, skeptical at how quiet it is and thinking that there's no way that the only people firing at us were bravo. I also give our fallen comrade an honorable moment of silence.
28:45: We finally get orders to push to the crash site.
30:30: We start the data transfer, and BRAVO FUCKING ENGAGES US AGAIN
31:05: I glance at the map, realize what's up and order my men to fall out of line of sight
32:10: Everyone on CC Should have heard that and known we would be in trucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
33:00: Here's where I dun fucked up. I didn't ask if we had the laptop, just assumed the data transferrer, Fuhji had it (but how was he supposed to know, the only way I heard about it was through CC which he wasn't monitoring)
34:10: Fucking bravo fucking engages us again, killing another good man! (and several decent men from A2) Also one of the reasons I wasn't accurate in conveying that we didn't have the laptop was because I was being fucking shot at!!!
Sometime in this interval, ASL is shot and killed in the other truck by Bravo. RIP. I don't realize it for a bit on comms.
35:15: Bravo realizes what clusterfuckery they've caused. Also we realize that we don't have the data. All at the same time. This confuses me.
36:10: At this time I realize I'm alpha lead, what's happened, and CLEARLY CONVEY OVER CC THAT WE ARE IN OFFROADS
Past this point.... just watch.

I'm not mad, madrak. Just disappointed. :owned:

Seriously though, there was nobody that didn't do anything wrong that mission. Although I think those that were to be blamed least were the basic members of Alpha, who were neither part of the command structure nor part of bravo.

Seriously. If you are engaging contacts and something doesn't feel right, don't just assume everyone around you knows what they're doing!!! Check your map!!! :siiigh:

Re: [Sun] 20 Dec 2015 (Putting the Adversarial in Co-op)

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 1:25 am
by ZeCatnip
I feel like I am cursed when it comes to To Arms. I even saw that blighter than got me, but I was too fatigued to shoot straight, really stupid on my part.

Thanks for the session everyone, it was a pleasure as always and just what was needed to fend off that pesky holiday spirit. I cant wait to see some of the footage from this week (I should really work out how to record one of these days)

Re: [Sun] 20 Dec 2015 (Putting the Adversarial in Co-op)

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 9:14 am
by eqbot
Well, here's what Into the Woods was like as a B2 foot soldier. The only thing I have to say is that my squad should have trusted me on that helicopter. I knew it was going to cause bad times.

Re: [Sun] 20 Dec 2015 (Putting the Adversarial in Co-op)

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 9:41 am
by Tubby McChubbles
Not necessarily my most glorious day.

ASL for Into the Woods, we were reasonably smooth (except clearing a bit too far to the left) until everything went wrong. Just continuing the glorious tradition of me being involved in horrific friendly fire incidents!

http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.c ... D13992760/

CO for Food Drive! Sparks said "we need someone who won't kill us all" so I flicked in as a joke, but he saw! SPARKS SEES ALL I made a very optimistic plan, and then we all proceeded to get shot by one person standing in the middle of us. As I said in spectator, at least it was over quickly!

http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.c ... 4D56A1F25/

A1 AR/A1 FTL for Overrun. I actually survived! Until I had a vision from the Almighty (Non-Deity of the Party) inspiring me to approach the miraculous submersible that had fallen from the skies infront of our holdout. For my faith and obedience I was immediately riddled with bullets and struck by lightning. However, the power of the Party shown in full force destroying its own troops filled the enemy with fear. They turned tail and ran, allowing our remaining troops to escape through their lines, thus proving as always, that the Party knows best.

Re: [Sun] 20 Dec 2015 (Putting the Adversarial in Co-op)

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 12:40 pm
by Fuhji

Into the Woods
TIL that simply transmitting/downloading the data isn't enough but should have scooped up the laptop before high-tailing it out of there. Communal Party Justice for this tragic failure was evenly and quickly dispensed by the helicopter destroying our little truck into tiny pieces.


Lots of fun was had when I learned to RTFM in future missions by Helicopter jousting


Re: [Sun] 20 Dec 2015 (Putting the Adversarial in Co-op)

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 2:49 pm
by Kasmeister
Gosh darn it right when i decide im not going to play in a session for the first time in 4 months you guys make a full adversarial session :cry: :suicide:

Re: [Sun] 20 Dec 2015 (Putting the Adversarial in Co-op)

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 10:02 am
by boberro
It wasn't a full adversarial. There was no friendly fire documented in Overrun.