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[Sun] 02 Oct 2018 (Air to Mistakes)

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2018 9:44 pm
by Lexer
Thank you to the 18 comrades who played along with us tonight despite the issues. First we learned that hot LZs are hot but still destroyed all the caches. Next we destroyed some more caches and got surrounded by laser accurate AI. Then we learned that ropes are fragile while trying to medevac an outpost. After that Zeus learned that ASFs are OP. Finally a small fireteam and a hellcat managed to clear to objectives with minimal (i.e. 50%) casualties.

Missions: Be sure to check out the R3 Mission Replay System where all of tonights missions have been faithfully recorded, and can be relived over-and-over again for years to come.

Also leave any feedback for our wonderful mission makers in the appropriate forum thread, or #mission_feedback on DIscord.

Notice some people had fancy Folk ARPS patches on their arms and vehicles. Get yours today! Also talk to a host today to get one on TS as well!

One last thing! If you would like to contribute to the server fund that allows FA to keep running sessions, you can PayPal your last grubby potato to, or click here to use the Party's new and improved organ donation service.