We started with a daring and decisive beach landing, remarkably uneventful for how much noise we made.
After that, we split up on Altis. A team of 6 spent twenty minutes desperately evading a horde of CSAT, eventually getting cutoff and overrun. Then, their rescuers, who had spent those 20 minutes flying around listening to bad jokes, inserted and made their battle against the mass of CSAT. They put up a worthy effort, but were forced to attempt a retreat. Only a handful made it back alive.
Next on our list, we decided we would prefer to shoot each other rather than defenseless AI. Two titans of tactical thinking, Hundenal and Lord Palmzia, fought an epic game of 4D chess. Palmzia had a plan to capture the high ground (wise). Hundenal realized this was the plan, and prepared a counter plan to circle around and contest the hill (wiser). What Hundenal had not realized was that Palmzia was in fact playing 5D chess, and had his troops dress up as similar as possible to Hundenal's forces. Then, when Hund's trap was sprung, not a sole could tell who was who, and Palzmia got the drop on the flankers. It was over in seconds.
Finally, we tried some aggressive photography. From my perspective, this was going quite well up until my team (Bravo) got the radio call from the VIP that he was down, all of Alpha was down, and that FIA had them surrounded. My team, under Lexer, tried our best to scramble to their position as quickly as possible. Lexer and another got killed just as we arrived at the VIP's location. With Ciaran's help, I stormed into the house where the VIP was downed, and, with an understanding that my 401K was tied up with the VIP not having 23 holes in him, I tried my best to patch the VIP up. Sadly, just as I finished patching the last hole, the VIP expired. Our precious few survivors in Bravo, 4 now, tried to make it back to our boats but were cut down one by one.
- Golfe Vert [Co-op]
- Little CSARs [Co-op]
- Skirmish Tanoa [Co-op Zeus]
- Photographic Development [Co-op]
- House Rules: B [Afterparty]
- House Rules: C [Afterparty]
- August Sword [Afterparty]
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You can review the missions we played tonight to improve your combat effectiveness score, using our R3 Mission Replay System. Remember, the Party is always watching! And so are your friends. From the grave. Where you put them. You monster.
If you would like to get some help with becoming an excellent leader why not check out the Leadership Programme? This will let you get direct access to a host who will be happy* to guide you through commanding a mission, especially if you have a cruel and devious plan.
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One last thing! If you would like to contribute to the server fund that allows FA to keep running sessions, you can PayPal your last grubby potato to server-fund@folkarps.com, or click here to use the Party's new and improved organ donation service.