[Sun] 30 Apr 2023 (We're Domed)

How we died (in the future)
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[Sun] 30 Apr 2023 (We're Domed)

Post by Costno »

A single squad of 10 took on NATO, AFF, and CSAT in open fields and narrow alleyways.

First for the evening was a all-maneuver, limited fires, sweep around a hillside. It went smoothly until a Hunter crested the ridge, killing the only RAT instantly. The AT was recovered, and the hunter was destroyed, but it had already driven so close that two were killed in the blast. The surviving squad members made a foolhardy attack up a hill that cost them another few lives, and the remnants tried their best to hit the final objectives but fell short.

Second on the evening we mounted up in an APC and drove into a town with caches to blow up. Only we forgot to pack explosives. Fortunately, our engineers were just running late and they were able to swoop in and take out the caches. We hit the second objective with a classic downhill sprint across open ground that we were lucky to survive, and spent a few minutes looking for a cache that we walked past 5 minutes earlier.

Third, we made an even more desperate attack on several NATO hillsides. Only supported by an SPG, we climbed each hill and took heavy casualties despite some preparatory bombardment from that SPG. After some roll overs and checkpoint blasting, we made it to the final objective with a handful of survivors. All that remained was to cross a small field and a dirt road. Two made it across, everyone else cut down by a well placed Panther covering the road. We managed to get the last bit of intel, and blasted the final objective.

Finally, we entered the Thunderdome. The first wave got wiped out in the first dome. The second wave got wiped out in Beyond Thunderdome. The final pair cleared a few more Domes but eventually succumbed to the sickness affiliated with the Domes.

  • Cancon Ridge [Co-op]
  • Walking at a Downtown Crate [Co-op]
  • Artillerymen and Targets [Co-op]
  • Domesickness [Co-op]
  • House Rules K [After Party]
  • House Rules K [After Party]
  • House Rules D [After Party]
  • House Rules G [After Party]
Players are reminded that the #communications channel on Discord contains valuable information for every member of the squad.

Remember to check out, promote, and contribute to the Party YouTube channel using this elegant and finely-crafted link.

Remember, comrades: in the interest of furthering your tactical education, the Party presents a new archive of combat footage. Be sure to browse through, and learn what (not) to do.

If you would like to get some help with becoming an excellent leader :commissar: why not check out the Leadership Programme? This will let you get direct access to a host who will be happy* to guide you through commanding a mission, especially if you have a cruel and devious plan.

You may have noticed that some people have FA flags all over them. You may have thought "wow, what a cool guy! I want to be like them when I grow up!" Well, there's no need to grow up just yet. Instead, click on this link here and you too can have an FA flag of your own.

One last thing! If you would like to contribute to the server fund that allows FA to keep running sessions, you can PayPal your last grubby potato to server-fund@folkarps.com, or click here to use the Party's new and improved organ donation service.

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