[Sun] 22 October 2017 (Who Watches the Overwatchers?)

How we died (in the future)
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[Sun] 22 October 2017 (Who Watches the Overwatchers?)

Post by SuicideKing »

17 folks came to play Arma, only 5 left the room. Which room? Don't ask me...

Run list: Afterparty
  • fa3_r14_rally_mount_tanoa_v1
Please leave any feedback for mission makers using the the feedback threads linked above (or on Discord), and tell us how much fun (or not-fun) you had below.

Mission makers, leadership elements and everyone else who's interested in how the missions played out is encouraged to check out http://server.folkarps.com/r3/ for a 2D recording and playback of each mission.

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Re: [Sun] 22 October 2017 (Who Watches the Overwatchers?)

Post by Lexer »

Ask and you shall receive

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